A Christmas Memory is a short story by Truman Capote. The story is about a young boy named Buddy and his older cousin, Sook. Every year, the two of them would make fruitcakes together and give them away as presents. One year, Buddy’s parents decided to send him to live with his grandparents in New York City, which meant he would have to leave Sook behind.Buddy was very sad about this, but he knew he had to make the most of his time with Sook while he could.
They spent the days leading up to Christmas baking fruitcakes and preparing for their annual Christmas Eve party. On Christmas Eve, they invited all of their friends over and had a wonderful time. The next day, Buddy left for New York.Although he was sad to leave Sook, he was excited to start a new adventure. He soon realized that living with his grandparents was not as bad as he thought it would be. They were kind and loving, and he soon began to feel at home.
He also started attending a new school, where he made friends and did well in his studies.Buddy continued to think of Sook often, and he was thrilled when she came to visit him one Christmas. They spent the holiday catching up and baking fruitcakes, just like they used to. Buddy was happy to know that even though they were now living in different places, they would always be friends.