Fear-Driven Motivations in Achebe's Things Fall Apart

Categories: Fear


Fear, a potent and pervasive emotion, serves as a powerful catalyst for character motivations in literature. Chinua Achebe's seminal work, Things Fall Apart, intricately weaves a narrative where the protagonist, Okonkwo, is profoundly motivated by the fear of inheriting his father's perceived weakness. This fear not only shapes Okonkwo's actions but reverberates throughout the novel, impacting relationships, decisions, and ultimately leading to tragic consequences.

Fear Manifested: Masculinity and Judgment

Throughout the narrative, Okonkwo's behavior emanates from the deep-rooted fear of being labeled "A Woman," akin to his father.

His relentless pursuit of masculinity is not merely an external display for the villagers but a personal crusade to assuage his own insecurities. Okonkwo's short temper, triggered by seemingly trivial incidents such as delayed supper or comments about his hunting, results in violent outbursts, including beatings of his wives and his son Nwoye.

This desperate desire to embody manliness clouds Okonkwo's judgment, exemplified by the pivotal moment when he participates in the killing of Ikemefuna.

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Despite inner conflict and the advice of a friend, Okonkwo fears appearing weak among the tribe's leaders. Consequently, he takes a drastic step, cutting down his own surrogate son. This episode reveals the extent to which Okonkwo's actions are dictated by the fear of societal perceptions, a fear that ultimately leads to tragic consequences.

Fear's Impact on the Village and Exile

Following Okonkwo's return from exile in Mbanta, he discovers that the encroaching influence of Christianity threatens the traditional values of Umuofia. Fueled by fear for the weakening of his village, Okonkwo advocates for war against the encroaching Christians.

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However, his efforts prove futile, as Umuofia has already succumbed to change during his absence. Okonkwo's relentless resistance against this transformation exacerbates the very fear he sought to evade - the fear of weakness.

Moreover, Okonkwo's exile itself becomes a manifestation of his fear-driven decisions. His desire to maintain a facade of masculinity leads him to bring a defective gun to a council meeting, resulting in the accidental death of a clansman. Exiled for seven years, Okonkwo's dreams of prosperity and respect within Umuofia dissipate. His fear-induced actions not only damage his personal aspirations but also contribute to the gradual decline of the once-proud village.

Consequences of Fear: Strained Relationships and Tragic Demise

Okonkwo's fear-laden actions have profound repercussions on his familial relationships. His strained connection with his son Nwoye, characterized by physical abuse and an inability to comprehend differing values, is emblematic of the generational gap fueled by fear. The advent of Christianity provides Nwoye with an escape route from his father's oppressive masculinity, symbolizing the inevitable shift occurring within the society.

Furthermore, Okonkwo's tragic end can be directly attributed to his fear of resembling his father and the inability to accept societal change. Unable to reconcile with the altered state of Umuofia, which he deems weak and womanly, Okonkwo chooses death over a life he perceives as emasculated. His demise becomes a poignant reminder of the consequences of an unyielding fear of change.

Impact on the Overall Work

Finally, Okonkwo's fear of turning out like his father affects the overall work in three significant ways. Firstly, it leads to the story's denouement. Okonkwo's unwillingness to accept change led to his death in the end of the story, as he could never have been content in a society where masculinity was not esteemed. Secondly, Okonkwo's fear of being unmasculine affects Things Fall Apart by contributing to the story's mood. Because of Okonkwo's short temper and unpredictability, the novel's mood is tense, keeping the reader on edge, never knowing when he might unleash his anger. Finally, and most importantly, Okonkwo's fear of being weak creates the story's profoundest theme, emphasizing the necessity to adapt to one's surroundings. Okonkwo's inability to accept the change of his village leads to his eventual downfall, reinforcing the thematic significance of adapting to societal shifts.


In conclusion, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart masterfully portrays the intricate interplay between fear and human behavior, particularly through the character of Okonkwo. The fear of being deemed weak and womanly drives Okonkwo's actions, influencing his relationships, judgments, and ultimately leading to his tragic downfall. This narrative serves as a compelling exploration of the broader theme that one must adapt to their surroundings, as resistance to change can have profound and irreversible consequences. Achebe's depiction of fear in Things Fall Apart serves as a timeless reflection on the human condition, urging readers to contemplate the consequences of unchecked fear in the face of societal transformations.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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Fear-Driven Motivations in Achebe's Things Fall Apart. (2016, Jul 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/fear-in-things-fall-apart-by-chinua-achebe-essay

Fear-Driven Motivations in Achebe's Things Fall Apart essay
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