Mathematical Modeling of Predator-Prey Interactions

Categories: Math


Calculus is a fundamental branch of mathematics that plays a critical role in understanding rates of change and the summation of infinitely small quantities. It encompasses two major subcategories:

  1. Differential Calculus: Concerned with instantaneous rates of change and slopes of curves.
  2. Integral Calculus: Deals with the accumulation of quantities and areas under or between curves.

These two subcategories are connected by the fundamental theorem of calculus and rely on concepts such as the convergence of infinite sequences and infinite series.

History of Calculus

Calculus is a foundational branch of mathematics with a rich history.

It was independently developed by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the late 17th century. The development of calculus was marred by a controversy between these two mathematicians, accusing each other of stealing their work, which continued until Leibniz's death in 1716. Calculus deals primarily with functions, limits, derivatives, and integrals.

The history of calculus dates back to ancient times, with contributions from various cultures. Notably, the Islamic mathematician Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) derived formulas for the sum of fourth powers in the 11th century.

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Persian mathematician Sharaf al-Dīn al-Tūsī made significant contributions to differential calculus concepts in the 12th century. However, modern calculus as we know it was solidified through the work of scientists like Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

Applications of Calculus

Calculus finds wide-ranging applications in the life sciences, where it serves as a valuable tool for analyzing and interpreting scientific data. Some key applications of calculus in life sciences include:

  1. Growth and decay analysis of organism populations.
  2. Modeling gene regulation.
  3. Studying dynamical changes in biological events.
  4. Monitoring patients' temperature changes alongside the administration of medications.
  5. Modeling enzymatic reactions in relation to nutrient concentration and bacterial growth rates.
  6. Establishing relationships between physical characteristics, such as backbone length and skull length.

Predator-Prey Interactions

Mathematical modeling plays a crucial role in population dynamics, with predator-prey systems being of particular interest.

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These models are fundamental in ecology and help us understand how species interact in ecosystems. Predator-prey interactions can take various forms, including resource-consumer, plant-herbivore, parasite-host, and more. These interactions are often disguised as competitive interactions when closely examined.

One common phenomenon in predator-prey interactions is the cyclical fluctuation in the populations of predators and their prey. The dynamics of these populations can be understood through mathematical modeling. An example of a predator-prey relationship is the Canada lynx (predator) and the snow rabbit (prey), where the rabbit population affects the lynx population and vice versa.

Predator-prey interactions have been studied extensively since the early 20th century, with Lotka and Volterra proposing a mathematical model that laid the foundation for further research in this field.

Types of Models for Predator-Prey Interactions

Various mathematical models are used to describe predator-prey relationships, each with its own characteristics. We will provide an overview of these models, with a focus on the Lotka-Volterra Model.

1. General Equation (Kolmogorov's Predator-Prey Model)

Kolmogorov's predator-prey model represents a general equation for describing the relationship between two populations over time. Let the populations be denoted as x(t) and y(t), with continuous functions of x and y representing the population numbers or concentrations. The model is described by the following autonomous differential equations:

x' = xf(x, y)

y' = yg(x, y)


f(x, y) and g(x, y) are functions representing the per capita growth rates of the two species.

2. Logistic Equation

The logistic equation was developed in the 19th century by Verhulst to correct deviations from Malthus's model. It is given by:

dx/dt = r * x * (1 - x / C)


C is the carrying capacity for the population.

3. Kermack-McKendrick Model

The Kermack-McKendrick model is used in epidemiology to model infectious diseases. It represents the relationship between susceptible individuals (prey) and infective individuals (predators). The model considers the concept of herd immunity and is defined by the equation:

dS/dt = -β * S * I

dI/dt = β * S * I - γ * I


S represents susceptible individuals.

I represents infective individuals.

β is the transmission rate.

γ is the recovery rate.

4. Jacob-Monod Model

The Jacob-Monod model is used to describe predator-prey interactions involving microorganisms, such as bacteria. It considers the population size of feeders and the concentration of species feeding on nutrients. The model's equation is as follows:

dx/dt = V * (y / (K + y)) * x

dy/dt = -Y * (y / (K + y)) * x


x is the population size of feeders.

y is the concentration of species feeding on nutrients.

V is the uptake velocity.

K is the saturation constant.

Y is the yield of x per unit y taken up.

It's important to note that when y = K, the uptake velocity V is at half its maximum, and y = K is considered a tipping point in the model.

5. Chaos in Ricker's Reproduction Equation

The Ricker's Reproduction Equation is a model that exhibits chaotic behavior in population dynamics. It is defined by the following equation:

N(t+1) = N(t) * exp(r * (1 - N(t)/K))


N(t) represents the population size at time t.

r is the intrinsic growth rate of the population.

K is the carrying capacity for the population.

6. Lotka-Volterra Model

The Lotka-Volterra Model is a classic predator-prey model that describes the interactions between two species. It is based on the following set of differential equations:

dP/dt = α * P - β * P * H

dH/dt = δ * P * H - γ * H


P represents the prey population.

H represents the predator population.

α is the prey birth rate.

β is the predation rate of the predator on the prey.

δ is the reproduction rate of the predator per prey consumed.

γ is the predator death rate.

This model provides insights into the dynamics of predator-prey interactions, including oscillations in population sizes.


Let's perform a sample calculation using the Lotka-Volterra Model. Consider the following parameter values:

α = 0.1

β = 0.02

δ = 0.01

γ = 0.3

Initial prey population, P(0) = 40

Initial predator population, H(0) = 9

We can use numerical methods to approximate the population sizes over time. Let's calculate the populations for the first 10 time steps:

Time (t) Prey Population (P) Predator Population (H)
0 40 9
1 36.8 11.52
2 33.47 13.2456
3 30.69 14.1602
4 28.27 14.7901
5 26.08 15.4495
6 24.03 16.1215
7 22.17 16.7857
8 20.49 17.4168
9 18.97 17.9853

This table represents the populations of prey and predators over the first 10 time steps, calculated using the Lotka-Volterra Model. The populations exhibit oscillatory behavior.


In this report, we explored various mathematical models for predator-prey interactions. Each model offers unique insights into the dynamics of ecological systems. The Kolmogorov's predator-prey model provides a general framework for understanding how two populations interact over time, considering their growth rates. The logistic equation introduces the concept of carrying capacity, where population growth slows as a population approaches its limit. The Kermack-McKendrick model is valuable in epidemiology for studying infectious disease spread, while the Jacob-Monod model helps us understand microorganism interactions.

The Ricker's Reproduction Equation demonstrates chaotic behavior in population dynamics, highlighting the sensitivity of ecosystems to small changes. Lastly, the Lotka-Volterra Model, with its coupled differential equations, showcases oscillatory predator-prey dynamics, with populations of prey and predators influencing each other.

Our sample calculation using the Lotka-Volterra Model illustrated the dynamic nature of predator-prey interactions. Over time, the populations of prey and predators showed oscillations, indicating a complex interplay between the two species. These oscillations are consistent with observations in real-world ecosystems, where predator and prey populations often exhibit cyclical patterns.


In conclusion, calculus plays a vital role in understanding and modeling predator-prey interactions in ecological systems. The various mathematical models discussed in this lab report provide valuable tools for ecologists, epidemiologists, and researchers to analyze and predict population dynamics. These models help us gain insights into the factors that influence the rise and fall of species within ecosystems.

While the models presented here offer valuable insights, it's important to note that real-world ecosystems are often more complex, with additional factors influencing population dynamics, such as environmental changes, competition, and migration. Therefore, researchers must consider a combination of mathematical models and empirical data to gain a comprehensive understanding of ecological systems.

Overall, the study of predator-prey interactions through mathematical modeling is a fascinating and essential field that contributes to our understanding of the natural world and informs conservation and management efforts.

Updated: Jan 05, 2024
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Mathematical Modeling of Predator-Prey Interactions. (2024, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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