Learning management system

Introduction The internet has now become a part of the 21st century world. Everything and everyone is getting online. And those who are not doing so are missing out on the power of this modern age. Can the field of education be any far behind? Indeed not, as is evident from the introduction of E-learning! Learning is a complex process where student’s motivation, teacher, learning material and several other aspects interact with each other. Nowadays, the traditional classroom teaching has changed more and more into a virtual environment where different issues about learning has to be taken into account.

Learning has dramatically changed over recent decades when technical revolution has brought different opportunities to learn via the Internet.

E-learning is a term that is used to refer to computer-based learning. It uses computer based training and teaching materials, online conferencing, discussion boards, e-mail, computer-aided assessment, and other related methods. AdU E-learning has been introduced to the students of Adamson University.

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Each student has his/her own account. Their student number would be the username for the account and their initial password will be given through the ITC (Information Technology Center).

This Learning Management System has clearly become one of the most adopted learning frameworks for education. AdU E-learning has become one of the innovations of learning and teaching for educational institution and it clearly defines a vast advantage of providing a newer form of learning environment for students and a great supplement for teachers. This will further enhance learning capability on a new better environment, providing student-enhanced learning method and for teachers with enhanced delivery and management for lessons.

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We chose this kind of topic for our thesis because we are aware of the benefits we can get

from the E-learning. The most attractive feature of E-learning is that it is student-centered. Since most of the students are inclined to social networking sites, using E-learning is just a piece of cake. This software also accommodates individual preferences and needs. At the same time, it empowers students of various backgrounds to have equal access to the best resources and referral material, lecture sessions, and tutoring. The set-up of E-learning allows students to learn easily for the standardized tests by downloading the study material they want, rather than paying hefty bills to tuitions.

In other words, the online environment allows a learning atmosphere where there is a better focus on study due to the effect of saved efforts, time and lesser hassles. E-learning opens up a new world of studying comfortably and with better results. Statement of the Problem Major Problem: How can AdU E-learning improve students’ learning ability? Minor Problems: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: a. Course b. Year level c. Age d. Frequency of using AdU E-learning e. Accessibility to the internet 2. How effective is AdU E-learning in terms of: a. Academic performance b.

Dissemination of information c. Submission of projects d. Enrollment e. Grading f. Accessibility to lessons and discussions g. General graphical user interface h. Management of students’ records Scope and Limitations This study is all about improving students’ learning ability through AdU E-learning. We will study about how AdU E-learning helps students on different aspects. This also intends to sum up all the features of the said learning management system that aids on the easy accessibility Significance of the Study The study on the effectiveness of AdU E-learning on the improvement of students’learning ability is beneficial to the following:

1. Adamson University administrators will know how E-learning helps in the awareness of the students on information and updates about the school. This will also help them review on how helpful does the posting of grades online on the students’ assessment of his/her performance. 2. Adamson University Professors / Instructors can review a student's scores and identify any areas that need additional teaching. Bringing a lot of school projects to be checked at home is a hassle but with the aid of E-learning they will have a convenient way of checking his/her student’s project.

AdU E-learning can be updated easily and quickly. It is easy to keep up-to-date because the updated materials are simply uploaded to a server. Professors can also disseminate information through the software. 3. Adamson University students will be informed about updates and current events in Adamson University. E-learning is very beneficial when it comes to subject enlistment because through this the students can avoid crowded and long lines during enrollment. It also aids for a faster way of submitting any requirements to their professors.

Through the posting of grades online, students can monitor their academic performances. They will be aware on what subjects they need to focus on. It also saves paper because instead of printing or photocopying you can have an access to reading materials through PDFs and Powerpoint presentations. This is also a user-friendly software. Definition of Terms The following terms were used in the study: 1. Adamson University. It is a catholic university in Manila, Philippines wherein the researchers will conduct their survey.

2. AdU E-learning. It is an electronic learning software or a learning management system exclusive for Adamsonians that helps them have a convenient accessibility to lectures and announcements. 3. Academic performance. This is one of the factors considered on how effective AdU E-learning is. It is the outcome of education — the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. 4. Engineering students. They are the respondents of this study. They’re the ones who take up any engineering courses in Adamson University.

5. General Graphical User interface. It is a program interface that takes advantage of the computer's graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use. 6. Information. These are the facts provided or learned about something or someone.

7. Internet access. It is the means by which individual terminals, computers, mobile devices, and local area networks are connected to the global Internet. 8. Learning. It is a process where a human absorbs information, memorizes and processes it for further use. 9. Learning ability. It is the student’s mental ability. 10. Learning style. This refers to how a learner prefers to learn. 11. Online reservation of subjects. It is an easier way of enlisting or reserving the subjects the students want to take up for the next semester.

12. Technology. It refers to the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. CHAPTER 2 Review of the Related Literature and Studies What are the processes that can improve students’ learning ability? According to Pashler, et. al. (2007), much of teaching is about helping students master new knowledge and skills and then helping students not to forget what they have learned.

The recommendations are intended to provide teachers with specific strategies for organizing both instruction and students’ studying of material to facilitate learning and remembering information, and to enable students to use what they have learned in new situations. We recommend a set of actions that teachers can take that reflect the process of teaching and learning, and that recognizes the ways in which instruction must respond to the state of the learner. It also reflects our central organizing principle that learning depends upon memory, and that memory of skills and concepts can be strengthened by relatively concrete—and in some cases quite non-obvious strategies.

Furthermore, on www.collegeatlas. org, struggling to become a successful college student, some people erroneously believe that studying a lot is the answer. While increasing the amount of time you dedicated to your studies may be important, the key to becoming a successful college student is learning to studying smart. In college, time quickly becomes a rare commodity, course work is lengthy, competition is intense, and the level of expectation is quite a bit higher than it was when you were in high school. Sometimes you're going to feel there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done, and done correctly.

And you know what? You'll be right! There will never be enough hours in the day to get everything done, if you don't learn how to study smart. Our study skills guides for college students were designed with college students in mind. Time management, note taking, reading comprehension, essay writing, test taking, active listening, stress management, researching, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed in our study skills guides for college students.

If you'll take the time to learn and apply the concepts, principles, and skills taught in our study guides and tutorials, you'll not only improve your academic performance and ability to learn, but you may even find that at the end of the day you have a little free time on your hands. (www. collegeatlas. org) According to the website, www. academictips. org, reviewing your chosen study topic is one of the techniques you have to do to improve one’s learning ability.

The steps are as follows. After your five-minute rest, read the same information again. Concentrate only on those points that are most important. Then take another five-minute break and re-read once more, fitting all the bits of information together.

Both of these reviews would be made even better by note-taking in whatever way you find easy and helpful. Make sure that the notes you make are well organized! One week and two weeks later review the topic again using your notes. By now you should have found that there has been a huge improvement in your ability to remember, understand and use that information. Finally, you must revise. This is simply a way of drawing loose ends together with the same study method but this time using your notes only. If you use the above methods while you are still following a course of study, your final revision will be made much easier.

Some students who have used these methods early find that very little final revision is necessary. They became so good at remembering the work during the course of the year that they didn’t need to do anymore! What are the effects of E-learning to students? According to “A Study Into The Effects Of E- Learning On Higher Education” by Singh, et. al. (2005), e-learning could have potentially major effects on the way higher education is designed, implemented and delivered. Until now, universities have been static in their structure and delivery of higher education courses.

However, demand for learning has never been so high, and this in conjunction with the need to geographically broaden learning may prompt universities to introduce e-learning initiatives. The same demands for learning and the increased revenue of independent educational providers, has produced a real threat to the very existence of the traditional university. e-learning may provide universities with a means of exceeding the newly formed competition, by taking full advantage of their traditional, already established reputations.

For students, e-learning can provide an educationally-superior alternative to traditional lectures, in which learning can take place outside the lecture hall. e- learning can also provide a model for students on how to become self directed independent learners, which may assist them to become ‘life long learners’. For lecturers, networked learning may cause changes in work patterns and even change their professional role, but in addition, e-learning provides them with the opportunity to test students in real business situations and new methods to evaluate each student’s learning.

The role of the lecturer is predominant in the successful delivery of networked learning initiatives, as lecturers have the influence to eliminate student’s technical frustrations, make students feel empowered and encourage students to interact with one another. (Singh, et. al. , 2005) Based from the results of the study “The Effect of E-learning Approach on Students’ Achievement in Biomedical Instrumentation Course at Palestine Polytechnic University” by Arman, et. al (2009), the goal of any learning activity is for learning to take place. A common way to measure the effectiveness of instruction is to measure learner achievement.

Measuring learner achievement in e-learning environments requires special attention. In fact, traditional methods for measuring learner achievement can be applied to e-learning courses with some forethought and modification. Quizzes, exams, team and individual projects, as well as written assignments, can all be used in e-learning courses. The use of electronic mediums can even make grading of tests and quizzes easier because scores can be tabulated immediately following the completion of a quiz or test, providing quick and accurate feedback to learners.

From their discussion, it is clear that e-learning approach has good efficiency in learning and improves the students’ achievement and attitudes toward this new systematic way of learning using the new technology based on computer and multimedia tools. After the results of the research have been lighted, the researcher would like to suggest the following:

The e-learning approach should be used in our universities, especially occupation military barriers are usual; execute practical sessions for students of all levels concerning use of LMS; encourage instructors to practice the e-learning approach and use LMS; and establish an authoring unit for e-learning of different courses with different experts.

(Arman, et. al. , 2009) Moreover, on Rodgers’, “Student Engagement in the E-Learning Process and the Impact on Their Grades” (2008), after controlling for student personal characteristics, it was found that one extra hour of e-learning engagement increase the module mark by 1. 035%. Given a sample standard deviation of 5. 61 hours, differences in e-learning engagement can be viewed as accounting for 5. 81% of the variation in student marks. These findings suggest that academic performance could potentially be improved by developing teaching strategies that encourage greater student engagement in the e-learning process.

The paper also provides evidence of the impact on academic performance of mismatches between e-teaching styles and e-learning styles. Evidence is found of personal-characteristic related differences in the effectiveness of the online teaching process. It is found that, after controlling for other factors, female students benefited less from e-learning than did their male counterparts. The study also found some tentative evidence to suggest that there was an interaction effect between a student’s country of origin and e-learning effectiveness.

(Rodgers,2008) If it is eventually possible to find e-teaching methods that can accommodate different e- learning styles then we are likely to see an improvement in overall student academic achievement on e-learning based courses. (Rodgers,2008) According to “The Impact of E-Learning on StudentsPerformance in Tertiary Institutions” by Oye, et. al. (2012), e-learning has become an increasingly popular learning approach in higher educational institutions due to the rapid growth of Internet technologies. E- learning is the use of information and communication technology to enhance and facilitate teaching and learning.

This study examines the application of e-learning model to explain acceptance of the e-learning technology within the academic settings. The study confirms that in order to foster individuals’ intention to use an e-learning, positive perception on e-learning use is crucial. By using linear regression analysis, the study verified that, while attitudes have influence on intention to use, the actual e-learning use has significant effect on students’ academic performance. E-learning use is associated with increased students’ academic performance.

Recommendation was that, training and information sessions on e-learning need to focus primarily on how the e-learning technology can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of students’ learning process. (Oye, et. al, 2012) CHAPTER 3 Methodology Research Design The study about Improving Students’ Learning Ability through AdU E-learning uses descriptive research. Instrumentation This study uses survey form as its instrument.

Sampling Technique CHAPTER 3 Methodology Research Design The study about Improving Students’ Learning Ability through AdU E-learning uses descriptive research. Instrumentation This study uses survey form as its instrument. Sampling Technique Respondents were chosen using non-probability sampling technique. Statistical Treatment CHAPTER 4 Presentation of Data This chapter presents the data collected from the survey. Demographic Profile of the Respondents Course Frequency Percent (%) B. S. Computer Engineering 9 30 B. S. Electronics and Communications Engineering 21 70 B. S.

Electrical Engineering 0 0 B. S. Civil Engineering 0 0 B. S. Industrial Engineering 0 0 B. S. Mechanical Engineering 0 0 B. S. Chemical Engineering 0 0 Total 30 100 Figure 1. Course of the Respondents Figure 1 explains the course of the respondents.

9 out of 30 or 30% of the respondents are taking B. S. Computer Engineering. 21 out of 30 or 70% of the respondents are taking B. S. Electronics and Communication Engineering. There were no respondents who take up the courses: B. S. Electric Engineering, B. S. Civil Engineering, B. S. Industrial Engineering, B. S. Mechanical Engineering, and B. S. Chemical Engineering. Year Frequency Percent(%) 1st Year 13 43. 33 2nd Year 1 3. 33 3rd Year 8 26. 67 4th Year 8 26. 67 5th Year 0 0 Total 30 100 Figure 2.

Year Level of Respondents Figure 2 gives explanations on the year level of respondents. 13 out of 30 or 43. 33% ofthe respondents are on the 1st year level. 1 out of 30 or 3. 33% of the respondents are on the 2nd year level. 8 out of 30 or 26. 67% of the respondents are on the 3rd year level. 8 out of 30 or 26. 67% of the respondents are on the 4th year level.

There were no respondents on the 5th year level. Age Frequency Percent (%) 16 years old or below 3 10 17-19 years old 22 73. 34 20-22 years old 4 13. 33 23 years old or above 1 3. 33 Total 30 100 Figure 3. Age of the Respondents Figure 3 gives details on the age of the respondents. 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents are 16 years old or below. 22 out of 30 or 73.

34% of the respondents are 17-19 years old. 4 out of 30 or 13. 33% of the respondents are 20-22 years old and 1 out of 30 or 3. 33% of the respondents are 23 years old or above. Frequency of using AdU E-learning Frequency Percent (%) Always 3 10 Seldom 15 50 Sometimes 12 40 Never 0 0 Total 30 100 Figure 4. Frequency of using AdU E-learning Figure 4 shows the frequency of using AdU E-learning. 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents are always using AdU E-learning. 15 out of 30 or 50% of the respondents are seldom using AdU E-learning. 12 out of 30 or 40% of the respondents are sometimes using AdU E-learning.

There were no respondents who never used AdU E-learning. Devices used to access AdU E-learning Frequency Percent (%) Personal Computers 12 40 Computer Rentals 1 3. 33 Laptop 14 46. 67 Tablet 0 0 Android 3 10 Total 30 100 Figure 5. Devices used to access AdU E-learning Figure 5 shows the devices used by the respondents to access AdU E-learning. 12 out of 30 or 40% of the respondents are using personal computers to access AdU E-learning. 1 out of 30 or 3. 33% of the respondents are using computer rentals to access AdU E-learning. 14 out of 30 or 46. 67% of the respondents are using laptops to access AdU E-learning.

3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents are using androids to access AdU E-learning. There were no respondents who use tablets to access AdU E-learning. Survey proper Academic Performances Frequency Percent (%) Yes 26 86. 67 No 4 13. 33 Total 30 100 Figure 6. Academic Performance Figure 6 shows that 26 out of 30 or 86. 67% of the respondents use AdU E-learning to help on their studies while 4 out of 30 or 13. 33% of the respondents stated that AdU E-learning does not help on their studies. Thus, AdU E-learning can help the students on their studies. Dissemination of Information Frequency Percent (%).

Yes 16 53. 33 No 14 46. 67 Total 30 100 Figure 7. Dissemination of Information Figure 7 presents that 16 out of 30 or 53. 33% of the respondents are well-updated about the announcements, agendas and currents events happening in the school through the aid of AdU E-learning while 14 out of 30 or 46. 67% of the respondents are not well-updated about the announcements, agendas and currents events in the school through the aid of AdU E-learning. Thus, AdU E-learning is an efficient aid for keeping the students well-updated about the announcements, agendas and currents events happening in the school.

Submission of Requirements Frequency Percent (%) Yes 13 43. 33 No 17 56. 67 Total 30 100 Figure 8. Submission of Requirements (projects, assignments and others) Figure 8 exhibits that 13 out of 30 or 43. 33% of the respondents use AdU E-learning to submit requirements to their professors while 17 out of 30 or 56. 67% of the respondents don’t use AdU E-learning to submit requirements to their professors. Thus, AdU E-learning as a means of submitting requirements to the professors is notyet introduced to most students of Adamson University. Reservation of Subjects Frequency Percent(%) Yes 22 73.

33 No 8 26. 67 Total 30 100 Figure 9. Reservation of Subjects Figure 9 shows that 22 out of 30 or 73. 33% of the respondents stated that reservation of subjects through the AdU E-learning is more convenient while 8 out of 30 or 26. 67% stated that reservation of subjects through AdU E-learning is not convenient. Thus, AdU E-learning makes it more convenient for the students to reserve subjects. Online Posting of Grades Frequency Percent(%) Yes 30 100 No 0 0 Total 30 100 Figure 10.

Posting of Grades Figure 10 shows that 30 out of 30 or 100% affirm that posting of grades through AdU E-learning is helpful. There were no respondents who affirm that AdU E-learning’s posting of grades is not helpful. Thus, AdU E-learning’s posting of grades is very helpful to the students of Adamson University. Accessibility to Lessons and Discussions Frequency Percent(%)

Yes 20 66. 67 No 10 33. 33 Total 30 100 Figure 11. Accessibility to Lessons and Discussions Figure 10 presents that 20 out of 30 or 66. 67% of the respondents use AdU E-learning as reference for their lessons in class while 10 out of 30 or 33. 33% of the respondents don’t use AdU E-learning as reference for their lessons in class.

Thus, AdU E-learning is an effective reference for students’ lessons in class. Accessibility to AdU E-learning Frequency Percent(%) Yes 27 90 No 3 10 Total 30 100 Figure 12. Easy accessibility to AdU E-learning Figure 12 shows that 27 out of 30 or 90% of the respondents have an easy accessibility to AdU E-learning while 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents don’t have an easy accessibility to AdU E-learning. Thus, AdU E-learning can be easily accessed by the students. Effectiveness of Keeping Records Frequency Percent(%) Yes 27 90 No 3 10 Total 30 100 Figure 13. Effectiveness of Keeping Records.

Figure 13 shows that 27 out of 30 or 90% of the respondents find AdU E-learning as an effective aid for keeping students’ records while 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents don’t find AdU E-learning as effective aid for keeping students’ records Thus, AdU E-learning is as an effective aid for keeping students’ record. CHAPTER 5 Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions: In this study, the following conclusions are derived: 1. Adamson University E-learning is very helpful to the students when it comes to their studies. 2. Adamson University E-learning is a useful means for disseminating information to the students.

3. Adamson University E-learning as a means for online submission of requirements is not yet introduced to most of the students in Adamson University. 4. Adamson University E-learning makes it easier and convenient for the students to reserve their subjects. 5. Posting of grades through Adamson University E-learning is very helpful for the students’ academic awareness. 6. Lectures, may be it a pdf file or a powerpoint presentation, uploaded in Adamson University E-learning by the instructors are of big help for the students. 7. Students find it easy to access Adamson University E-learning because of its user-

friendly interface. 8. Adamson University E-learning is an effective aid for keeping students’ record. Recommendations Based on the mentioned conclusions, the following are recommended: 1. The professors should introduce the online submission of requirements through Adamson University E-learning so that it will make things easier and faster. 2. The maintenance of Adamson University E-learning should be focused on so that technical errors and problems can be avoided. 3. Dissemination of information through Adamson University E-learning should also be improved.

Bibliography Books, magazines and encyclopedias Pashler, H. , et. al. (2007). Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning . IES Practice Guide. NCER 2007-2004. National Center for Education Research, 63. Available from: ED Pubs. PO Box 1398Jessup. Singh, G. , et. al. (2005). A Study into the Effects of E-Learning on Higher Education. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. Arman, A. , et. al. (2009). Effect of E-learning Approach on Students' Achievement in Biomedical Instrumentation Course at Palestine Polytechnic University. Innovation and Knowledge.

Management in Twin Track Economies: Challenges & Solutions, Vols 1-3. K. S. Soliman. Norristown, Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima: 1553-1557. Rodgers, T. (2008). Student Engagement in the E-Learning Process and the Impact on Their Grades. International: Journal of Cyber Society and Education. Oye, N. D. (2012). The Impact of E-Learning on StudentsPerformance in Tertiary Institutions. IRACST – International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), ISSN: 2250-3501. Internet www. collegeatlas. org www. academictips. org

Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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