Essays on Ask the Dust

Ask the Dust
Original title Ask the Dust
Author John Fante
Language English
Characters Arturo Bandini, Camilla Lopez, Fante, Mr Alvarado, Mrs Bandini, Mrs Dominguez
Published 1939 ( 1939 )
ISBN 978-0-06-083075-7
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

Arturo Bandini is a young writer in 1930s Los Angeles who is struggling to find success. He falls in love with a Mexican waitress named Camilla Lopez, but their relationship is fraught with racial tension and ultimately ends in tragedy. Bandini is left to grapple with his own identity and sense of self-worth in a city that is constantly changing and full of opportunity.Ask the Dust is a novel about love, loss, and identity. It is set in Los Angeles during the Great Depression, a time of great upheaval and change. The city is a character in its own right, and the novel explores the racial and social tensions that were present in Los Angeles at that time. Bandini is a complex and flawed protagonist who is struggling to find his place in the world. The novel is a tragedy, but it is also a story of hope and redemption.

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