Early Childhood Education and Development Of Manipulative Skills

Manipulative skills, mostly, are those in which a person learns to handle objects with accuracy in accordance with speed and control. These skills mainly involve physical activities with the use of hand and body. Keep fit the body to carry out physical movements is needed for the all-round development of the child.

All body movements require us to make use of our muscles. Motor skills are divided into two types - fine and gross. Fine motor skills are a minor set of skills used to manipulate smaller objects, and require lesser energy.

Examples of fine motor skills include drawing, sketching, cutting, etc. Gross motor skills are those which make use of comparatively bigger muscles in the body, and require high level of judgment and coordination. Some examples of gross motor skills are jumping, running, climbing, etc. (Holecko, 2019).

More importantly, manipulative activities must begin at a young age so that the child can reap the following benefits

· Healthy growth and development

· Building strong muscles and bones

· Development of basic motor skills

· Improved sense of movement, balance, and coordination

· Development of mental faculties

· Improved social interactions, a heightened sense of confidence

· Healthy weight and frame (Singh, 2018).

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In this assignment I will focus on the development of Manipulative Skills and how motor skills effects children’s learning skills.

Thing control skills are tougher for kids to controlling because they are more difficult and challenging than motor skills that don't involve objects. So, they progress after other gross motor skills. When children are first learning manipulative skills, the goal isn't complete accuracy (striking a ball right at a goal, for example, or throwing it to another player in a game).

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They must first learn the basic action—for example, throwing a ball—before they can fine tune it.

Fine motor skill efficiency expressively impacts the value of the task outcome as well as the speed of task performance. Effective fine motor skills require a number of independent skills to work together to appropriately manipulate the object or perform the task (Holecko, 2019)

Fine motor skills are minor parts of the body, like those of the hands and fingers, with the eyes. Fine motor skills contain the small muscles of the body that enable such roles as writing, clutching small objects and clasp clothing. They involve strength, fine motor control, and skill. Learn why these skills are important and how to help children improve them with this assessment.These skills are important for the school activities as well as in life in over-all. Weaknesses in fine motor skills can affect a child's ability to eat, write legibly, use a computer, turn pages in a book and perform personal care tasks, such as dressing and cleaning

Gross motor is a larger mussels of the body parts. It is the whole body movements. Gross motor skills are activities such as running, crawling, swimming or hopping. These types of activities are important for young children to practice as they develop because they help children learn how to manage and control their body movements. Gross motor skills also help lay the foundation to be able to complete fine motor skill movement such as pinching or grasping.Practicing gross motor skills will help children learn how to control and coordinate their body movements (Moyses, 2016 )

Young children are talented of understanding and actively building knowledge, and they are highly motivated to do so. They were learn things in fun and enjoyable ways. While there are developmental limitations on children’s competence, those constraints serve as a maximum below which there is huge room for difference in growth, skill achievement, and understanding. If your child has difficulties with fine motor skills, it is recommended they consult a Professional Therapist.Fine motor skills contain the use of the small muscles in the fingers, hand and arm to manipulate, control and use tools and materials. Hand-eye coordination, where a person uses their vision to control the movements and actions of their small muscles, is also an important element of fine motor skill development.

How can you help your child practice gross motor skills? You can develop your child’s motor skills, give them opportunity to play things like run, throw balls etc.


  1. Holecko, C. (2019, January 10). How Kids Master Manipulative Motor Skills. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from www.verywellfamily.com: https://www.verywellfamily.com/manipulative-skills-1256926
  2. Holecko, C. (2019, January 10). How Kids Master Manipulative Motor Skills. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from www.verywellfamily.com: https://www.verywellfamily.com/manipulative-skills-1256926
  3. Logsdon, A. (2018, October 31). Best Ways to Improve Fine Motor Skills. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from www.verywellfamily.com: https://www.verywellfamily.com/what-are-fine-motor-skills-2162037
  4. Logsdon, A. (2018, October 31). Best Ways to Improve Fine Motor Skills. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from www.verywellfamily.com: https://www.verywellfamily.com/what-are-fine-motor-skills-2162037
  5. Moyses, K. (2016 , June 14). Building fine motor skills and why it matters. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from www.canr.msu.edu: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/building_fine_motor_skills_and_why_it_matters
  6. Singh, A. ( 2018, June 03). The Importance of Manipulative Skills and Activities to Enhance Them. Retrieved 02 11, 2019, from aptparenting.com: https://aptparenting.com/manipulative-skills
Updated: Feb 15, 2024
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Early Childhood Education and Development Of Manipulative Skills. (2024, Feb 15). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/early-childhood-education-and-development-of-manipulative-skills-essay

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