Mathematical Modeling of Football Kick

Categories: Math


The aim of this study is to formulate a mathematical model through math modeling to quantify the best angle from the football kick in order to achieve the goal anywhere from football ground. Football kick take understanding of math as well. The player taking the shot will find the perfect angle strike the football at a certain angle to avoid the goal keeper. The model created was a math involving projectile motion model illustrating angle of football kick caused due to three independent variables: velocity of football kick, position of football in ground and angle at which football kicked and also studied behavior of football motion under the influence of air resistance.


As an avid athlete with a passion for football, I have always sought to maximize the power and accuracy of my ground shots.

To achieve this, I decided to delve into the mathematics behind football kicks. This experiment aims to explore the mathematical expressions and modeling of football motion to determine the best angle for a kick that results in the maximum distance covered.

The study begins by explaining the fundamentals of football motion, including the resolution of horizontal and vertical components.

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While conducting this investigation, air resistance is assumed to be negligible. The key variables considered are the initial velocity of the football kick and the angle at which it is launched. These factors greatly influence the landing position of the football.


Let's define the following notation for our mathematical model:

  • g = gravitational acceleration (g = 10 m/s2)
  • V = initial velocity of football kick
  • θ = angle of football kick
  • Vx = horizontal velocity component
  • Vy = vertical velocity component

Horizontal Distance (in vacuum)

Since there is no horizontal acceleration in a vacuum, the horizontal velocity remains constant throughout the motion.

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The horizontal distance covered by the football, Vx, is calculated as:

Vx = (V cosθ) × t

Vertical Distance (in vacuum)

For vertical motion under gravity, we use the equation of displacement under constant acceleration:

Vy = (V sinθ)t - ½gt2

Where Vy represents the vertical velocity and g is the gravitational acceleration.

Mathematical Model

To find the optimal angle of a football kick, we can set up a system of simultaneous equations for horizontal and vertical motion:

Horizontal motion: Sx = (V cosθ)t

Vertical motion: Sy = (V sinθ)t - ½gt2

Now, let's solve these equations simultaneously to eliminate time (t) and find the optimal angle (θ):

tanθ = (Sy/Sx) = ((V sinθ)t - ½gt2) / ((V cosθ)t)

By rearranging the terms and simplifying, we get the following quadratic equation:

tanθ = (2Vx / g) - (g / (2Vx))t2

This equation can be represented as:

tanθ = a - bt2

Where a = (2Vx / g) and b = (g / (2Vx)).

Now, we can apply the quadratic formula to find the value of t:

t = (-b ± √(b2 - 4ac)) / 2a

Substituting the values of a, b, and c into the equation, we obtain:

t = (-g / (2Vx)) ± √((g / (2Vx))2 - (4(2Vx / g)(0))) / (2(2Vx / g))

Now, we can calculate the angle θ for a goal:

tanθ = ((2Vx / g) - (√((g / (2Vx))2 - (4(2Vx / g)(0)))) / (2(2Vx / g)))

Angle θ for Goal

At the point of the goal, the vertical coordinate (y) is equal to 0, so we set y = 0 in the equation:

((2Vx / g) - (√((g / (2Vx))2 - (4(2Vx / g)(0)))) / (2(2Vx / g))) = tanθ

Assuming an average football speed of 15 m/s, a gravitational acceleration of 10 m/s2, a distance between the player and the goal of 22 m, and a vertical coordinate of 0 for the goal, we can calculate the angle θ as follows:

θ = arctan((2(15 m/s) / 10 m/s2) - (√((10 m/s2 / (2(15 m/s)))2 - (4(2(15 m/s) / 10 m/s2)(0)))) / (2(2(15 m/s) / 10 m/s2)))

Factors Affecting Our Modeling

1. Air Resistance

Football motion involves two-dimensional projectile motion, requiring us to consider horizontal and vertical components separately. To account for air resistance, we introduce a force equation:

F = ma

Where m is the mass of the football, a is acceleration, and F is force. At t = 0, Vx = ucos (initial horizontal velocity).

Using the force equation, we can derive the horizontal displacement equation under air resistance:

x = ∫(ucos - kv)dt + c

At t = 0, x = 0, so we can determine the value of c.

For vertical motion, vertical forces include gravity and air resistance:

Fy = -mg - kv sinα

By integrating the vertical velocity equation, we obtain the vertical displacement equation under air resistance:

y = ∫(usin - gt - kv sinα)dt + c

At t = 0, y = 0, allowing us to determine the value of c.

Modeling the Difference in Motion (Vacuum vs. Air Resistance)

To illustrate the impact of air resistance, we consider a football with a mass of 0.45 kg, an initial kick velocity of 15 m/s, a force constant (k) of 0.1, and a kick angle of 51.05 degrees. We compare the displacement of the football under both vacuum conditions and with air resistance:

Time (s) Vacuum (x) Vacuum (y) Air Resistance (x) Air Resistance (y)
0.5 5.3 m 4.40 m 5.02 m 3.8 m
1.0 10.6 m 5.59 m 9.51 m 4.85 m
1.5 15.9 m 4.64 m 13.54 m 3.42 m
2.0 21.2 m 1.19 m 17.14 m -0.22 m


It is essential to acknowledge the limitations of this mathematical model. Several assumptions were made, such as neglecting spin rate and the Magnus effect. In reality, the spin of the football can significantly affect its trajectory due to the Magnus effect, creating lift forces. Additionally, the model assumes constant gravitational acceleration, which may vary slightly with location. Furthermore, the model does not consider the influence of drag forces, which can alter the spin rate of the football.

Despite these limitations, the model provides valuable insights into the factors that affect football trajectories. It highlights the importance of adjusting initial velocity and kick angle for a successful shot. The model was solved for both vacuum conditions and with air resistance, illustrating the significant impact of air resistance on football motion.


The mathematical modeling of football kicks is a complex problem that requires careful consideration of various factors. This study explored the optimal angle for a football kick to achieve maximum distance while accounting for air resistance. The model presented here serves as a useful tool for football players aiming to improve their shooting accuracy.

In summary, this research has shed light on the precise adjustments needed in terms of speed, angle, and air resistance to achieve the perfect football kick. By incorporating mathematical principles, players can enhance their skills and increase their chances of success on the field.


This study delved into the free-kick problem of football, emphasizing the importance of adjusting initial velocity and kick angle for successful kicks. The model was solved for various scenarios, including vacuum conditions and air resistance. While the model has limitations, it provides valuable insights into the mechanics of football kicks.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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Mathematical Modeling of Football Kick essay
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