Experiment Report: Corrosion and Hydrogen Production

Categories: Chemistry


This experiment delves into the fascinating world of corrosion and its impact on materials, with a specific focus on aluminum corrosion and its potential for hydrogen production. Corrosion is a chemical reaction between metals and their environment, primarily driven by the presence of oxygen. The continuous rise in global temperatures has accentuated the depletion of natural resources, emphasizing the significance of hydrogen fuel production. Hydrogen plays a crucial role in processes such as oil reforming and the Haber-Bosch process for ammonia production, and its importance as a future energy source is growing exponentially.

Aluminum, due to its reactivity, has the capacity to produce hydrogen when exposed to water.

However, aluminum forms a protective aluminum oxide (Al2O3) layer upon reacting with atmospheric oxygen, which renders it unsuitable as a direct source of hydrogen. Material selection becomes pivotal in corrosion control, as it prevents material loss and safeguards the longevity of industrial plants. Adequate knowledge of metal corrosion rates and associated terminology is essential when choosing materials for specific applications.

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This report delves into the electrochemistry and thermodynamics of aluminum corrosion, shedding light on its intricate chemistry.


Corrosion is a pervasive issue in various industries, causing significant economic losses and safety concerns. It arises from the chemical reactions between metals and their surrounding environment, driven primarily by the presence of oxygen. One prominent example of a metal susceptible to corrosion is aluminum, which readily reacts with water to form hydrogen gas. However, the protective aluminum oxide (Al2O3) layer that develops on aluminum's surface upon exposure to oxygen inhibits the Al-H2O reaction, making it unsuitable as a direct source of hydrogen.

The increasing global temperature has accelerated the depletion of natural resources, underscoring the importance of alternative energy sources.

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Hydrogen is gaining prominence as a future energy solution, with applications in oil reforming and ammonia production, such as the Haber-Bosch process. Consequently, there is a growing need to explore efficient methods for hydrogen production, including those involving aluminum.

Material selection plays a crucial role in mitigating corrosion and ensuring the longevity of industrial plants. It is imperative to select metals or alloys with a comprehensive understanding of their corrosion rates and related terminology. This report delves into the electrochemistry and thermodynamics of aluminum corrosion, shedding light on its intricate chemistry.

Materials and Methods

The experiment focused on investigating the corrosion of aluminum in water and its potential for hydrogen production. Several parameters, including temperature, pH, and surface area, were analyzed to understand their effects on the corrosion rate. The following methods and materials were employed:

  • Aluminum samples
  • Water and borax solutions
  • Temperature-controlled environment
  • pH measurement equipment

Experimental Procedure

The experiment encompassed the following steps:

  1. Aluminum samples, including disks and ball-milled aluminum pellets, were immersed in water and borax solutions.
  2. The reactivity of the samples was compared to assess the potential of the reactions, particularly focusing on the ball-milled aluminum's higher reactivity.
  3. The experiment measured changes in pH, with borax serving as a buffer to maintain pH levels around 9.
  4. Overall corrosion rates were determined by analyzing the reactivity of ball-milled aluminum samples and the pH shift. Loose aluminum exhibited a pH range of around 10, while ball-milled aluminum showed pH levels around 9.
  5. Polarization curves of aluminum were studied to understand the electrochemical behavior and pH variations of different aluminum samples.


The experiment yielded several significant results:

  • The corrosion of aluminum in water resulted in increased pH and temperature, directly impacting the corrosion rate.
  • Milling aluminum led to the production of a greater amount of hydrogen, making it a more efficient method for hydrogen production compared to steam reforming.
  • The presence or absence of salts in the wash did not significantly affect the corrosion rate.
  • Temperature played a crucial role in aluminum corrosion, with corrosion rates increasing tenfold from 25°C to 500°C. A subsequent increase in reaction speed was observed up to 700°C.
  • At 850°C, a sudden decrease in corrosion rate occurred due to the formation of aluminum oxyhydroxide (AlOOH), which had previously existed as aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3).
  • The presence of an oxide layer on aluminum positively influenced the corrosion rate, providing additional protection.


The experiment's findings demonstrate the complexity of aluminum corrosion and its potential for hydrogen production. Aluminum's reactivity with water results in an exothermic reaction, causing a significant increase in the corrosion rate. However, this rate stabilizes at temperatures above 850°C, where aluminum forms a passivating oxide layer, reducing further corrosion.

The influence of surface area on corrosion rates was evident, with larger surface areas leading to higher corrosion rates. Milling aluminum proved to be an effective method for enhancing hydrogen production, making it a viable alternative to steam reforming.

The experiment also explored the effects of pH on aluminum corrosion, highlighting the importance of maintaining pH levels. Ball-milled aluminum exhibited a pH around 9, indicating its potential for hydrogen production under controlled conditions.

Overall, the results underscore the significance of material selection in corrosion control. The experiment's findings have practical implications for industries that rely on aluminum and its corrosion behavior, particularly in applications where temperature and pH variations are common.


The experiment offers valuable insights into aluminum corrosion and its potential for hydrogen production. The findings emphasize the impact of temperature, pH, and surface area on corrosion rates. Milling aluminum emerges as an efficient method for enhancing hydrogen production, with practical applications in industries seeking alternative energy sources.


Based on the outcomes of this experiment, several recommendations for future research and practical applications can be made:

  1. Further investigate the optimization of milling conditions for aluminum to maximize hydrogen production.
  2. Explore the application of aluminum corrosion in real-world scenarios, such as industrial hydrogen production.
  3. Consider the development of corrosion-resistant coatings and inhibitors tailored to aluminum applications, addressing its unique corrosion behavior.


  • Skrovan J., Alfantazi A, Troczynski T. (2009) Enhancing aluminum corrosion in water, J Appl Electrochem (2009) 39:1695-1702
Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Experiment Report: Corrosion and Hydrogen Production. (2019, Aug 20). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/experiment-on-material-selection-to-avoid-corrosion

Experiment Report: Corrosion and Hydrogen Production essay
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