Effect of Wheel Radius on Mousetrap Car Performance

Categories: Engineering


The purpose of this project was to investigate the impact of an automobile's wheel radius on its performance. The experiment involved testing cars with different wheel diameters while keeping the propulsion force constant. The hypothesis was that the wheel size would affect the distance traveled by the car. The cars were propelled by spring-loaded mousetraps, and the wheel sizes varied. The results indicated that larger wheels traveled further, but smaller wheels had quicker acceleration. The project aimed to find the most efficient use of energy provided by the mousetrap for both speed and distance by adjusting the wheel size.


The objective of this project was to explore how the size of a car's wheel radius influences its performance.

The project investigated whether there is an optimum wheel size that maximizes efficiency. The experiment used mousetrap cars made from common and inexpensive materials, featuring simple wheel and axle setups and levers, which are basic machines for achieving forward movement. The propulsion method employed was a spring-loaded mousetrap connected to the axle supporting the test wheels.

A mousetrap car is designed to operate similarly to a gas-powered car, but it utilizes a mousetrap as the motor instead of an internal combustion engine.

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The mousetrap is positioned on the car's chassis, and an extended lever is attached to one of the car's axles using a length of string. When the mousetrap is triggered, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, causing the wheels to turn and propel the car forward. The length of the string connecting the lever to the axle remained constant throughout the experiment to ensure consistent energy input for each wheel size.

The experiment focused on varying the wheel diameter while keeping other factors constant.

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The hypothesis was that the wheel size would directly influence the distance the car traveled. Larger wheels were expected to require fewer revolutions to cover the same distance compared to smaller wheels. However, larger wheels would also demand more torque to start turning. The project aimed to find the optimal balance between wheel size and energy efficiency provided by the mousetrap.

Materials and Methods

The experiment used the following materials:

  • Thin plywood for chassis and axle supports
  • 3/16-inch dowel rods for axles
  • Circular foam board pieces for wheels
  • Cardboard tube slices for wheel support
  • Standard-sized mousetrap
  • 3-inch copper pipe for lever extension
  • Two-feet length of nylon string for lever connection

The experimental setup involved attaching the mousetrap to the chassis, extending the lever with copper pipe, and connecting the lever to one of the rear axles using nylon string. The wheels were attached to the axles with rubber cement. Three different wheel sizes were tested, and each size was evaluated for both distance and speed.

The following wheel sizes were tested:

  • 2.25 inches
  • 4.75 inches
  • 7.00 inches

Each wheel size was tested three times, and the results were averaged. The experiments measured the distance traveled and the time taken to cover distances of 5 feet and 10 feet.


Wheel Size (inches) Distance Traveled Speed (5 feet / 10 feet)
2.25 11 feet, four inches 1.45 sec. / 2.4 sec.
4.75 16 feet, 11 inches 2.1 sec. / 3.05 sec.
7.00 18 feet, two inches 3.6 sec. / 4.42 sec.

The results of the experiment demonstrated two key characteristics:

  1. Larger wheels traveled significantly further than smaller wheels.
  2. Smaller wheels exhibited quicker acceleration than larger wheels.

Since the wheels had similar masses, the effect of friction did not vary significantly between different wheel sizes. As a result, the data suggested that wheel sizes could be adjusted based on the type of race or desired performance, with larger wheels providing greater distance and smaller wheels offering faster acceleration.


The experiment confirmed that wheel radius has a direct impact on mousetrap car performance. Larger wheels covered more distance due to their larger circumferences, which provided greater mechanical advantage. Mechanical advantage enhances efficiency in simple machines like mousetrap cars. However, larger wheels also required more torque to start turning, which affected acceleration.

Acceleration is crucial for achieving momentum, which keeps moving objects in motion until acted upon by an external force. Smaller wheels exhibited quicker acceleration, allowing the car to build up momentum faster. If the wheels were too small, the car would require more revolutions to build significant momentum, affecting its overall efficiency.

Friction played a role in the experiment, with traction between the car's wheels and the surface aiding in propulsion. However, friction between the axles and the car's chassis could hinder performance. To reduce this friction, lubricants were applied to the axles in contact with the chassis. Additionally, heavier cars experienced more friction and inertia, which limited their ability to travel far or fast under the same conditions.


In conclusion, the experiment revealed that wheel radius has a significant impact on the performance of mousetrap-powered cars. Larger wheels allowed for greater distance traveled, while smaller wheels exhibited quicker acceleration. The results indicated that the optimal wheel size could be adjusted depending on the desired outcome, whether it is distance or speed. Adjusting the wheel size provides an opportunity to maximize the efficiency of energy provided by the mousetrap.


Future experiments could explore other factors influencing mousetrap car performance, such as variations in chassis design, lever length, or mousetrap type. Additionally, fine-tuning the design and materials of the mousetrap cars could lead to even more efficient vehicles. Exploring these aspects further would contribute to a deeper understanding of the principles behind simple machines and their applications in propulsion.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Effect of Wheel Radius on Mousetrap Car Performance. (2016, Dec 19). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/mousetrap-car

Effect of Wheel Radius on Mousetrap Car Performance essay
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