Exploration of the Human Heart in Brian Doyle's "Joyas Voladoras"

Categories: Blue WhaleWhale


Brian Doyle's work, "Joyas Voladoras," delves into the intricate details of life by examining the existence of hummingbirds, a whale, worms, and a cat facing its demise in the forest. Doyle employs metaphors and anthropomorphism to captivate the reader, weaving a narrative that transcends the boundaries of species. Through vivid descriptions and contemplative prose, Doyle draws parallels between the Hummingbird, Tortoise, Blue whale, small insects, and humans, exploring themes of love, emotion, insecurities, loneliness, and childhood memories. This essay aims to analyze Doyle's exploration of the human heart and the profound lessons embedded in "Joyas Voladoras.


The Hummingbird's Thunderous Heart

At the outset, Doyle introduces the meaning of "Joyas Voladoras" as "Flying Jewels," setting the stage for an exploration of the hummingbird's world. With meticulous detail, he describes the hummingbird's heart as "thunderous wild, the size of an infant's fingernail" (147). Doyle employs metaphors to underscore the fragility and vitality of life, drawing a parallel between the hummingbird's heart and our own.

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The hummingbird becomes a metaphor for the transient nature of existence, emphasizing the importance of cherishing each moment.

As Doyle elaborates on the hummingbird's capabilities, such as flying backward or covering over five hundred miles without rest, he also reveals the vulnerability inherent in their rapid lives. When at rest, their hearts approach a near halt, echoing the delicate balance between life and death. This serves as a poignant metaphor for the unpredictability of life and the realization that every day is a gift. Notably, Doyle's personal experience, with his son born with a congenital heart condition, adds a layer of depth to the metaphor, highlighting the preciousness of life through the lens of vulnerability and resilience.

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Life Paths and Heartbeat Allocation

Doyle extends the exploration by reflecting on the choices available in living one's life, using the metaphor of heartbeats as currency. Each person, like a hummingbird, is allotted approximately two billion heartbeats in a lifetime (148). The analogy of the tortoise, living slowly for two hundred years, contrasts with the hummingbird's swift existence of only two years. Despite the difference in lifespan, the two share the same quantity of heartbeats, prompting contemplation on the diverse ways individuals choose to spend their allotted heartbeats.

The introduction of the blue whale's colossal heart adds a new dimension to the exploration. The whale, with a heart as large as a room, becomes a symbol of love and companionship, emphasizing the significance of relationships in the journey of life. Doyle suggests that the animals with the largest hearts, like the blue whales traveling in pairs, understand the essence of living and loving together. This mirrors human desires for connection, love, and the shared experience of navigating life's complexities.

The Fragility of Hearts and the House Within

As Doyle ventures into the fragility of the human heart, he contemplates the emotional intricacies that shape our lives. He metaphorically compares hearts to houses, expressing that we live in them alone, utterly open with no one (148). The analogy unfolds the dichotomy of human nature – the simultaneous yearning for connection and the fear of a constantly harrowed heart. Doyle acknowledges the bruises and scars acquired through life's heartbreaks, highlighting the resilience that enables hearts to be repaired over time.

The essay reaches an emotional crescendo as Doyle introduces poignant imagery, including a child's apple breath, a cat with a broken spine seeking solitude in the woods, and the memory of a father making pancakes for his children. These visceral scenes evoke a spectrum of emotions, from innocence to heartbreak, emphasizing the richness of human experiences held within the chambers of our hearts.


In conclusion, Brian Doyle's "Joyas Voladoras" transcends the boundaries of a traditional essay, becoming a profound exploration of the human heart. Through intricate metaphors and poignant storytelling, Doyle invites readers to reflect on the fragility and resilience of life. The hummingbird becomes a symbolic guide, urging us to live with an awareness of the fleeting nature of time. The choices we make in allocating our heartbeats and the significance of relationships are explored through the lens of diverse animal lives.

Doyle's personal connection to the theme adds a layer of authenticity and emotion, making "Joyas Voladoras" a deeply resonant work. The essay encourages us to cherish every heartbeat, embrace the diversity of life paths, and navigate the complexities of the heart with courage and openness. In the grand tapestry of existence, "Joyas Voladoras" stands as a testament to the profound beauty and vulnerability of the human experience.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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Exploration of the Human Heart in Brian Doyle's "Joyas Voladoras". (2016, Aug 30). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/joyas-voladoras-book-review-essay

Exploration of the Human Heart in Brian Doyle's "Joyas Voladoras" essay
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