An Analytical Exploration of "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants" is a profound exploration of complex themes and hidden meanings. In this essay, we will delve into various aspects of the story, including the point of view, the significance of the location, the structure of the text, the symbolic meaning of the landscapes, and the title's relevance. Through this comprehensive analysis, we aim to reveal the deeper layers of the narrative and the profound human conflicts it portrays.

The Point of View and Narrative Structure

Hemingway employs an objective or dramatic point of view throughout the story, primarily relying on dialogue to convey the plot and character dynamics.

This choice of narrative perspective distances the narrator emotionally from the characters, allowing readers to decipher the characters' true emotions and opinions from subtle clues within the dialogue.

The narrator acts as a mere observer, reporting events without imposing personal judgments or interpretations. This narrative approach encourages readers to formulate their own conclusions and engage actively with the text.

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Notably, Hemingway's use of this detached narrative style serves as a vehicle for addressing the sensitive and potentially taboo topic of abortion, reflecting a nontraditional approach to societal issues of his time.

The Structure of the Text

The story's structure predominantly consists of a dialogue between the two main characters, revealing a stark contrast between their inability to communicate effectively. The man, driven by his own agenda, attempts to persuade Jig to accept his proposed solution to their conflict. Jig, on the other hand, seeks clarity by questioning their future together after the abortion.

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Her inner turmoil is evident when she asserts, "I'll do it and everything will be fine," an attempt to reassure herself amidst uncertainty.

Despite her reservations, the man subtly manipulates Jig, stating, "I don't want you to do it if you don't really want to," a feigned display of concern that contradicts his true desires. Their conversation becomes a web of unspoken feelings and desires, highlighting the breakdown of effective communication within their relationship.

The Symbolic Landscapes

Hemingway skillfully employs contrasting landscapes to symbolize the options available to the couple. On one side of the valley, the arid and barren terrain represents the choice to abort the unborn child, leading to a life characterized by emptiness and shallow experiences. The narrative describes this desolate landscape as having "no shade and no trees," mirroring the bleakness of the decision.

In contrast, the fertile side of the valley features lush fields of grain and trees, symbolizing the life that Jig desires—a life filled with family and meaningful moments. This stark dichotomy underscores the couple's dilemma and the divergent paths they can choose.

Moreover, the railroad station, situated between two lines of rails, represents the junction where their choices intersect. The direction they choose—Madrid, signifying abortion, or Barcelona, symbolizing a new beginning—holds the key to their future. The station serves as a physical manifestation of the crossroads they must navigate in their relationship.

The Title's Significance

The title of the story, "Hills Like White Elephants," serves as a simile that encapsulates the central dilemma faced by the couple. A white elephant traditionally symbolizes an unwanted or burdensome possession that may come with significant costs.

From the man's perspective, the unborn child represents a burden that could disrupt their nomadic and carefree lifestyle, akin to the notion of a white elephant. The child would limit their freedom, as suggested by the multitude of stickers on their luggage, signifying their extensive travels. To him, the child is an unwelcome intrusion.

Conversely, some cultures view white elephants as rare and cherished creatures. This interpretation aligns more closely with Jig's viewpoint, as she yearns for motherhood and a family. To her, the child is a precious opportunity, and her desire to keep it contrasts sharply with the man's reluctance.


In conclusion, "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway is a multi-layered narrative that explores the complexities of human relationships and the challenging decisions we face. Through its unique point of view, narrative structure, symbolic landscapes, and title, the story invites readers to contemplate the profound implications of the characters' choices.

This analysis reveals that beneath the seemingly straightforward surface of the narrative lies a deeper examination of societal taboos, communication breakdowns, and the contrasting desires of two individuals. Hemingway's masterful storytelling and symbolic imagery transform a simple story into a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition.

Updated: Nov 06, 2023
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An Analytical Exploration of "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

An Analytical Exploration of "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway essay
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