Learn Spanish - Equip Yourself for a Multilingual World

Whether our world is warming or cooling, it certainly seems to be shrinking! As there is more and more international commerce, as events in one part of the world affect all the other parts, and as airlines, satellite TV and the Internet tie it all together, we are all just next door to each other.

Language is one of the things that separates us. The languages spoken by the largest numbers of people are Chinese, Hindi, English and Spanish. English has 380 million native speakers and 600 million who speak it as a 2nd language.

Spanish has 400 million native speakers; 100 million speak it as a 2nd language.

Chinese and Hindi are spoken a long way away and are very different from English. Spanish is spoken nearby and shares many roots and common words with English, making it easy to learn. Naturally, Spanish is the 2nd language of choice for native English speakers.

Speaking another language should be part of the basic education of each of us.

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Who wants to be monolingual in a multilingual world?

And it is easy to learn conversational Spanish! An excellent interactive-audio Spanish learning course can be bought 24/7 and downloaded from the Internet for under $100.

The lessons can be listened to and learned anywhere, anytime using iPods, CD's or almost any type of audio player. You can learn proper pronunciation from excellent native speakers of Spanish. Learn to handle basic conversation in a few days or weeks. Become conversant in Spanish in 2-3 months!

Equip yourself to speak with your neighbors, both south of the Rio Grande and inside the U.S.

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itself. After all, there are 41 million Hispanics living in the U.S. Of these, some 17 million either do not speak English or do not speak it very well.

Speaking another language greatly expands your cultural understanding, and your appreciation of your own native language and culture. It makes travel a whole new adventure, not dependent on tour guides and interpreters.

So learn Spanish! Get yourself a learning course and expand your horizons. Do your part to promote international understanding and communication! Exercise your brain (use it or lose it!), speak to your neighbors in a way that they can understand! Equip yourself to deal with our multilingual world.

Learn Spanish.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Learn Spanish - Equip Yourself for a Multilingual World. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/learn-spanish-equip-yourself-for-a-multilingual-world-24971-new-essay

Learn Spanish - Equip Yourself for a Multilingual World essay
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