Health Benefits Of Hiking


A hobby is more than just something that you do in your leisure time. It is something that you make time to do and look forward to doing. Insurmountable pleasure and relaxation can be obtained from doing something that you consider fun to do. It can be described as creative, fascinating, practical, inexpensive, enjoyable, different or unusual.

Evaluate the benefits of pursuing a specific hobby

Hobby is described as a regular activity that is done for pleasure. Common misconceptions about hobbies are that some think that hobbies or recreations are just for people who live a relaxed life or people who have been retired and have time on their hands, while others believe that hobbies are just a waste of time.

On the other hand, people with full, busy, even stressful lives can benefit from hobbies just as much if not more than the average person. I would like to explorer specifically the benefits of pursuing a hobby like hiking.

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Hiking outdoors has plenty of perks: nice views, fresh air, and sounds of different things and smells of nature. It exercise your mind, body, and soul and is a simple way to challenge yourself. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes. In fact, turning this into a healthy habit can lead to a healthy lifestyle. It’s a great way to start an exercise program that is beneficial to the proper upkeep of the body. Hiking is a powerful cardio workout tool. Studies have shown that obesity is associated with a modest increase in risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.

For people who find it uncomfortable to run or job, walking is a great form of cardio that burns about 240 calories an hour! There are a wide variety of hiking trails.

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Many people in my community take up walking early in the morning and sometimes late evenings. I would like to briefly discuss the benefits of pursing hiking as a hobby. There are many definitions for the word hiking. Hiking in Canada and the USA is the preferred term for a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails, in the countryside, while the word “walking” is used for shorter, particularly urban walks. Another source gave the meaning to hiking as “In its most basic definition, Hiking is simply Walking for recreational purposes. A good summary is: “In Hiking, the Journey is more important that the Destination. The Encyclopedia Britannica from Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service: Walking as a recreational activity and sport. Among those with sedentary occupations, hiking is a natural exercise that promotes physical fitness, is economical and convenient, and requires no special equipment.

Because the hiker can walk as far as he wants, there is not physical strain unless he walks among hills or mountains. I am sure we could find many definition for the word hiking, but despite the many variations derives from this word “hiking” they all have to do with some form of walking. Hiking is one of the most sought out hobbies in what world today and is used in academic and professional sports organizations around the world. Our US military and police forces use this hobby as a part of their routine training for fitness and training purposes. I remember my first experience hiking to the top of the tallest mountain in Jamaica West Indies. I was only 16 years of age, just a boy trying out this new adventure called hiking. My self and 14 other boys hike to the mountain top of the tallest mountain in St. Andrew, Jamaica known as the Blue Mountain Peak. Its elevation is 7,402 (2,256 m) It was breath taking to see this creation, to see different mountains overlapping each other, to hear and see different types of birds that are not usually seen in the city, to see the different plants and trees, hills and valleys in this cold elevated piece of Jamaica.

This was an adventure of a life time I cannot forget. It would have been an experience that would have shaped my life forever and have taught me courage, bravery, it has also fostered closer and stronger relationship the scout brothers. In my research I have discovered that hiking is not just a hobby or a form of recreational interest or just another activity, but it also can lower your risk of colon and breast cancer, and possibly lung and endometrial cancer. Just 30 minutes of aerobic activity 3-5 times a week can lower your risk pf breast cancer by 30- 50 percent. In addition to this, it is good to know that you can turn hiking into a healthy habit! Hiking releases adrenaline and endorphins, which can decrease tension, anxiety, and blood pressure levels. This can reduce risk of depression and will leave you feeling better physically and mentally, which will encourage you to continue your new healthy habits. Studies have shown that exercising during and after treatment with people with cancer can benefits these patients in several ways, ranging from improved fitness and higher quality of life to reduced rates of recurrence and a longer life. Cancer patients who exercise may experience less nausea and less fatigue. It’s never too late to use exercise to fight cancer.

If you’re coping with cancer or its aftermath, now is the time! Hiking offers additional health benefits such as: lowering your risk of heart disease, improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, boosts bone density, since walking is a weight-bearing exercise, build strength in your gluteus, quadriceps, hamstrings, and muscles in your hips and lower legs, it helps to control your weight, strengthen your core and boost your mood. Research have shown that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety. In conclusion, based on the benefits highlighted above, hobbies is shown to have a rewarding outcome. When people think about Hiking, they mostly think of nature, the great outdoors, a backpack and a tent.

For most people, Hiking is an escape back to nature and a great way to get a good workout while forgetting all about the day to day hassles of city life. Why should you do hiking? Hiking is a great body exercise which will realty improve your overall physical condition. The natural waling motion provides you with a relatively low impact but effective workout. In its easiest form, Hiking is a very safe walk using clearly defined trails. Many people take a walk to clear their heads or to think about issues. Hiking could be a way of relaxing or something that can test your own capabilities and foster relationships with people who share the same types of recreational interest.


  1. Lee, Jamaica Travel and Culture .com (2009). Blue Mountain Peak – The Blue Mountains. Retrieved from
  2. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (2014, September 25). What is hiking? Retrieved from
  3. Scott, E., (2014), The Importance of Hobbies For Stress Relief. Retrieved from
  4. Robinson, K. M., Smith, M.W., WebMD Magazine – Feature (2013, September 15).
  5. How Hiking is Good for Body and Mind. Retrieved from exercise/features/hiking-body-mind

The Hiking Trip

"I never wanted to come on this stupid old hiking trip anyway!" His voice echoed, shrill and panicked, across the narrow canyon. His father stopped, chest heaving with the effort of the climb, and turned to look at the boy.

"This is hard on you, son, I know. But you've got to come through with courage and a level head."

"But I'm scared! I don't even want to have courage!" he retorted. He jerked his head the other way and wiped his eyes across his arm.

"If not courage, fine," his father replied sternly. "Then have enough love for your brother to think this through!" He pulled a bandana from his back pocket and tied it around his neck. Then he gently placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and continued, more softly this time. "Now, I don't know if I can make it without stopping every so often. And we just don't have the time to stop. You're young, but you're strong and fast. Do you remember the way back from here to the road, if you had to go alone?"

Jeff flashed back to the agonizing scene of his seventeen-year-old brother at their campsite that morning. He'd been bitten by a snake yesterday during a rough hike through very rocky terrain. By the time they returned to their tents, he was limping badly. Then this morning he couldn't put on his boots, and the pain seemed to be getting worse. He needed medical attention right away, so leaving him there was their only choice.

"Jeffrey? Jeffrey, could you do it? Could you make it to the road without me if you had to?"

Jeff blinked and looked past his father's eyes to the end of the canyon, several miles away. He nodded slowly as the path and the plan began to take hold in his mind. "What was the name of that little town we stopped in to get matches, Dad?"

His father smiled and replied, "Flint. After we left Flint, we parked at the side of the road a few miles out of town. When you see which way our car is facing, you'll know that the town is back the other direction."

Jeff thought about this and then nodded. They both drank water and then continued scrambling over the rocks.

Nothing was as pretty as it had seemed when they first hiked this way to their campsite. Before, the boulders and rocks had been an interesting challenge. Now, they were obstacles that threatened their footing and their velocity. Overhanging limbs had earlier been natural curiosities in the cliffs. But now they were nature's weapons, slapping and scratching the boy and the man who crashed by and pushed through as quickly as they could.

Stone by stone, they made their way up the canyon. Jeff's father grew smaller and smaller in the distance. "He must be stopping a lot," Jeff thought. He waved to him from a bend in the canyon wall. His father waved back. Jeff turned and made the final ascent up an easier slope toward the road and spotted his father's car. He lurched toward it, half stumbling, and leaned on the hood, breathless.

"Can't stop," he thought. "Mark's in big trouble. Gotta keep going." The fast, loud thudding in his ears was deafening, and as he pulled himself upright, he was surprised as a car sped by, heading toward Flint. "Hey, mister!" he shouted, waving both arms. He began to walk, faster and faster until he was jogging. Then he quickly crossed the highway and broke into a full-speed run, holding his left arm straight out, his thumb up.

His chest was burning with every breath when he suddenly heard several loud honks from behind. He turned as the brakes squealed and saw "Bob's Towing $#038; Repair, Flint" right behind him. "Jump in, boy! What's up?" Jeff explained between gasps as the truck picked up speed. The driver reached for his two-way radio as soon as he heard about Mark. "Better get the helicopter in there," he seemed to be shouting into his hand. But Jeff wasn't sure about that because everything got fuzzy and then went black and quiet.

Hours later, Jeff opened his eyes to find strange surroundings and his father on a chair nearby.

"You're a hero, son," his father said with a smile. "You saved Mark."

"What happened?" Jeff asked through a wide yawn. "Where are we?"

"This is a motel room in Flint. You made it into town and sent the helicopter into the canyon after Mark. I can't tell you how happy I was when I saw it overhead. I'm so proud of you!"

Jeff sat up suddenly. "Where's Mark? Is he OK?"

"They airlifted him out and got him to the hospital. His leg's still in bad shape, but he's going to be just fine in a couple of days. Thanks to you, son."

Jeff's worried face relaxed as his father spoke. "How about you, Dad? How did you get out?"

"Well, I finally hiked myself out of that canyon and to the road. I won't be going back there any time soon. That's for sure. Anyway, I couldn't see the car, and as I headed for Flint I got lucky and was able to hitch a ride from a fellow named Bob in a tow truck."

Jeff laughed out loud. "I guess Bob makes a good living going up and down that road. I hope you gave him a good tip, Dad!"

Updated: Sep 29, 2022
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Health Benefits Of Hiking. (2016, May 31). Retrieved from

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