If I Stay is a young adult novel by Gayle Forman published in 2009. The story follows seventeen-year-old Mia Hall as she deals with the aftermath of a car accident that killed her parents and younger brother. Mia is left in a coma, and the novel explores her memories of her life up to the accident as she tries to decide whether to wake up and live or to die.Mia Hall is a talented cellist with a bright future ahead of her. She’s in love with Adam, a rocker who encourages her musical ambitions. And she’s about to make her debut at a prestigious music competition. But everything changes in an instant when a car accident leaves Mia’s parents and little brother dead, and Mia herself fighting for her life.As Mia lies in a coma, she reflects on her life up to the accident and all the choices she has made – good and bad. She must decide whether to wake up and face a life full of pain and uncertainty, or to let go and die.If I Stay is a heart-wrenching and ultimately uplifting novel about love, family, and the choices we make.
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