How Might The Analogy Of An Iceberg Be Used To Reflect Your Understanding Of The Value Of Exploring Communication

Categories: AnalogyConversation

The values of exploring communication through the analogy of an iceberg is about people having different beliefs be it religion or marriage between man and woman. It shows the expectation families from CALD background having to oblige to and taking responsibilities of social harmony than individualisms. Gender roles also play a big part on communication with some culture in which men have more say than women. Men having to be the bread winner while the women stay home to look after children and been a homemaker, these allow women to no say or communicate her feelings on how things should be or run with men making the decision and having the final words.

Age place a part with different culture values, the respecting of elders when they are talking and the younger person having to be quite while they speak and not making eye contact. This is a showing of norms in some cultures, the younger ones wait patiently for the elders to acknowledge them and give their permission before speaking.

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My understanding of communication is for people to openly express themselves in a true form of fashion, while stating their facts and letting their voices to be heard and not be interrupted, having the power to speak up without been shun or the idea of been less than to express one’s self, individuality & feelings. What makes it not complex is having to be self-present and setting the tone of a compassionate communication. ‘’Communication encompass expedient creation’’.

Ethos of Scholarship creates room for collaborative oversight and decision making on use of institutional artifice such as buildings and facilities.

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learning institution, interaction with community and immense societal issues, and an all-round willingness to conform to changing conditions. which has potential to define their success as unanticipated opportunity to procure knowledge and skills from any source that will enable them for further schooling, allow access to a wider range of employment opportunities, or inspire a greater sense of independence, where they have not attended college. an ethos of scholarship requires student affairs educators be good at communicating with students and must satisfy their obligations to students, peers, colleagues, and institutions. peer review is common practice for academic scholarship and should be adapted by student affairs educators. peer review should incorporate review of student training and development agendas and campus program plan.

The fundamental principle of reflective practice is that it is essential to be more reflective, the busier we get, this means that the more under stress we are, it is important for us to maintain thinking clearly and carefully. Reflective practice does not necessarily have be a solitary task. A sustained commitment to reflective practice allows for not only the benefits of reflection on a continuous basis, but also allows us to advance our knowledge, skills and confidence in reflective practice over time.

It is implausible that learning will take place and practice develop if there is no direct correlation between the thinking and doing. This means that if we are unable to comprehend what we are doing and the intent for doing it as part of a more holistic picture of our work, the goals we are pursuing and the means we are pursuing them. When we take a closer look at what is actually involved in reflective practice, we will undoubtedly understand how simplistic and inefficient the ‘magical' perspective on reflection is.


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  2. Mlcek, S., Moorhead, B., Morrissey, J., & Norris, G. (Compilers) (2014, 2nd ed.). Communication management and beyond. Frenchs Forest, Australia: Pearson Australia.
  3. Arminio, J. & Roberts, D. C. & Bonfiglio, R. (2009). The professionalization of student learning practice: An ethos of scholarship, 14(1), 16-20. doi: 10.1002/abc.279
  4. Thompson, S. & Thompson, N. (2008). What is reflective practice? In The critically reflective practitioner. 7-31.
Updated: Feb 24, 2024
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How Might The Analogy Of An Iceberg Be Used To Reflect Your Understanding Of The Value Of Exploring Communication. (2024, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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