Exploring Business Profit and NonProfit Organisation

Exploring Business Profit and Non-Profit Organisation


Objective: Tesco's main aim is to maximise profit while comparing prices with all other supermarkets that are leading the market alongside Tesco thus allowing a better chance at prices. The overall objective being to expand sales along with profit.

Organisational structure: Tesco use a hierarchical structure and it focuses on departments separately while those at the top of the hierarchical structure are the ones with the most responsibility and authority ,everyone below will work in divided department to improve efficiency.

Mission Statement: "We make what matters better, together"

Features of Tesco

Tesco online shopping- first ever online store which sold products online which originates from the eighties.

Additionally Tesco are the only grocery store to be a success in terms of online shopping.

Clubcard system- First European commercial grocery store to release their brand new Clubcard system to promote customer loyalty, the way it works being points are gained following a transaction and once enough are accumulated these can reduce the price of the total shop in future and allow rewards to be gained.

Credit Card System- Tesco sell expensive electronics and set up a good credit system with customers and effectively expanded their business.

Mobile Phones and telecommunication - Selling phone cards for years offered with good rates and partial pay plans

Petrol Stations- Has been offering petrol and diesel at a better rate than competition for years now however it must be located near a type of tesco store.

Ownership of Tesco is of several partners and is a PLC so is owned by thousands of people and these are all shareholders as they all hold shares in the business.

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Tesco have a limited liability which allows security of personal belongings as the only possessions that can be seized in the event of debt/bankruptcy etc would be what was invested in the business and personal belongings are safe. Tesco sector being the tertiary sector, their size is a large business and an international ascope as they have many overseas stores.

Functional areas

Human Resources: involves recruitment ,retention and dismissal of staff alongside the training and monitoring in the workplace.

Finance: Includes preparing accounts , paying wages and salaries ,obtaining capital and resources and allocating budgets.

Marketing and sales-Market research :

  • primary , secondary
  • Product ,Price ,Place,Promotion
  • Sales Promotion-Advertising campaigns


Clerical work Mail handling, record keeping, document production, organising meetings, dealing with enquiries.

  • Cleaning and Maintenance
  • Security
  • Health and Safety
  • IT and software

Customer service - Providing information to customers and giving advice but mostly after sales service.

Information Technology- Management of the network and allowing new users access to the system and routine repairs.

Distribution- Deciding on which channels to use such as a wholesaler or retailer and the method such as road rail or air.

Business Mission: "We make what matters better, together"

Vision and Values

Tesco has five main visions :

  • To be wanted and needed around the world
  • A growing business ,full of opportunities
  • Modern innovative and full of ideas
  • Winning locally while applying skills globally
  • Inspiring and earning the trust and loyalty from customers.

Their three main values are:

  • No one tries harder for the customer
  • We treat everyone how they like to be treated
  • We use our scale for good
  • Aims and Objective

Aims- " to make shopping cheaper for the average household and aim to do this by cutting prices and offering more in store deals"


  • Maximise sales and this will increase profit margins
  • Decreasing prices and make shopping cheaper for the household
  • Introduce healthier eating products and help to bring in more customers wishing to have a more nutritional diet
  • Develop a greater online store and increase online shopping numbers
  • Provide more jobs throughout the local community
  • Relationship with Internal and external stakeholders
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Exploring Business Profit and NonProfit Organisation. (2019, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/exploring-business-profit-and-nonprofit-organisation-example-essay

Exploring Business Profit and NonProfit Organisation essay
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