The Growth Of AI In Robotics

It must have been a long while since you are hearing about us humans getting replaced by robots. It is no surprise to you that AI has evolved to such an extent that it has started taking over the jobs which humans are/were doing, with a huge increase. The entire MI industry has become an epidemic to the human race. AI has given empowerment to machines which have roots deep down in the entire system of our living. It has intruded with a power that we have never witnessed before.

Experts consider the entire intervention of AI as "intrusion of the algorithm." The effects of AI's prevalence were, are, and will remain subtle until it takeovers all the aspects of human lives. Just to let you know it will not happen ever. Soon the progress in the advanced AI will correspond more as these robots move towards their advancement. And just in case you haven't noticed it yet, its primal transitions have already modified our attitudes in significant ways.

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With recent advancements, you must have heard about the machines operated by AI who have beaten the record of a human in a test for reading and comprehension. These machines are produced by a company named as Alibaba. But would you like to expect humans getting beaten at Go and Jeopardy in the coming 10 - 15 years of time? We leave this to you to answer it with the help of your common sense. These machines have been partying hard on human lives for quite some time as robotics was first introduced in Surgery.

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If you don't believe it, do check out the employment lists of US hospitals. You will see that more than 1/3 of these hospitals have surgical robots working there, or at least they have one of these surgical robots.

In the near future, you will see that there is no industry left that has not been impacted by AI by the year 2020. To list a few of these industries: transportation, real estate, financial services, retail, fast-food, restaurants, customer service, insurance, construction, banking, so on and so forth. Even the white-collars jobs like; lawyers, doctors, writers, journalists etc. will get a hard hit as the technology make its advances. At present we are training the robots and preparing them for driving and how they can simulate with the world around. But soon there will come a time when AI is educating your coming generation and teaching them how they (the future human generations) can bring improvements in the world economy. The advances in robots will eliminate most of the jobs completely, some will become a high-end jobs, and according to the present estimations, about 5 million job posts will be lost. This left all of us with a question that how many jobs will become needless by the year 2020?

As scary as it may sound, we human beings are going to be replaced sooner or later, but we must stay nimble-footed because we are all taught to change. By far how many times have you switched you career path? And what have you done to get a hold of these changes throughout your life span? The answer is you learn and acquired to get settle down with the changes you have made. By the time you finished learning these new ways, you found that the demands and the distance with have changed. And sometimes you have not even got the chance to finish your learning and the demands are already changed drastically in those areas. People who have concerns over humans being replaced by robots should not worry about much because AI may replace humans on jobs but it cannot finish work. AI is only optimizing the majority of our systems for the betterment of the human lifespan.

The more it optimizes the systems, the more it creates new and creative opportunities in new fields you will have. There are no specific estimated guesses about the rate and no. of jobs still there as a hypothesis, it will create new jobs. Research in this matter was conducted at Gartner; research firms, confirm the hypothesis and concluded that by the year 2020 about 2.3 million new work posts are going to be created by AI, whereas it will eliminate about 1.8 million conventional work posts.

"The basic fact is that technology eliminates jobs, not work. It is the continuous obligation of economic policy to match increases in productive potential with increases in purchasing power and demand. Otherwise, the potential created by technical progress runs to waste in idle capacity, unemployment, and deprivation." - National Commission on Technology, Automation and Economic Progress, Technology and the American Economy.

Additionally, there are so many people who think that humans will be left behind, which is for us a highly overrated argument. Surely, we are living in a time where regulating algorithms is difficult, and surely it will become harder to deal with the advanced AI technology. A technology that has far better capabilities and understanding, learning, engineering, coding, and replicating on its own than us but still we are the ones who created it. Or aren't we? Even in the future, there will be ways that will help us survive against this man-made technology. Its learning about things may expand exponentially but don't forget they once made to do the repetitive work too. We humans will find creative ways to evolve more and better than what we already are. Human beings are naturally prone to adaptation and being creative. This is the reason why our ancestors have survived, we are surviving and the future lot will too find its creative and innovative ways for survival. Even if it means to survive against their forefather's creations they will certainly find numerous ways to do so. You have been exploring what will become of human existence when robots will take over the jobs they perform at present.

The exponential growth of AI in robotics can put any sane person in doubts but at the same time, their common sense can also tell them we are the ones who have created this thing with our intelligence. The intelligence with which we humans are getting so concerned about is the one named as artificial intelligence by us. No matter how to advance it will become or how much it will gain control of our lives in the future it can never ever surpass something which is real.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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