"Go Ask Alice": A Tale of Addiction and Adolescent Struggles

Categories: Alice in Wonderland


"Go Ask Alice," a 1971 book, claims to be the actual diary of an anonymous teenage girl who grapples with drug addiction. Although it was initially promoted as nonfiction, subsequent revelations about its origin have cast doubt on its authenticity. Beatrice Sparks is credited as the book's author by the U.S. Copyright Office, and it is listed as a work of fiction by the publishers since at least the mid-late 1980s. Despite the controversy surrounding its classification, the book remains an impactful narrative that explores the challenges faced by a troubled teenager.

This essay examines the themes, content, and impact of "Go Ask Alice."

The Diary's Evolution: Summary of Content

The diary in "Go Ask Alice" covers a span of several years, offering a glimpse into the turbulent life of a young girl. The narrative is divided into sections based on timeframes, providing insights into the protagonist's emotional and psychological journey.

September 18th - December 25th: Alice starts her diary with enthusiasm, driven by the excitement of a potential romantic relationship.

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However, her hopes are dashed when the boy who asked her out rejects her. This early rejection sets the tone for her insecurity and vulnerability. Alice's struggle with self-esteem is compounded by her family's impending move to a new city. She grapples with body image issues and begins to experiment with disordered eating habits.

January 1st - July 14th: The family's relocation brings a mix of emotions for Alice. While she initially dislikes their new home, she gradually grows fond of it.

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However, Alice feels like an outsider in her own family, experiencing isolation and weight gain. She befriends Greta and Beth, finding solace in their companionship. Her diary becomes a confidant, reflecting her innermost thoughts and fears.

July 20th - September 10th: Alice's life takes a drastic turn when she attends a party where she unknowingly consumes LSD. This experience leads to her experimentation with drugs, drawing parallels to Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland." She goes on a date with Bill, explores more drugs, and loses her virginity while on acid. Drugs provide her with a sense of acceptance and self-worth, temporarily alleviating her insecurities.

September 12th - November 22nd: Back home, Alice meets Chris and starts working at a local grocery store. Her drug use escalates to include marijuana, and she becomes entangled in a betrayal involving Richie and Ted. Her journey in this phase is marked by a search for identity and belonging, especially after her departure from home. She longs for the sense of love and connection she once had with her family.

November 23rd - End of Diary One: Alice's experiences lead to her maturation and a desire for self-acceptance. She grapples with the question of whether she can love herself, which would enable her to focus on her own desires rather than conforming to societal expectations. Her encounters with others and her own suffering prompt her to reflect on the troubled times of adolescence.

Diary 2: April 6th - May 21st: Alice's second diary reveals her deepening maturity and growing sensitivity. She aspires to become a guidance counselor and discovers her own identity. Her relationships with her parents improve, and she learns to communicate better with others.

May 22nd - Updated July:Alice's undated diary entry describes her descent into a hospital due to an accidental acid dose. Her mental health deteriorates, leading to self-harm. She is eventually sent to a mental asylum for treatment.

July 27th: Epilogue:The epilogue touches on Alice's struggles in the asylum, her return home, and her attempts to reestablish connections with family and friends. Tragically, it ends with the revelation that Alice died of a drug overdose three weeks later.

Memoir Review

"Go Ask Alice" has been a subject of controversy regarding its authenticity, but its impact as a portrayal of drug addiction and adolescent struggles cannot be denied. The book offers an empathetic depiction of a young girl's descent into addiction, resonating with readers across generations. Its strength lies in the first-person narrative, which covers a wide range of experiences, from innocent youth to a life dominated by drug addiction and eventual recovery.

One notable aspect of the book is its portrayal of common teenage feelings and experiences. Alice's thoughts and emotions are relatable to many adolescents, making the story accessible and impactful. The narrative explores themes such as self-esteem, identity, and the desire for acceptance, which are relevant to teenagers navigating the challenges of adolescence.

However, it's important to acknowledge that "Go Ask Alice" contains explicit and graphic content, including descriptions of sexual experiences and drug use. This content may not be suitable for young readers, and caution should be exercised when recommending it to specific age groups. While the book provides valuable insights into the dangers of drug addiction, it should be approached with consideration for its mature themes.

Themes of Self-Esteem and Identity

One of the central themes of "Go Ask Alice" is the protagonist's struggle with self-esteem and identity. Alice's journey begins with a sense of hope and anticipation, as she believes that having a boyfriend will validate her self-worth. However, the rejection she experiences early on triggers a downward spiral of self-doubt. Her dissatisfaction with her body leads to disordered eating habits, reflecting the societal pressures placed on teenage girls to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.

As Alice continues to document her life, she confides in her diary about her fears of losing her identity while trying to fit in with others. Her diary becomes a sanctuary where she can express her true thoughts and feelings, unfiltered by the judgment of others. This theme of self-identity remains prevalent throughout the narrative, reflecting the challenges many teenagers face in navigating the complexities of adolescence.

Drug Use as a Coping Mechanism

Alice's descent into drug addiction serves as a central plot point in the narrative. Her experimentation with drugs begins at a party where she unknowingly consumes LSD, an experience she likens to "Alice in Wonderland." The allure of drugs lies in their ability to provide her with a temporary escape from her insecurities and a sense of acceptance. Alice's drug use intensifies as she seeks refuge in this alternate reality, where she feels a connection with others who are also under the influence.

Her use of drugs, including marijuana and LSD, is depicted in graphic detail, highlighting the book's frank and unflinching approach to portraying the dangers of substance abuse. Alice's experiences with drugs are juxtaposed with moments of euphoria and despair, underscoring the tumultuous nature of addiction.


"Go Ask Alice" is a compelling and thought-provoking book that has left a lasting impact on readers. Whether viewed as a work of fiction or based on real experiences, it serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of drug addiction and the challenges faced by adolescents. The diary format allows readers to empathize with Alice's journey, from her initial struggles with self-esteem to her eventual battle for recovery.

While the book's graphic content may limit its suitability for younger readers, it remains a valuable resource for teenagers and adults alike. "Go Ask Alice" prompts reflection on the complexities of adolescence, the importance of self-acceptance, and the consequences of drug abuse. Regardless of its origin, the book continues to resonate with audiences, encouraging discussions about the issues it addresses and the lessons it imparts.

Updated: Oct 30, 2023
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"Go Ask Alice": A Tale of Addiction and Adolescent Struggles. (2016, Dec 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/go-ask-alice-book-review-essay

"Go Ask Alice": A Tale of Addiction and Adolescent Struggles essay
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