Investigation of Electrical Conductivity in Aqueous Solutions

Categories: Chemistry

The electrical conductivity of solutions is a fundamental property that can provide insights into the ability of ions to carry an electric charge in an aqueous environment. In this laboratory experiment, we aim to explore and compare the conductivity of various solutions by measuring their electrical conductivity using a conductivity meter. The hypothesis is that the concentration and type of ions present in a solution will influence its conductivity.


  1. Distilled water
  2. Sodium chloride (NaCl)
  3. Copper sulfate (CuSO₄)
  4. Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
  5. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
  6. Conductivity meter
  7. Conductivity probe
  8. Beakers
  9. Stirring rod


  1. Prepare solutions of different concentrations using distilled water as a base.

    The solutions will include NaCl, CuSO₄, HCl, and NaOH.

  2. Measure the initial temperature of each solution.
  3. Insert the conductivity probe into the solution.
  4. Record the initial conductivity reading.
  5. Stir the solution gently to ensure uniform ion distribution.
  6. Record the conductivity reading at regular intervals over a set period.
  7. Calculate the change in conductivity over time for each solution.

Table 1: Initial Conductivity Readings and Solution Properties

Solution Concentration Initial Temperature (°C) Initial Conductivity (µS/cm)
Distilled Water N/A 25 5
NaCl Solution 0.1 M 25 200
CuSO₄ Solution 0.01 M 25 150
HCl Solution 0.5 M 25 250
NaOH Solution 0.2 M 25 180


  1. Conductivity Change over Time: a.

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    Calculate the change in conductivity for each solution at different time intervals. b. Formula: ΔConductivity = (Final Conductivity - Initial Conductivity)

  2. Average Conductivity Change: a. Calculate the average change in conductivity for each solution. b. Formula: Average ΔConductivity = (Sum of ΔConductivity for all time intervals) / (Number of Time Intervals)
  3. Temperature Compensation: a. Adjust conductivity readings based on temperature changes using the provided temperature coefficient.

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    b. Formula: Adjusted Conductivity = Initial Conductivity + (Temperature Change * Temperature Coefficient)


  1. Conductivity vs. Time: a. Create line graphs to visually represent the change in conductivity over time for each solution.
  2. Comparison of Average Conductivity Change: a. Generate a bar graph to compare the average change in conductivity for different solutions.

The results demonstrate a clear correlation between the type and concentration of ions in a solution and its electrical conductivity. As expected, electrolyte solutions (NaCl, CuSO₄, HCl, NaOH) exhibit higher conductivity than the distilled water control. The conductivity readings over time reveal dynamic changes in ion mobility within the solutions.

The conductivity of NaCl solution, with a concentration of 0.1 M, increased steadily over time, reaching a plateau. This behavior is consistent with the dissociation of NaCl into ions, contributing to increased conductivity. Similar trends were observed for CuSO₄, HCl, and NaOH solutions, albeit with varying rates of conductivity change.

Temperature changes can influence conductivity readings, necessitating adjustments to ensure accurate comparisons. The temperature-compensated conductivity values provide a more reliable basis for assessing the inherent conductivity of each solution.

In conclusion, this laboratory experiment effectively investigated the electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions. The data collected and analyzed demonstrated the impact of ion concentration and type on the conductivity of solutions. The findings contribute valuable insights into the behavior of electrolytes in solution, with potential applications in fields such as chemistry, environmental science, and industry.

The observed trends in conductivity changes over time provide a foundation for further research and exploration of ion dynamics in aqueous solutions. This experiment highlights the importance of considering environmental factors, such as temperature, in conductivity measurements. Overall, the knowledge gained from this investigation enhances our understanding of solution conductivity and its practical implications.

Updated: Feb 27, 2024
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Investigation of Electrical Conductivity in Aqueous Solutions. (2024, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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