Leadership Traits for Successfully Managing in the Clinical Arena


Medical leadership is becoming crucial due to the current trends where there is a lot of expansion in the medical field. A large percentage of hospital experts are becoming leaders as they open up their private clinics which then means must acquire necessary leadership traits for successful operation. This is the reason why medical training on leadership is now becoming an important component in medical schools such as Duke University and the University of Kentucky. These traits make the relationship between physicians and between the administrations in the clinical arena at large (DeVries et al., 2010).

This paper explores leadership traits for success in management in the clinical arena and how it applies to integrate concepts relating to leadership in the professional nursing role. Furthermore, the paper will evaluate how the topic applies and compares to selected theories of leadership, management, and organizations in relation to healthcare agencies.

Leadership Traits

Success in the clinical arena demands that the leader should be endowed with some traits that are crucial for such a role.

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Vision is one of such a trait. There are a lot of setbacks in the medical field which then implies without a proper vision that acts as a source of focus then one can easily give up. Vision makes such a leader able to always keep their eyes on the big picture and where they are going which then makes develop resilience when issues arise in the medical arena. With a vision, it is easier to focus the energy of every stakeholder in the achievement of the set goals and objectives which is important (Stoller, 2013).

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Furthermore, integrity as a trait is also very important. The medical field involves helping people which then demands that one must possess the highest moral standard if success is to be realized. Integrity would be vital in ensuring, for instance, the provision of better services in terms of quality which is necessary in the clinical arena (Stoller, 2013).

Empathy as a trait is necessary. Since as a leader one has to deal with patients and other workers, the professional is required to listen to the coworkers and relate considerably to them which then improves the output. Furthermore, optimism cannot be ignored as a trait. In the clinical arena, there many circumstances which physicians encounter that might bring about hopelessness way before you provide the needed services. For instances when you encounter patients who are incredibly ill. A healthcare leader must, therefore, be ready to show optimism to both the patient, other physicians and staff for effective service delivery in the organization. Effective communication must also be possessed. The medical field always requires a lot of precision failure to which lead to fatal accidents and even death. As a leader in this field, one must possess and transfer the same to juniors which then ensures efficiency in the operations of the clinic. Effective communication is what makes task distribution better and thus avoid confusion in the organization (Frich et al., 2015).

How the Topic Applies to Integrate Concepts Applied to Leadership into Professional Nursing Role

There is a close link between leadership traits and integrated concepts related to leadership in professional nursing. One cannot talk about leadership concepts without mentioning leadership traits. In fact, most of the concepts in leadership are borrowed from the characteristics that a better leader should have. The core concepts of leadership include competences, courage, clarity and character (Day et al., 2014). For any successful leader in the medical arena, one must incorporate all these concepts in their leadership style. For instance, a concept such as clarity is what gives a leader a trait like good communication. Character as a concept is also crucial in manifesting some of the traits of a good medical leader such as vision and integrity (Day et al., 2014). This, therefore, brings about clear evidence of the relationship that exists between the two concepts which relate to leadership in the clinical arena. Thus, the topic directly applies to this competence through a relationship which is inseparable since once you speak of leadership traits then automatically integrate concepts related to leadership come in.

How the Topic Applies to Selected Theories of Leadership, Management and Organization in Relation to Healthcare

Several theories have been formulated to explain leadership with major classifications including theories such as trait theories, behavioral theories, situational contingency theories, participative theories and transformational theories (Northouse, 2018). For instance, trait theory states that people inherit certain characteristics which make them better leaders. The theory identifies certain qualities which are shared by most leaders. The traits in this theory, such as integrity, confidence, tolerance and flexibility are what again makes the traits necessary for the success of any leader which then bring out a clear relationship between the two concepts. The behavioral theory has a focus on the action of a leader in healthcare. This theory also formulates essential leadership traits for success in the medical field since better behaviour in the leader is critical if any progress and effective management are to be realized (Northouse, 2018). It is therefore clear from the theories that apply to leadership, management and organization in healthcare that the relationship between leadership traits and these theories is undeniable.


In conclusion, it is indeed evident that there is a close relationship between leadership traits for successfully managing in the clinical arena as a topic chosen for this paper and the two concepts presented. Concepts relating to leadership are found in the leadership traits and both apply to the medical field which means when you mention one, the other automatically comes in. Furthermore, theories of leadership form a basis for traits in a successful leader. Therefore, the topic chosen directly applies to the two course competencies mentioned and discussed above.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Leadership Traits for Successfully Managing in the Clinical Arena. (2021, Mar 03). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/leadership-traits-for-successfully-managing-in-the-clinical-arena-essay

Leadership Traits for Successfully Managing in the Clinical Arena essay
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