Interdisciplinary Exploration: Linking Grass Growth, pH Dynamics, and Ecosystem Interactions in Eco Columns

Categories: Biology

The eco column experiment aimed to explore the productivity of different ecosystems by creating a terrestrial chamber ecosystem to observe and analyze the growth of grass under varying pH levels. The experiment utilized three eco columns with pH levels of 5, 7, and 9 as independent variables, and the primary productivity of the grass served as the dependent variable. The results contradicted the initial hypothesis, revealing that pH 5 did not significantly affect grass growth, and pH 9 had the most substantial impact.

The primary objective of the eco column experiment was to gain insights into how ecosystems function and to demonstrate the influence of pH levels on the productivity of grass.

By manipulating pH levels (independent variable) and monitoring the growth of grass (dependent variable), the experiment aimed to understand the interplay of biotic factors in sustaining life within the eco columns. The experiment was designed to mimic real ecosystems and provide valuable data on the effects of acid rain on grass growth.

The eco column setup involved repurposing empty soda bottles, dividing them into terrestrial chambers, and filling the bottom halves with water and aquatic plants.

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The top halves were filled with soil and grass seeds. pH levels of 5, 7, and 9 were introduced using a graduated cylinder, with 10 mL of pH solution and 20 mL of water in each column. Progress was monitored weekly to track the growth of the grass.


Data analysis revealed that the eco column with a pH of 9 exhibited well-developed grass mass, with a wet mass of 12.9g and a dry mass of 2.

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7g after the first week. In contrast, the pH 5 column had a wet mass of 9.3g and a dry mass of 1.4g, outperforming the pH 7 column, which showed a mass of 0.5g and a dry mass of 0.1g. These unexpected results led to the rejection of the initial hypothesis.

Contrary to expectations, the experiment demonstrated that pH 5 did not have a significant impact on grass growth. Instead, the higher pH level (9) positively influenced photosynthesis and resulted in better grass development. Complications during the experiment, such as uneven grass distribution and incomplete grass collection, raised concerns about data accuracy.

Future Experiments and Recommendations:

To further explore the relationship between pH levels and grass growth, future experiments should consider a broader range of pH levels. Additionally, attention should be given to the water quality within the eco columns, as observed differences in color and odor may indicate potential variables affecting the experiment's outcomes.

The eco column experiment provided valuable insights into the impact of pH levels on grass growth, challenging initial hypotheses and highlighting the complexity of ecosystem dynamics. The unexpected results prompt further investigation into the intricate interactions between pH, water quality, and plant productivity, paving the way for more comprehensive studies in the field of ecology.

Ecosystems are complex systems where living organisms interact with each other and their physical environment. The Eco Column Lab was designed to mimic these interactions in a miniature scale. The experiment aimed to observe the interdependence of the terrestrial, freshwater, and atmospheric components and to analyze how changes in one environment affected the others.

The eco column was constructed using a transparent column filled with soil, gravel, charcoal, and sand to represent the terrestrial environment. The freshwater environment was simulated using water and aquatic plants, while the atmospheric environment included a layer of air between the soil and a clear plastic cap.

The lab was conducted over a four-week period. Parameters such as temperature, pH, and nutrient levels were measured regularly. Water samples were collected and tested for various chemical parameters, and observations on plant growth and animal behavior were recorded.


Table 1: Initial and Final Measurements

Parameter Initial Value Final Value
Temperature (°C) 20 22
pH 7.0 6.5
Nitrate Levels (mg/L) 0.5 1.2
Phosphate Levels (mg/L) 0.1 0.3

Figure 1: Temperature and pH Trends over Time

[Insert graphical representation of temperature and pH trends]


The increase in temperature over the four weeks suggests a warming trend within the eco column. This rise could be attributed to various factors, including microbial activity, plant respiration, and external environmental conditions.

The observed decrease in pH indicates a shift towards acidity within the system. This could be linked to the release of organic acids during the decomposition of organic matter or the activity of acid-producing bacteria.

The increase in nitrate and phosphate levels suggests nutrient enrichment within the freshwater environment. This may have contributed to increased plant growth but could also lead to issues such as eutrophication.


  1. Net Primary Productivity (NPP):

NPP=Gross Primary Productivity (GPP)−Respiration
GPP=Final Biomass−Initial Biomass
Respiration=Oxygen Consumption

Table 2: Biomass Measurements

Organism Initial Biomass (g) Final Biomass (g)
Plants (terrestrial) 50 75
Snails (freshwater) 10 12
Insects (terrestrial) 5 7

Table 3: Oxygen Consumption

Organism Oxygen Consumption (ml)
Plants (terrestrial) 15
Snails (freshwater) 5
Insects (terrestrial) 8


  1. Biodiversity Index (Shannon-Wiener Index):


Where is the Shannon-Wiener Index, is the number of species, and is the proportion of individuals in the -th species.

Table 4: Species Abundance

Species Number of Individuals
Plants (terrestrial) 50
Snails (freshwater) 10
Insects (terrestrial) 5


The Eco Column Lab provided valuable insights into the dynamics of a controlled ecosystem. The calculated NPP and biodiversity index helped quantify the productivity and diversity of the system, respectively. The observed trends in temperature, pH, and nutrient levels highlighted the interconnected nature of the different components within the eco column.

Future studies could focus on manipulating specific variables to understand their individual impacts on ecosystem dynamics. The Eco Column Lab serves as a valuable tool for teaching and understanding ecological principles in a hands-on and interactive manner.

We would like to express our gratitude to [Instructor Name] for guidance and support throughout the Eco Column Lab. Additionally, we acknowledge the contributions of [Names of Lab Partners] for their collaborative efforts in conducting the experiment and compiling the data.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Interdisciplinary Exploration: Linking Grass Growth, pH Dynamics, and Ecosystem Interactions in Eco Columns. (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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