In Oupada block highest forest cover

In Nilagiri block on an average 6.75% of area is under forest. In Oupada block highest forest cover is found in 2010-11 i.e. 49.5%.In Remuna and Simulia blocks least forest cover is found. Progress in forest cover has been noticed in Soro.

Misc. tree crops and groves not included in area sown: The block basis distribution of misc. tree crops and groves varies with time. Bhograi and Jaleswar blocks have highest percentage of area under this category. In Oupada block minimum share can be noticed.

Increase has been recorded for Balasore, Basta, and Simulia blocks mainly. In other blocks moderate fluctuations is noticeable.

Permanent pasture and other grazing lands: Block level permanent pasture land increasing from 1998-99 to 2010-11 with time specifically in some of the blocks like Balasore, Bahanaga, Bhograi, Jaleswar, Khaira, Nilagiri, Remuna, Simulia and Soro block. Other blocks like Basta, Baliapal, Oupada block the pasture and other grazing land has been reduced. Highest amount of land as permanent pasture and other grazing land found in Nilagiri block almost 9% on an average of total block area considering these years.

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Second highest share was for Balasore block i.e. 6.1% and Balaiapal block share is respectively low i.e. 2.3% on an average.

Culturable waste: this land type consists inaccessible and fallow lands. The Block basis pattern shows that except the Bhograi and Khaira block all other block s have experienced reduction in the share of culturable waste or almost unchanged condition. This could be a result of systematic land use or change of land use in other categories with time.

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Average share shows that Baliapal and Bhograi block has highest average share among all the blocks and in Basta block it is lowest.

Land put to non-agricultural uses: the non agricultural use of any block is quite significant as it represents the land utilization except agricultural use. So built up, area under water road, rail ways are all gets included in it. Remuna, Balasore are the blocks that show maximum area as non agricultural use than any other blocks. The average percentage share considering these years is of Remuna and Baliapal 17.1% and 17.6% respectively. For Remuna industrial plots, Continuous urbanization could be a cause for these. In Oupada the average share considering these years is minimum i.e. 7.2 %. On an average all the blocks have 13% share as non agricultural use to the total area of the block.

Barren and un-cultivable land: very limited land areas in the blocks of the district are considered as barren. Actually these lands are not taken under cultivation. Oupada and Nilagiri block has highest share of barren and uncultivated land. The barren land have varied from 1998-99 to 2010-11. In Bhograi block this land category has been reduced 1641 ha in 1998-99 to 304 ha in 2010-11. In Nilagiri block and Oupada block the barren land has been reduced. In Balasore, Baliapal block the barren land share is increased from 1998-99 to 2010-11. Jaleswar, Basta and Simulia block shows least share of barren land in respect of block area i.e. 0.18%, 0.12% and 0.20% respectively.

Current fallows: in the current year very limited share of land is fallow in almost all the blocks. In Bhograi block and Remuna block maximum area can be considered as fallow at current times in respect of selected years. Cuurent fallow land share has been decreased in Bhograi Soro, Simulia, Nilagiri, Jaleswar, Baliapal blocks from 1998-99 to 2010-11. Other blocks show slight increase of fallow land in selected years. Remuna, Balasore, Khaira, Oupada, block show a significant increase i.e 7.0% in 1998-99 to 13.7% in 2010-11, 3.5% in 1998-99 to 6.8% in 2010-11, 2.8% in 1998-99 to 3.1% in 2010-11, and 1.1 in 1998-99 to 1.3% in 2010-11. Actually the change is due to year wise fluctuations.

Other fallows: Share of fallow lands other than current fallow is very low almost in all the blocks. Khaira, Remuna and Simulia have highest share of other fallow in 2010-11. From 1998-99 to 2010-11 the other fallow land share has increased in Bahanaga, Baliapal, Basta, Jaleswar, Oupada, Remuna and Simulia blocks. In other blocks moderate changes can be noticed. Simulia, Bhograi and Khaira blocks have highest share and Basta block has lowest share on an average..ix) Net area sown: Net sown area is the major land use share found in all the blocks. The average share of net sown area in block level varies from 52.7% to 73.3%. The variability of the net sown area is significantly low. For Basta, Bhograi, Jaleswar, Khaira, Simulia, Bahanaga the variability has been calculated by coefficient of variation, which showed variability less than 10% for each case. Only for the Nilagiri and Oupada block consistently low net sown area has been noticed except in the year 1998 for Oupada block and 2006-07 for Nilagiri block. Vast inland plain, coastal plain, and undulating lands are used as net sown area. In all other blocks the share of net sown area to the total block area is quite same

Land Capability

For optimum development on regional level, specially agriculture, the analysis of land capability is essential. Land capability depends on number of factors i.e. is physical factors and cultural factors. Though cultural factors or human controlling factors have relatively lesser influence on the production yet fertilizer consumption, mechanization, irrigation facility is now has become significant controller of production. But the physical factors always have a significant impact on the productivity.

Methodological aspect

The study of the land capability is an important aspect of agricultural as well as regional development so different approaches have been such as Storie's method (),Marbut's (1935) method, Morgan's (1939) method Stamp's (1962) method etc.. To study land capability V.R.Singh's (1970) method has been used. The physical and economic factors are separated to classify the land according to its capability. Land is classified according to its inherent fertility and productivity. Two sets of variables are considered i.e. a) positive variables e.g. amount of rainfall, soil fertility & irrigation and b) negative variables e.g. slope, flood intensity and water logging, drought, forest cover, ruggedness number & soil erosion. To keep methodological efficiency the secondary data on soil, vegetation etc has been collected from different maps sources like BHUVAN thematic service, NBSS& LUP, NATMO, survey of India toposheets, Google satellite images etc. To extract the elevation data ASTER DEM (20 m resolution) and Survey of India toposheets have been used. Soil samples have been collected and primary block level survey has been done. For mapping and other purposes different G.I.S software (Qgis2.8, Global mapper 8, and Arc map 10.3.1) has been used. Other data has been collected from Agricultural census; District Statistical Handbook etc. V.R. Singh has allotted a score (25, 15, 10 and 5) to each sub class of a variable separately on the basis of its importance to calculate positive and negative values of land. After weighing these variables, a regional level land capability index has been prepared.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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In Oupada block highest forest cover essay
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