Essays on The Godfather

The Godfather
Original title The Godfather
Author Mario Puzo
Language English
Characters Vito Corleone, Carmela Corleone, Santino "Sonny" Corleone, Fredo Corleone
Published 1969
ISBN 0-345-34296-3
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The Godfather by Mario Puzo is a classic novel about the Corleone crime family. Don Vito Corleone is the head of the family, and his sons Santino and Frederico are his heirs. Michael, the youngest son, wants nothing to do with the family business, but he is drawn in after Santino is murdered. Michael becomes the new head of the family, and he is ruthless in his quest for power. The novel chronicles the rise and fall of the Corleone family, and it is filled with violence, betrayal, and intrigue.

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