Impact of Social Media on Society

Existence of social media has greatly affected the lives of humanity in many aspects. Psychologically, social media has been proven to bring a negative impact in one's mental health. In terms of the age range that actively uses social media, young adults or people ranging from 18 to 30 years old topped. Among so, young adults have consequently witnessed the evolution of social media. Because of this, it could be inferred that social media could be related to the level of self-esteem of young adults.

Investopedia (2019) elaborated that, social media has a variety of tech-enabled activities like photo sharing, blogging, social gaming, social networks, video sharing, business networks, virtual words and much more.

Hence, these became the reasons why the study is targeted to analyze young adults' social media usage and the occurrence of changes social media brings to their self-esteem. Fifty (50) young adults from the College of Arts and Sciences, Manila Central University were given a questionnaire that would determine their social media usage and the effects it brings on their self-esteem.

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In order to analyze the results, mean and Pearson correlation was used.

Deriving results from the study, it could be concluded that the participants have a moderately high social media usage and a low effect in self-esteem. The relationship between the two variables was proven to be positive (r(48) = .52, p < .001) and substantial. Overall, it could be deduced that social media usage heightens an effect in self-esteem. However, other factors outside social media such as a stable self-esteem that fluctuates ever so slightly might be causing the small changes that were reported.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Impact of Social Media on Society. (2020, Apr 28). Retrieved from

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