Kendrick Lamar: A Musical Voice of Social Commentary

Kendrick lamar is a modern time rapper who expresses his opinions on judgement,drugs,money,love and fame through the form of music. Any song you listen too, he will always make you evaluate yourself and the world around you.

Kendrick Lamar has the same effect as every other modern rapper effects. He changes the norms and values that teens will apply to their personal lives. Teens are affected this way because thats how the interpret his music.

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I interpret it a different way.

He actually delivers messages through his music. Kendrick lamar is a modern time rapper who expresses his opinions on judgement,drugs,money,love and fame through the form of music. Any song you listen too, he will always make you evaluate yourself and the world around you.

Kendrick Lamar has the same effect as every other modern rapper effects. He changes the norms and values that teens will apply to their personal lives. Teens are affected this way because thats how the interpret his music. I interpret it a different way. He actually delivers messages through his music. Kendrick lamar is a modern time rapper who expresses his opinions on judgement,drugs,money,love and fame through the form of music. Any song you listen too, he will always make you evaluate yourself and the world around you.

Kendrick Lamar has the same effect as every other modern rapper effects. He changes the norms and values that teens will apply to their personal lives. Teens are affected this way because thats how the interpret his music. I interpret it a different way. He actually delivers messages through his music. Kendrick lamar is a modern time rapper who expresses his opinions on judgement,drugs,money,love and fame through the form of music. Any song you listen too, he will always make you evaluate yourself and the world around you.

Kendrick Lamar has the same effect as every other modern rapper effects. He changes the norms and values that teens will apply to their personal lives. Teens are affected this way because thats how the interpret his music. I interpret it a different way. He actually delivers messages through his music. Kendrick lamar is a modern time rapper who expresses his opinions on judgement,drugs,money,love and fame through the form of music. Any song you listen too, he will always make you evaluate yourself and the world around you.

Kendrick Lamar has the same effect as every other modern rapper effects. He changes the norms and values that teens will apply to their personal lives. Teens are affected this way because thats how the interpret his music. I interpret it a different way. He actually delivers messages through his music. Kendrick lamar is a modern time rapper who expresses his opinions on judgement,drugs,money,love and fame through the form of music. Any song you listen too, he will always make you evaluate yourself and the world around you.

Kendrick Lamar has the same effect as every other modern rapper effects. He changes the norms and values that teens will apply to their personal lives. Teens are affected this way because thats how the interpret his music. I interpret it a different way. He actually delivers messages through his music. Kendrick lamar is a modern time rapper who expresses his opinions on judgement,drugs,money,love and fame through the form of music. Any song you listen too, he will always make you evaluate yourself and the world around you.

Kendrick Lamar has the same effect as every other modern rapper effects. He changes the norms and values that teens will apply to their personal lives. Teens are affected this way because thats how the interpret his music. I interpret it a different way. He actually delivers messages through his music.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Kendrick Lamar: A Musical Voice of Social Commentary. (2016, Apr 19). Retrieved from

Kendrick Lamar: A Musical Voice of Social Commentary essay
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