Ideally, the relationship between budget targets and performance evaluation procedures in any profit making organization is always quite close. The HCC Industries, therefore, are no exception. This is owed to the fact that it is the extent to which the targets of an organization are being met that defines the level of performance of that particular organization. Profit is one major tool that was used to evaluate the performance of HCC Industries. Profit was the most important criterion that was…
This paper is a research proposal about direct marketing in the social media. With the involvement with the error of computers, ways of managing marketing have been increased. Each technique comes with its major benefits and constraints. This research proposal targets on evaluating the usefulness of social media in direct marketing. The development of social media as a direct channel is not without its challenges. According to the study, the top two constraints for marketers came down to looking for…
According to Fox, a manager should have an alternative ‘frame of reference’ that will help in analysing employee relations. Many managers use unrealistic ‘frames of reference’ that end up distorting the existing facts thus making solutions very elusive. Fox further explains that there is the need to develop an efficient and effective frame of reference that can view industrial relation conflicts in a realistic manner offering proper solutions (1966. Pp. 34). Fox is against some unrealistic ideologies that are used…
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The Merchant of Venice and Othello are similar Shakespeare plays with a number of occurrences where both non-whites and non-Christian characters are victimized on the basis of race and prejudice. The plays have expressed this outright marginalization through language power and terms of reference. (McNeil & Carey, 2000) Shakespeare’s’ suspense play “The Merchant of Venice portrays Shylock as a socially unlikable character which evokes a mixed feeling within the mind of the reader. This character often takes advantage of economically…
If a company experiences a huge crisis, there is no shortcut: the companies will definitely suffer and without elaborate strategies, and the company might never be the same again. The point of debate holds that instead of responding to a crisis as a defeat, the company should recognize the fact that it is another opportunity window and find the best approach out of the crisis, essentially, with its brand image and reputation intact. In reference to Weiss (2009), possessing knowledge…