Educational Institutes in India

Each educational Institute can be seen as a small independent unit in respect of education and research. For this reason, efficiency of management in improving education and research within this unit is more and more ATA premium. This paper seeks to identify various knowledge management concepts and practices and challenges faced by educational institutes in India . Let throws light on the type of knowledge management and new Innovations In the same field.

It also investigates the aspects such as the benefits of adopting knowledge management for educational institutions and examples of implementing knowledge management practices by educational Institutions.

Key words: knowledge management. Higher Educations faculty. Students, courses.There have been many firms and organizations that have implemented KM principles, methods, practices or tools. However, academic institutions in particular management institutes (also called as business schools) have taken more interest recently in introducing KM approaches.

From the academic learning point of view Knowledge Management (KM) by its nature especially is suitable. Business schools (B-schools) use information technology based tools for admissions, registrations, time table processing and performance evaluations of their faculty, students, staff and administrations.

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Knowledge management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an Educational Institution to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of Insight and experiences.

Such Insights and experiences comprise knowledge, either embodied in individuals or embedded in Educational Institutional processes or practice. Factors in the long-term success of both an individual and an educational Institution. Knowledge and knowledge management have emerged as a vital component for many Educational Institutions.

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In fact, knowledge may soon be the only source of nominative advantage for an Educational Institution. A company's value depends increasingly on "intangible assets" which exist in the minds of employees, in databases, in files and in myriad documents.

To manage knowledge it must first of all be captured or acquired in some useful form. Knowledge management is a critical component of an Educational Institutions success. Knowledge assets are the knowledge that an Educational Institution owns or needs to own, to achieve its goals. Knowledge is information, extracted, filtered or formatted in some way. Knowledge management technologies capture this intangible element in an Educational Institution and make it universally available.

This approach has come to be known as knowledge management: the practice of capturing and organizing information to make it more accessible and valuable to those who need it. With the impact of globalization, the Internet, and the rapid evolution of technology, managing knowledge for competitive advantage has become more important than ever. Knowledge management is therefore an "essential ingredient of success" for all Educational Institutions. Types of Knowledge Knowledge can be divided into two types, Tacit knowledge and Explicit knowledge.

Tacit knowledge is implicit, whereas Explicit knowledge is rule-based knowledge that is used to match actions to situations by invoking appropriate rules. An Educational Institution promotes the learning of Tacit knowledge to increase the skills and creative capacities of its faculty and takes advantage of Explicit knowledge to maximize efficiency. Tacit Knowledge o Tacit knowledge includes hands-on skills, best practices, special know-how, and intuitions. Personal knowledge that is difficult to articulate. O Tacit knowledge in an Educational Institution ensures task effectiveness.

It also provides or a kind of creative vitality - intuition and spontaneous insight can often tackle tough problems that would otherwise be difficult to solve. O Traditionally the transfer of Tacit knowledge is through shared experience, through apprenticeship and Job training. O Tacit knowledge is cultivated in an Educational Institutional culture that motivates through shared vision and common purpose. Explicit Knowledge ; Explicit knowledge is used in the design of routines, standard operation procedures, and the structure of data records.

These forms of knowledge can be found in any Educational Institution. It allows an Educational Institution to enjoy a certain level of operational efficiency and control. An Educational Institution must adopt a holistic approach to knowledge management that successfully combines Tacit and Explicit knowledge at all levels of the Educational Institution. Personal knowledge is leveraged with Explicit knowledge for the design and development of innovative Teaching Methodology. TYPE OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Knowledge Management can take many forms, depending on the purpose and requirements.

The following is a partial list of related types of KM from which an A content management system provides the tools for managing different types of content. The standard functions of a content management system are to: ; Create content / Induct new content into the system ; Store content ; Search for content ; Retrieve content ; Render or display content 2. Data Management It refers to an electronic means of storing institute-related data, such as data related to courses, students ,faculty and staff. 3.

Document Management When multiple, related documents are managed together, it can be referred to as document management. Every institute needs a method of organizing its documents; whether an individual can find the appropriate document in a timely fashion will be greatly increase if these documents have been managed properly from the start. 4. Portal A portal (online) allows a user to easily access a wide variety of resources from one central website. This Jump-off point' collects information from different places on the Internet or on an Enterprise-wide Intranet and refers the user to these in an organized fashion.

One has to sustain in the continuous knowledge flow. Issues and challenges in academics not only affect people within the institutions, but also other segments like environment, industry standards and demands, educational norms and growing business school competition. Knowledge management increases the ability of the management institutes to learn from its environment and incorporate knowledge into the academic processes by adapting to new tools and technologies. One has to tighten their strategies to sustain high level competition in education market.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021
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Educational Institutes in India. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Educational Institutes in India essay
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