Enhancing Canadian Tourism: Challenges and Solutions

Due to the inability of the employees to avoid risks and deal with emergencies, the government and the Canadian tourism commission incur heavy costs as they continue to promote the nation as a tourist destination while the tourists are avoiding the nation. The global outreach campaign is costly and is targeted at wooing tourists from all over the globe. The employees should be carefully considered to ensure the efficient operations of the tourism industries. The semi skilled laborers increase the costs of operations as they require further training by the company.

These training sessions are facilitated by the organization which aims at improving the skills of their employees and are not sure if the employees will be poached by other organizations in the tourism industry.

Alternatives. The Canadian federal government should encourage the learning institutions to provide hospitality courses that are tailor made to suit the nation’s tourism industry. This will allow for the availability of a large workforce that is aware of the external environment.

This workforce will be able to identify with the tourism business environment and find ways in which the organizations will adapt to this environment.

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The government can also outsource for foreign employees to improve on the available knowledge and skills. This will bring about cultural diversity that will result to the provision of innovative products and services. This will make the organization marketable since it will be able to provide products and services that identify with different cultures. The organizations can also conduct in house trainings that will seek to improve the knowledge and capabilities of the employees.

This will ensure the laborers acquire the necessary skills that identify with the current market expectations.

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Due to the changes in the external and internal environment, organizations have to adjust their operations to line up with these changes as well as achieve its objectives. These changes should not only be implemented on the technical aspect but also on the human resource aspect. This will ensure the employees understand the changes happening and how to adjust to them to ensure the success of the organization. Recommendations.

The tourism sector should be adequately catered for by the private and public sectors of the economy. The society should also be involved in the tourism sector as it needs to be enlightened on the benefits of preserving their environments. The Canadian tourism commission should be supported by the government and businesses to ensure it works effectively towards making Canada the tourist destination of choice. The commission must work closely with the media to ensure the promotional advertisements are reviewed regularly to reflect the diversity of the nation’s tourism industry.

Although the government should be involved in the conduct of the tourism sector, it should take a reserved role and let the commission and the industry players decide on the sector’s course. This is because they are in a position to identify trends and opportunities in the international tourism market and exploit them. The government role should be reserved to providing infrastructure and assisting the industry by entering into agreements with other nations on how to promote their tourism. This can be done for example inform of importation of endangered animal and plant species among others.

This will boost the local tourism industry resulting to inflow of foreign funds that gives the nation a positive balance of trade. The industry players should also promote domestic tourism. This refers to the exercise of challenging the local citizens to visit tourist attraction sites and familiarize themselves with their culture and history.

Works Cited.

Ang B. “ABORIGINAL TOURISM B. C. : Sharing Ancestral Connections in Modern Times. ” Canada scope October 2008: 13-16 Davison M. “The CTC and 2010: the Strategy and Beyond. ” Tourism June 2008: 5-8. Tourism. Culture and Tourism.

Canadian Culture Observatory. August 2005: 5-7. Tourism Association. Travel and Tourism in Canada. Euromonitor International. December 2007: 67-73. Point B. & Gilroy G. Aboriginal Tourism in Canada. Part II: Trends, Issues, Opportunities and Constraints. Point & Goss Inc. and Associates. March 2003. Tourism Industry Association. The Report on Canada’s Tourism Competitiveness. Tiac Aitc. June 2008: 8-19. Desjardins K. Canada’s Tourism Sector on the Brink of Crisis. Tourism Industry Association of Canada. June 2008. Williams R. The Report on Canada’s Tourism Competitiveness. Tiac Aitc. October 2008: 7-18.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Enhancing Canadian Tourism: Challenges and Solutions. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/industry-association-new-essay

Enhancing Canadian Tourism: Challenges and Solutions essay
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