History Final Part 7

What was a major contributor to unrest in Nigeria? its many ethnicities and religions a series of military dictatorships an economic dependence on oil clashes with other African nations
its many ethnicities and religions
When military leaders and dictators ruled Nigeria, they sometimes tried to prevent unrest by allowing peaceful, supervised political activity. agreeing to small, incremental changes. banning expressions of ethnic pride. prohibiting all criticism of the government.
prohibiting all criticism of the government.
The economies of most African colonies were dependent on industrial development.

one or two crops. a strong middle class. diverse farmlands

one or two crops.
Europeans ignored cultural divisions when setting colonial boundaries because Europeans had no interest in or concern for African cultural divisions. African cultural divisions were too complex for Europeans to understand. respecting African cultural identity might negatively affect Africa's economy. African citizens did not have a strong sense of national or cultural identity.
Europeans had no interest in or concern for African cultural divisions.
European nations benefited from African colonies' labor and resources.
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industries and artisans. established trade routes. well-trained military.

labor and resources.
Because there was very little investment in education, African colonies had few leaders with government experience. had far too few teachers for their universities. had many skilled workers with little education. had many overqualified workers in menial jobs.
had few leaders with government experience.
What is the most likely reason Europe did not invest in education in its African colonies? African citizens were not interested in education. European nations placed little value on education.
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Educating people would slow industrial growth. Educated citizens would be harder to control.

Educated citizens would be harder to control.
The majority ethnic group in Rwanda is the ____.
Why did corruption increase when opposition political parties were banned in Ghana? Nkrumah's government held too much power, and officials could do whatever they wanted. Opposition parties operated secretly and illegally, and they tried to undermine the government. Citizens revolted against Nkrumah's rule, and crime became common among workers. Opposition parties ran on anti-corruption platforms, but they won no support from the public.
Nkrumah's government held too much power, and officials could do whatever they wanted.
What can one conclude about the link between falling cacao crop prices and rising economic problems in Ghana? People stopped buying cacao when the economy faltered. Economic problems led Ghana's farmers to cut their cacao prices. The country was too dependent on exports of its cacao crop. Ghana grew cacao more economically when the economy slowed.
The country was too dependent on exports of its cacao crop.
What was the purpose of pan-Africanism? to bring together Africans from all parts of the continent to spread African culture to people of other backgrounds to empower Africa to develop colonies in other nations to unite people of African descent around the world
to unite people of African descent around the world
Overwhelming challenges made it difficult for ______ governments to stay in power in Africa.
What was the first step in Ghana's independence? Kwame Nkrumah became the prime minister. A military coup seized power in the colony. Africans gained a majority in the parliament. Opposition political parties were banned.
Africans gained a majority in the parliament.
Jomo Kenyatta caused discontent during his rule in Kenya by becoming a member of the pan-African movement. exhibiting favoritism toward the Kikuyu people. leading the Kenyan African Nationalist Union. encouraging election fraud to help him stay in office.
exhibiting favoritism toward the Kikuyu people.
What challenges does South Africa face today as a democracy? Check all that apply. high poverty and high unemployment rates rigid division between whites and non-whites unequal access to transportation and technology lack of representation for non-whites in government need for the creation of a Bill of Rights for all citizens
high poverty and high unemployment rates unequal access to transportation and technology
The movement against apartheid in South Africa was militant at first and remained that way. was militant at first but became non-violent. was non-violent at first but became militant. was non-violent at first and remained that way.
was non-violent at first but became militant.
How did Nelson Mandela expand his anti-government activities in the 1960s? He co-wrote and signed The Freedom Charter. He created a division dedicated to sabotage. He founded the African National Congress. He ran for president of South Africa.
He created a division dedicated to sabotage.
The Sharpeville demonstration of 1960 resulted in the deaths of sixty-nine people. the arrest of a famous leader. the Population Registration Act. the creation of segregated societies.
the deaths of sixty-nine people.
The African National Congress was founded to draft a constitution and establish a policy of apartheid. unite non-white South Africans and further their cause. help relocate certain citizens to South African homelands. set up National Party rule to divide South African society.
unite non-white South Africans and further their cause.
A student uprising in South Africa took place in Cape Town. Johannesburg. Sharpeville. Soweto
As a result of the 1960 Sharpeville demonstration, _____ began to believe that only armed rebellion would bring an end to apartheid.
Nelson Mandela
The United States and Europe put pressure on South Africa in the form of sabotage. sanctions. segregation. separation.
After returning to South Africa from Algeria in 1964, Nelson Mandela was arrested and imprisoned. elected to the presidency. educated in guerrilla tactics. finally granted his freedom.
arrested and imprisoned.
Which list correctly orders events in the rise and fall of apartheid in South Africa? -i. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. ii. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests. iii. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. iv. The Population Registration Act was signed. -i. The Population Registration Act was signed. ii. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. iii. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests. iv. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. -i. The Population Registration Act was signed. ii. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests. iii. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. iv. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. -i. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. ii. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. iii. The Population Registration Act was signed. iv. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests.
i. The Population Registration Act was signed. ii. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests. iii. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. iv. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president.
How did the international community respond to South Africa's policies in the 1980s? by refusing to buy South African goods by setting up a blockade around the country by threatening to declare war on South Africa by negotiating treaties between different groups
by refusing to buy South African goods
South Africa became a democracy when a new constitution was written in _____.
In the early 1900s, European settlers in South Africa created a policy of embargoes and trade sanctions. a system of segregation that split society. a plan of sabotage against the government. a style of government based on democracy.
a system of segregation that split society.
What type of government did European settlers create in South Africa in 1909? a democratic republic that included all citizens a democratic republic that excluded many citizens a parliamentary government that included all citizens a parliamentary government that excluded many citizens
a parliamentary government that excluded many citizens
South Africa's Population Registration Act of 1950 led to the relocation of 600,000 white citizens. created a race-based classification system. combined several black and white communities. removed all racial categories from government.
created a race-based classification system.

South Africa and Apartheid: History Test

What type of government did European settlers create in South Africa in 1909?
  • a democratic republic that included all citizens
  • a democratic republic that excluded many citizens
  • a parliamentary government that included all citizens
  • a parliamentary government that excluded many citizens
How did Nelson Mandela expand his anti-government activities in the 1960s
  • He co-wrote and signed The Freedom Charter.
  • He created a division dedicated to sabotage.
  • He founded the African National Congress.
  • He ran for president of South Africa.
The African National Congress was founded to
  • draft a constitution and establish a policy of apartheid.
  • unite non-white South Africans and further their cause.
  • help relocate certain citizens to South African homelands.
  • set up National Party rule to divide South African society.
As a result of the 1960 Sharpeville demonstration, ( ) began to believe that only armed rebellion would bring an end to apartheid.
  • Desmond Tutu
  • Nelson Mandela
  • F. W. de Klerk
  • Jacob Zuma
A student uprising in South Africa took place in
  • Cape Town.
  • Johannesburg.
  • Sharpeville.
  • Soweto.
After returning to South Africa from Algeria in 1964, Nelson Mandela was
  • arrested and imprisoned.
  • elected to the presidency.
  • educated in guerrilla tactics.
  • finally granted his freedom.
The Sharpeville demonstration of 1960 resulted in
  • the deaths of sixty-nine people.
  • the arrest of a famous leader.
  • the Population Registration Act.
  • the creation of segregated societies.
During the colonial era, South African society became divided based on
  • caste.
  • class.
  • gender.
  • race.


In the early 1900s, European settlers in South Africa created

a policy of embargoes and trade sanctions.
a system of segregation that split society.
a plan of sabotage against the government.
a style of government based on democracy.

a system of segregation that split society.

The African National Congress was founded to

draft a constitution and establish a policy of apartheid.
unite non-white South Africans and further their cause.
help relocate certain citizens to South African homelands.
set up National Party rule to divide South African society.

unite non-white South Africans and further their cause.

What were the economic consequences of apartheid in South Africa? Check all that apply.

Black citizens had a very low standard of living.
Wages remained low for most white citizens.
Black citizens could not own private property.
The economy had a stagnant growth rate.
The government had a low level of debt.

Black citizens had a very low standard of living.
Black citizens could not own private property.
The economy had a stagnant growth rate.

What type of government did European settlers create in South Africa in 1909?

a democratic republic that included all citizens
a democratic republic that excluded many citizens
a parliamentary government that included all citizens
a parliamentary government that excluded many citizens

a parliamentary government that excluded many citizens
South Africa became a democracy when a new constitution was written in ____

How did the international community respond to South Africa's policies in the 1980s?

by refusing to buy South African goods
by setting up a blockade around the country
by threatening to declare war on South Africa
by negotiating treaties between different groups

by refusing to buy South African goods

After returning to South Africa from Algeria in 1964, Nelson Mandela was

arrested and imprisoned.
elected to the presidency.
educated in guerrilla tactics.
finally granted his freedom.

arrested and imprisoned.

The movement against apartheid in South Africa

was militant at first and remained that way.
was militant at first but became non-violent.
was non-violent at first but became militant.
was non-violent at first and remained that way.

was non-violent at first but became militant.

During the colonial era, South African society became divided based on



The Sharpeville demonstration of 1960 resulted in

the deaths of sixty-nine people.
the arrest of a famous leader.
the Population Registration Act.
the creation of segregated societies.

the deaths of sixty-nine people.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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History Final Part 7. (2018, Jan 05). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/history-final-part-7-essay

History Final Part 7 essay
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