Investigative Study on Osmosis Through an Egg Experiment

Categories: Biology


Osmosis, a fundamental concept in the study of biology, describes the movement of water molecules through a semipermeable membrane from a region of lower solute concentration to one of higher solute concentration. This laboratory report delves into an experiment designed to observe osmosis in action, using a de-shelled chicken egg as a model system. The experiment aims to illustrate how osmotic pressure affects cells in different environments, providing a tangible understanding of osmosis's role in biological processes.

Understanding Osmosis

Osmosis plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular homeostasis, allowing cells to regulate their internal environment despite external changes.

It is driven by the differential concentration of solutes on either side of a cell membrane, leading to the movement of water to balance these concentrations.

In living organisms, osmosis is essential for numerous physiological processes, including nutrient absorption, waste removal, and the maintenance of fluid balance. Understanding osmosis can also shed light on various medical conditions, such as dehydration and edema, where water balance is disrupted.

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Methodological Approach

The experiment's primary objective was to demonstrate osmosis using a de-shelled chicken egg, observing the effects of hypertonic and hypotonic solutions on the egg's mass and volume.

Materials and Procedure


  • Chicken eggs with shells removed through a vinegar soak
  • Distilled water (hypotonic solution)
  • Corn syrup (hypertonic solution)
  • Beakers
  • Digital scale
  • Measuring cylinder

Experimental Design:

  1. Initial Measurements: The mass and volume of the de-shelled eggs were recorded.
  2. Solution Exposure: Eggs were then submerged in distilled water and corn syrup, respectively, and left for a 24-hour period.

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  3. Final Measurements: After 24 hours, eggs were removed, and their mass and volume were measured again to assess changes.


The experiment provided clear evidence of osmosis, with significant changes observed in the mass and volume of eggs subjected to different solutions.

Data Analysis

  • Hypotonic Solution (Distilled Water): Eggs placed in distilled water increased in mass and volume, indicating water movement into the eggs to balance solute concentrations.
  • Hypertonic Solution (Corn Syrup): Conversely, eggs in corn syrup exhibited a decrease in mass and volume, showcasing water movement out of the eggs to equilibrate solute levels.


The experiment's outcomes vividly illustrate osmosis's impact on living cells when exposed to environments of differing solute concentrations. The increase in mass and volume of eggs in a hypotonic solution underscores the cell's tendency to absorb water when external solute concentrations are lower than those inside the cell. Conversely, the shrinkage observed in eggs placed in a hypertonic solution highlights the cell's loss of water to balance higher external solute concentrations.

These observations mirror physiological responses in living organisms, emphasizing osmosis's role in maintaining cellular and systemic equilibrium. The experiment not only reinforces theoretical knowledge of osmosis but also provides a practical understanding of its effects on cell volume and mass in varying solute environments.


This comprehensive study on osmosis through an egg experiment successfully demonstrates the fundamental biological process's dynamic nature and its implications for cell structure and function. By visually and quantitatively analyzing the effects of hypertonic and hypotonic solutions on de-shelled eggs, we've gained deeper insights into osmosis's crucial role in cellular homeostasis. This experiment bridges the gap between theoretical biology and practical application, offering a vivid understanding of osmosis's impact on living cells. Future explorations could extend this foundational work to investigate osmotic effects under varying conditions, further enriching our comprehension of cellular processes.

Updated: Feb 28, 2024
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Investigative Study on Osmosis Through an Egg Experiment. (2024, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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