Fundamentals Of Computer And Communications Networks Computer Science Essay

Active Server Pages, it is besides called ASP Classic. It was the first server-side script-engine for dynamically-generated web pages created by Microsoft. It was ab initio released as an add-on to Internet Information Services ( IIS ) via the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack. ASP.NET has superseded ASP. ASP 2.0 provided six constitutional objects: Application, ASPError, Request, Response, Server, and Session ( cookie-based session object that maintains the province of variables from page to page ) . Functionality is farther extended by objects which, when instantiated, supply entree to the environment of the web waiter.

Active Server Pages ( ASPs ) are Web pages that contain server-side books in add-on to the usual mixture of text and HTML ( Hypertext Markup Language ) ticket. Server-side books are particular bids you put in Web pages that are processed before the pages are sent from your Personal Web Server to the Web browser of person who 's sing your Web site. When you type a URL in the Address box or snap a nexus on a Web page, you 're inquiring a Web waiter on a computing machine someplace to direct a file to the Web browser ( sometimes called a `` client '' ) on your computing machine.

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If that file is a normal HTML file, it looks precisely the same when your Web browser receives it as it did before the Web waiter sent it. After having the file, your Web browser displays its contents as a combination of text, images, and sounds.

In the instance of an Active Server Page, the procedure is similar, except there 's an excess processing measure that takes topographic point merely before the Web waiter sends the file.

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Before the Web waiter sends the Active Server Page to the Web browser, it runs all server-side books contained in the page. Some of these books display the current day of the month, clip, and other information. Others procedure information the user has merely typed into a signifier, such as a page in the Web site 's guestbook.

An Active Server Page is a Web page that has server-side scripting which is interpreted on the waiter by the ASP engine. This ASP engine is really a dynamic-link library called asp.dll, which is installed on the Web waiter. The ASP page may besides incorporate HTML and client-side books, but merely the existent ASP codification is interpreted on the waiter, with the end product of the ASP and the staying HTML and client-side book being sent back to the browser. The end-user ne'er sees the existent ASP codification, but merely the end product of the ASP, or the consequences of it.


ASP was one of the first web application development environments that integrated web application executing straight into the web waiter, 9 months after the 1996 release of NeXT 's ( now Apple ) WebObjects. This was done in order to accomplish high public presentation compared to naming external feasible plans or CGI books.

Prior to Microsoft 's release of ASP for IIS 3, web coders working in IIS relied on IDC and HTX files combined with ODBC drivers to expose and pull strings dynamic informations and pages. The rudimentss of these file-formats and constructions continued in usage, at least in portion, in the execution of the early versions of ASP.

Examples of other linguistic communications available are Perl and TCL, although they are non as widely known or used for ASP scripting.


ASP has gone through three major releases:

ASP version 1.0 ( distributed with IIS 3.0 ) in December 1996

ASP version 2.0 ( distributed with IIS 4.0 ) in September 1997

ASP version 3.0 ( distributed with IIS 5.0 ) in November 2000

Many people regard ASP.NET as the newest release of ASP, but the two merchandises use really different engineerings. ASP.NET relies on the.NET Framework and is a compiled linguistic communication, whereas ASP is purely an taken scripting linguistic communication.

Version 3.0 was released along with Internet Information Server ( IIS ) version 5.0 as portion of the Microsoft Windows 2000. ASP 3.0 made comparatively few alterations to the ASP 2.0 codebase. One of the most of import add-ons was the Server. Execute methods, every bit good as the ASPError object. Other new characteristics include the add-on of three new methods to the Server object, and two new methods to both the Application object and the Session object.

As of 2010 [ update ] ASP 3.0 is available in IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003 and IIS 7.0 on Windows Server 2008.

Server-side caching

Hoarding and dynamic content by and large do n't work good together, but used right, hoarding can assist work out many of your public presentation and scalability job.

Datas Hoarding

Data Caching is taking a transcript of the information from the database or other slow informations beginning ( like external web pages ) and hive awaying it in a faster location. Where it 's stored it is truly dependent on how it 'll be used and how rapidly it needs to be accessed. Text or XML files can be really utile for larger sums of informations. The chief issue with utilizing files is that it slows things down. So, unless hoarding information is made from a really slow nexus, it might really be decelerating things down.

While this method can well increase public presentation it still leaves with the informations in a province that we can pull strings it.

Component Hoarding

This takes Data Caching and goes one measure further. The construct here is to rush things up even more by merely making the processing to construct the box one time and so hoarding the end product. Then when you want to expose the box once more it 's as speedy and easy as merely making a Response.Write.

While this method is faster and merely every bit easy as Data Caching, the one drawback is that some of the flexibleness is lost.

Page Hoarding

This is the ultimate in server-side caching. All the processing is made in front of clip and physiques inactive.htm files. The benefit here is that there 's no processing involved at all when bespeaking the cached files. The ASP translator ne'er gets involved one time the page is built. It 's merely every bit fast as if you had manus written the page and hard coded the information in, except for the fact that it 's non done by manus.

The chief drawback here is that finding when to review the cache can be a small hard since no processing is go oning. It ca n't be done in the page itself since it does n't treat. Global.asa ca n't be used unless there 's another asp files in the web being requested so it 'll run.

Reviewing the Cache

The most hard portion of any caching system is cognizing when the content should non be cached any longer. On the other manus, if it 's non refreshed frequently plenty, old information will hold to be dealt with.


There are many things you can make with Active Server Pages. You can expose day of the month, clip, and other information in different ways. You can do a study signifier and ask people who visit your site to make full it out, direct electronic mails, salvage the information to a file, etc.

ASP 3.0 betterments

Active Server Pages 3.0 offers many betterments and alterations, most covering with dependability, public presentation, and scalability, but Microsoft besides added two new methods to the Server object: Transportation and Execute. ( This version of ASP is portion of IIS 5.0, which ships with Windows 2000. )


Asp developers have used Response.Redirect since the yearss of ASP 1.0 to airt the browser to another page. Thought this was all happening on the waiter and was therefore a reasonably efficient operation, but that 's non how it works. When the ASP engine encounters a Response.Redirect method, it stops the processing of the current page and sends an HTTP redirection heading ( 302 Redirect ) to the client, informing it that the page it requested has moved and can be found at a different URL. When this response is sent to the browser, the browser requests the new URL and the ASP engine sends the new page to the client. Therefore, the redirection of a page utilizing Response.Redirect requires an excess client/server unit of ammunition trip.

Server.Transfer works otherwise than Response.Redirect. When the ASP engine encounters a Server.Transfer method on the page, it stops treating the page and sends the new page to the client in the response. That is, Server.Transfer substitutes the petition for one page with another without affecting an excess unit of ammunition trip between the waiter and the browser. In fact, every bit far as the browser is concerned, it received the page it originally requested. Let 's illustrate with an illustration. Say you wished to ramify in your ASP codification and send users to one page or another based on whether they were utilizing Internet Explorer or some other browser. The undermentioned codification from Redirect1.asp accomplishes this using the Browser Capabilities constituent and the Response.Redirect method.


Another new Server method introduced by ASP 3.0 is Server.Execute. Use Server.Execute to run a ball of ASP codification on another page, returning to the original page when the codification is done put to deathing. In many ways, Server.Execute serves a similar intent to server-side includes. However, because Server.Execute is an ASP method instead than an HTML remark, you can utilize it to conditionally put to death books and avoid including immense include files. Server-side includes are executed prior to any ASP codification and therefore ca n't be executed conditionally.


ASP.NET is a incorporate Web application platform that provides the services necessary to construct and deploy enterprise-class Web applications.

ASP.NET is a Microsoft engineering used to make web applications and web services. It 's the replacement of ASP ( Active Server Pages ) . Besides it uses the.NET platform and the direction set offered by Ocular Studio.NET. It is portion of the Microsoft.NET Framework, a calculating environment that simplifies application development in the extremely distributed environment of the Internet. The Microsoft.NET Framework is a package model that can be installed on computing machines running Microsoft Windows runing systems. It includes a big library of coded solutions to common scheduling jobs and a practical machine that manages the executing of plans written specifically for the model. The.NET model supports multiple scheduling linguistic communications. It allows linguistic communication interoperability, whereby each linguistic communication can use codification written in other linguistic communications Besides the.NET library is available to all the scheduling languages that.NET encompasses. The.NET Framework includes the common linguistic communication runtime ( CLR ) , which provides nucleus services such as memory direction, thread direction, and code security.


ASP.NET has a broad set of constituents based on XML ( offers a scheduling theoretical account object oriented ( OOP ) ) .

ASP.NET runs the compiled codification, increasing the public presentation of the web application.

The codification can be separated into two files ( one file contains the feasible codification and the other the content of the page ) .

.NET is compatible with over 20 different linguistic communications ( C # , Visual Basic ) .

ASP.NET benefits:


Manageability: text-based, hierarchal constellation system that simplifies using scenes to your waiter environment and Web applications.


Security: ASP.NET provides default mandate and hallmark strategies for Web applications.


Ease of Deployment: An ASP.NET application is deployed to a waiter by merely copying the necessary files to the waiter.


Enhanced Performance: ASP.NET is compiled codification running on the waiter. Unlike traditional Active Server Pages ( ASP ) , ASP.NET can take advantage of early binding, just-in-time ( JIT ) digest, native optimisation, and hoarding services right out of the box for improved public presentation.


Flexible Output Caching: ASP.NET can hoard page informations, parts of a page, or whole pages.


Internationalization: ASP.NET uses Unicode internally to stand for petition and response informations.


Mobile Device Support: ASP.NET supports any browser on any device.


Scalability and Handiness: ASP.NET was designed to be scalable, with characteristics specifically tailored to better public presentation in clustered and multiprocessor environments. Furthermore, procedures are closely monitored and managed by Internet Information Services ( IIS ) and the ASP.NET CLR so that if one misbehaves, a new procedure can be created in its topographic point, which helps maintain your application available to manage petitions.


Tracing and Debuging: ASP.NET provides tracing services that can be enabled during debugging at both the application degree and the page degree.


Integration with the.NET Model: Because ASP.NET is portion of the.NET Framework, the power and flexibleness of the full platform is available to Web applications.


Compatibility with Existing ASP Applications: ASP and ASP.NET can run side by side on an IIS Web waiter without intervention.


Web Forms engineering enables you to construct powerful form-based Web pages. Web Forms pages use reclaimable built-in or usage constituents to simplify the codification of a page.


XML Web services that are created utilizing ASP.NET enable you to entree waiters remotely. XML Web services enable the exchange of informations utilizing criterions such as XML messaging and HTTP across firewalls in client/server and server/server scenarios.

ASP.NET enables two characteristics for distributed applications: Web Forms and XML Web services.

End product caching has been a characteristic of ASP.NET since its origin. Output hoarding allows developers to hoard the rendered end product of an ASP.NET page or User Control for a specified continuance.

Output hoarding can better the public presentation of a web site by hoarding the rendered markup of a page on an initial petition so that on subsequent petitions the page does non necessitate to be re-rendered.


ASP.NET purposes for public presentation benefits over other script-based engineerings ( including Classic ASP ) by roll uping the server-side codification to one or more DLL files on the web waiter. This digest happens automatically the first clip a page is requested ( which means the developer need non execute a separate digest measure for pages ) . This characteristic provides the easiness of development offered by scripting linguistic communications with the public presentation benefits of a compiled double star. However, the digest might do a noticeable but short hold to the web user when the newly-edited page is foremost requested from the web waiter, but wo n't once more unless the page requested is updated farther.

The ASPX and other resource files are placed in a practical host on an Internet Information Services waiter ( or other compatible ASP.NET waiters ; see Other Executions, below ) . The first clip a client requests a page, the.NET model parses and compiles the file ( s ) into a.NET assembly and sends the response ; subsequent petitions are served from the DLL files. By default ASP.NET will roll up the full site in batches of 1000 files upon first petition. If the digest hold is doing jobs, the batch size or the digest scheme may be tweaked.

Developers can besides take to pre-compile their `` codebehind '' files before deployment, utilizing MS Visual Studio, extinguishing the demand for just-in-time digest in a production environment. This besides eliminates the demand of holding the beginning codification on the web waiter. ( ISS7 )

Since its release, ASP.NET has been the platform of pick for developing Web applications on the Windows / IIS platform. ASP.NET 2.0 took Web application development to a new degree, A leting developers toA construct more powerful applications faster than of all time before.

IIS 7 takes ASP.NETA farther by incorporating the ASP.NET runtime extensibility theoretical account with the nucleus waiter. This allows developers to to the full widen the IIS 7A waiter with the profusion of ASP.NET 2.0 and the.NET Framework, alternatively of utilizing the less capable IIS C++ APIs. Existing ASP.NET applications besides instantly profit from tighter integrationA by utilizing bing ASP.NET characteristics like Forms hallmark, functions, and end product hoarding for allA content.

While IIS 7 provides the improved ASP.NET integrating by default, there is a pick: IIS 7 supports both the new and the old ASP.NET integrating manners that can be used side by side on the same waiter.

ASP.NET Enhancements on IIS 7

Better ASP.NET integrating in IIS 7 enhances bing applications and besides allows new applications to take advantage of ASP.NET characteristics in new ways:

ASP.NET services can be used for all content types. In the yesteryear, ASP.NET functionality such as Forms hallmark, functions, URL mandate, and end product hoarding were merely available to ASP.NET content types like ASPX pages. Inactive files, ASP pages, and other content types could non profit from these services.

Fully extend IIS with ASP.NET. Previous versions of IIS often required server extensibility to be developed byA utilizing the native ISAPI filter or extension extensibility manner, due to the runtime restrictions of ASP.NET.

Unified waiter runtime. Tighter ASP.NET integrating besides unifies many of the characteristics between IIS 7A and ASP.NET.

SEO Improvements in ASP.NET 4

In ASP.NET 4 there are a few betterments that have been made to do it easier to do pinchs to better Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) on the pages. There are three chief betterments that have been made. First is that webforms now has a better narrative for routing your pages to friendly URLs. The other two are merely merely belongingss that bent of the base page category that allow you to stipulate meta tickets.

Meta tickets are a particular ticket that can be placed in hypertext markup language to supply meta information about that peculiar page. This information can be anything from the writer of the page to an termination timeout for a caching system.

Other betterments:

The.NET FrameworkA 4 is extremely compatible with applications that are built with earlier.NET Framework versions, except for some alterations that were made to better security, criterions conformity, rightness, dependability, and public presentation.

Earlier versions of the.NET Framework provided no manner to find whether a peculiar application sphere was impacting other application spheres, because the operating system APIs and tools, such as the Windows Task Manager, were precise merely to the procedure degree. Get downing with the.NET FrameworkA 4, you can acquire processor use and memory use estimations per application sphere.

The Managed Extensibility Framework ( MEF ) is a new library in the.NET FrameworkA 4 that helps construct extensile and composable applications.

The.NET FrameworkA 4 introduces a new scheduling theoretical account for composing multithreaded and asynchronous codification that greatly simplifies the work of application and library developers. The new theoretical account enables developers to compose efficient, powdered, and scalable parallel codification in a natural parlance without holding to work straight with togss or the thread pool.

ADO.NET provides new characteristics for the Entity Framework, including persistence-ignorant objects, maps in LINQ questions, and customized object bed codification coevals.

Networking betterments include the followers:

Security betterments for Windows hallmark in several categories, including System.Net.HttpWebRequest, System.Net.HttpListener, System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient, System.Net.Security.SslStream and System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream. Extended protection is available for applications on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Support for Network Address Translation ( NAT ) traverse utilizing IPv6 and Teredo..

In the System.Net.HttpWebRequest category, support for utilizing big byte scope headings ( 64-bit scopes ) with new overloads for the AddRange method. New belongingss on the System.Net.HttpWebRequest category allow an application to put many HTTP headings.

Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL ) support for the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient and related categories.

Improved support for mail headings in the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage category.

Support for a void cypher for usage in encoding. Builders for the System.Net.Security.SslStream category now take a System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy category as a parametric quantity.

Certificates for password-based hallmark strategies such as basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos hallmark in the System.Net.NetworkCredential category.

Ability to stipulate how a URI with percent-encoded values is converted and normalized in the System.Uri and System.Net.HttpListener categories.

ASP.NET compared with ASP authoritative

ASP.NET simplifies developers ' passage from Windows application development to net development by offering the ability to construct pages composed of controls similar to a Windows user interface. A web control, such as a button or label, maps in really much the same manner as its Windows opposite number: codification can delegate its belongingss and respond to its events. Controls know how to render themselves: whereas Windows controls draw themselves to the screen, web controls produce sections of HTML and JavaScript which signifier parts of the resulting page sent to the end-user 's browser.

ASP.NET encourages the coder to develop applications utilizing an event-driven GUI theoretical account, instead than in conventional web-scripting environments like ASP and PHP. The model combines bing engineerings such as JavaScript with internal constituents like `` ViewState '' to convey relentless ( inter-request ) province to the inherently homeless web environment.

Other differences compared to ASP authoritative are:

Compiled codification means applications run quicker with more design-time mistakes trapped at the development phase.

Significantly improved run-time mistake handling, doing usage of exclusion managing utilizing try-catch blocks.

Similar metaphors to Microsoft Windows applications such as controls and events.

An extended set of controls and category libraries allows the rapid edifice of applications, plus user-defined controls allow commonly-used web templet, such as bill of fares. Layout of these controls on a page is easier because most of it can be done visually in most editors.

ASP.NET leverages the multi-language capablenesss of the.NET Common Language Runtime, leting web pages to be coded in VB.NET, C # , J # , Delphi.NET, Chrome etc.

Ability to hoard the whole page or merely parts of it to better public presentation.

Ability to utilize the code-behind development theoretical account to divide concern logic from presentation.

Ability to utilize true object-oriented design for programming both page and controls

If an ASP.NET application leaks memory, the ASP.NET runtime unloads the AppDomain hosting the mistaking application and reloads the application in a new AppDomain.

Session province in ASP.NET can be saved in a Microsoft SQL Server database or in a separate procedure running on the same machine as the web waiter or on a different machine. That manner session values are non lost when the web waiter is reset or the ASP.NET worker procedure is recycled.

Versions of ASP.NET prior to 2.0 were criticized for their deficiency of criterions conformity. The generated HTML and JavaScript sent to the client browser would non ever formalize against W3C/ECMA criterions. In add-on, the model 's browser sensing characteristic sometimes falsely identified web browsers other than Microsoft 's ain Internet Explorer as `` downlevel '' and returned HTML/JavaScript to these clients with some of the characteristics removed, or sometimes crippled or broken. However, in version 2.0, all controls generate valid HTML 4.0, XHTML 1.0 ( the default ) or XHTML 1.1 end product, depending on the site constellation. Detection of standards-compliant web browsers is more robust and support for Cascading Style Sheets is more extended.

Web Server Controls: these are controls introduced by ASP.NET for supplying the UI for the web signifier. These controls are province managed controls and are WYSIWYG controls.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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