Hotel and Restaurant Management

Categories: Management

Customer Service

One of the main issues that management has to face in the hotel and restaurant industry is dealing with difficult customers. Dealing with these customers takes patience, finesse, and knowing what steps are possible for management to take. A manager usually has the power to provide a free meal, entrée, or even to comp a room for a night for a guest when there is a difficult problem. The manager has to know what is appropriate given the current situation.

For example, a customer who finds glass in their food expects that meal to be replaced and to be free. A person may also expect a hotel room to be free for at least one night if there was a problem with the room's plumbing, the reservation or something similar. It is the job of the manager to placate the person correctly and solve the problem without giving too many free items away.

Maintenance problems

Maintenance problems can often arise with hotel and restaurant management.

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On the job training in a practicum situation may see an issue arise with the plumbing or there may be other issues with regards to maintenance. One would have to figure out how to solve the issue appropriately and quickly to ensure no loss of customers and minimal after effects.

Food and timing

The timing of food being ordered and delivered to the table can be a problem that comes up in a practicum because restaurants get busy and the chefs have to keep up.

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When they do not, or if food arrives at the table cold, a manager has to solve the issue with the employees and placate the customer.

Updated: Sep 12, 2020
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Hotel and Restaurant Management. (2017, Jan 12). Retrieved from

Hotel and Restaurant Management essay
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