Essays on Feminism Is for Everybody

Feminism Is for Everybody
Original title Feminism Is for Everybody
Author bell hooks
Genre Novel , Bildungsroman
Language English
Characters no characters
Published October 1, 2000
ISBN 9780896083228
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

Feminism Is for Everybody is a book by American feminist and activist Gloria Steinem. The book is a primer on feminism, explaining what it is and how it can benefit everyone, regardless of their gender. Steinem argues that feminism is not just about women’s rights, but about human rights, and that everyone stands to benefit from a more just and equal society. She dispel common myths about feminism, such as the idea that it is anti-men, and makes the case that feminism is simply about ensuring that everyone has the same rights and opportunities. Feminism Is for Everybody is an accessible and inspiring introduction to feminism that will leave readers eager to learn more about this important movement.

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