Lab Report: Enzyme Catalysis Analysis

Categories: Chemistry


This laboratory experiment aimed to investigate the impact of various factors, including temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration, on enzyme-catalyzed reactions. The study focused on the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and the correlation between catalase activity and product formation. The results showed that enzyme activity is highly dependent on environmental conditions, such as temperature and pH. The optimal conditions for catalase activity were identified as approximately 40°C and a pH of around 7. This research provides valuable insights into the regulation of enzymes and metabolic processes.



Enzymes, primarily composed of proteins, play crucial roles in biological systems.

They serve as catalysts, accelerating specific biochemical reactions, and they determine which reactions occur among many possibilities in the cell. The balance of these reactions is essential for metabolic processes and is influenced by factors like fluctuations in substrate concentrations, variations in pH, changes in enzyme concentration, and enzyme activation.


This experiment explores the factors influencing enzyme activity, with a particular focus on temperature and pH, which are critical for enzyme function.

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Enzymes typically operate optimally within narrow temperature and pH ranges, and deviations from these conditions can alter enzyme activity. Denaturation, the structural unraveling of an enzyme, can occur when environmental conditions are too extreme, leading to a loss of enzyme function. This experiment aims to investigate how changes in temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration affect enzyme-catalyzed reactions.


  1. The hypothesis for the effect of temperature on enzyme activity is that as the temperature increases above 40°C, the activity of the enzyme catalyst will increase.
  2. Regarding the impact of pH on enzyme activity, the hypothesis is that if the pH is not at the optimum value, there will be a complete loss of enzyme activity.
  3. For the effect of enzyme concentration on activity, the hypothesis is that as the enzyme concentration increases, the activity rate will increase proportionally, provided there is a proportional amount of substrate concentration.
  4. Regarding the effect of substrate concentration, the hypothesis is that as substrate concentration increases, the reaction velocity will also increase if the enzyme concentration remains constant.


  • Graduated cylinder (500mL, 500cm³)
  • Metal Stand
  • Catalase from Chicken Liver
  • Distilled water
  • Substrate mix
  • Cuvette
  • Ice water (4°C)
  • Room temperature water (22°C)
  • Body temperature water (37°C)
  • Boiling water (100°C)
  • Acid (pH 2)
  • Neutral (pH 7)
  • Base (pH 10)
  • Inhibitor


The experiment produced several datasets and results, which are summarized and discussed below:

Calibrating the Colorimeter (Table 5.1)

Time (min) Absorbance
0 0.000
1 0.001

The data collected during the calibration of the colorimeter should ideally have resulted in readings close to 0.000 or 0.001, regardless of the duration of the machine's operation.

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Any deviations from this expected result may indicate calibration or measurement issues.

Effect of Time on Absorbance (Table 5.2)

Time (s) Absorbance
0 0.200
30 0.350
60 0.520
90 0.640
120 0.780
150 0.900
180 1.020
210 1.130
240 1.240
270 1.340
300 1.430
330 1.530
360 1.610
390 1.680
420 1.740
450 1.800
480 1.850
510 1.890
540 1.920
570 1.950
600 1.980

The data in this experiment was collected over a time frame of 0-5 minutes, with readings recorded every 30 seconds. The cuvette contained distilled water and a substrate mix. The observations revealed that as the experiment's duration increased, the absorbance rate also rose. Further analysis of this trend is necessary to understand its implications.

Effect of Enzyme Concentration (Table 5.4)

Time (s) Absorbance (1/2x) Absorbance (1x) Absorbance (2x)
0 0.230 0.240 0.250
30 0.430 0.540 0.680
60 0.610 0.880 1.120
90 0.740 1.190 1.500
120 0.880 1.440 1.820
150 1.010 1.680 2.110

This part of the experiment explored the impact of three different enzyme concentrations: ½x enzyme, 1x enzyme, and 2x enzyme. The hypothesis stated that higher enzyme concentrations would result in faster absorbance rates, assuming a proportional amount of substrate was present. The results supported this hypothesis, with the 1x enzyme concentration displaying the highest absorbance rate, followed by the 2x enzyme, and the ½x enzyme showing the slowest absorption.

Effect of Substrate Concentration (Table 5.6)

Time (s) Absorbance (1/2x substrate) Absorbance (1x substrate) Absorbance (2x substrate)
0 0.200 0.200 0.200
6 0.230 0.280 0.330
12 0.250 0.340 0.430
18 0.270 0.390 0.530
24 0.290 0.440 0.630
30 0.310 0.490 0.720
36 0.330 0.540 0.810
42 0.350 0.590 0.900
48 0.370 0.640 0.980
54 0.390 0.690 1.060
60 0.410 0.740 1.130

The data collected here aimed to understand how changes in substrate concentration affected absorbance. Three substrate concentrations were examined: ½x substrate, 1x substrate, and 2x substrate. The observations indicated that the 1x substrate concentration yielded the fastest absorbance rate, followed by the 2x substrate, while the ½x substrate displayed the slowest absorbance.

Effect of Temperature (Table 5.8)

Time (s) Absorbance (4°C) Absorbance (22°C) Absorbance (37°C) Absorbance (100°C)
0 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200
6 0.230 0.280 0.440 -
12 0.250 0.340 0.680 -
18 0.270 0.390 0.920 -
24 0.290 0.440 1.160 -
30 0.310 0.490 1.390 -

In this part of the experiment, the impact of temperature on absorbance was investigated. Four temperature conditions were studied: ice water (4°C), room temperature (22°C), body temperature (37°C), and boiling water (100°C). The results showed that ice water had the slowest absorbance rate, while body temperature exhibited the highest absorbance rate. Boiling water resulted in denaturation, rendering the protein inactive and producing no results.

Effect of pH (Table 5.10)

Time (s) Absorbance (pH 2) Absorbance (pH 5) Absorbance (pH 7) Absorbance (pH 8) Absorbance (pH 10)
0 - 0.200 0.200 0.200 -
6 - 0.280 0.280 0.280 -
12 - 0.340 0.340 0.340 -
18 - 0.390 0.390 0.390 -
24 - 0.440 0.440 0.440 -
30 - 0.490 0.490 0.490 -

The data collected in this section aimed to assess the impact of pH on absorbance. Four pH levels were examined: pH2, pH5, pH7, and pH10. pH2 did not produce any reaction, while pH7 displayed the highest absorbance. pH10 resulted in denaturation, pH5 showed slow absorption, and pH8 had the slowest absorbance rate.

Effect of an Inhibitor (Table 5.12)

Time (s) Absorbance (with Inhibitor)
0 0.200
6 0.240
12 0.280
18 0.320
24 0.360
30 0.400

The final part of the experiment involved the introduction of an inhibitor to observe its effects. With the inhibitor added, the absorbance rate slowed down but eventually increased, indicating an impact on the reaction rate.


Calibrating the Colorimeter

During the calibration of the colorimeter, the expected results should have been readings of 0.000 or 0.001, regardless of the machine's running duration. However, deviations from this expected result were observed, suggesting potential issues with calibration or measurement accuracy. Further investigation and potential recalibration may be necessary to ensure accurate readings in future experiments.

Effect of Time on Absorbance

The data collected over a 0-5 minute time frame with readings every 30 seconds revealed a positive correlation between time and absorbance rate. As the experiment's duration increased, the absorbance rate also rose. This trend suggests that the reaction continued to progress over time, resulting in higher absorbance values. Further analysis is needed to determine the specific kinetics of this reaction and whether it reaches a plateau.

Effect of Enzyme Concentration

The experiment exploring the effect of enzyme concentration demonstrated that higher enzyme concentrations led to faster absorbance rates, assuming a proportional substrate concentration. The 1x enzyme concentration exhibited the highest absorbance rate, followed by the 2x enzyme concentration, while the ½x enzyme concentration showed the slowest absorption. These results support the hypothesis and indicate that enzyme concentration plays a significant role in catalyzing reactions.

Effect of Substrate Concentration

The data regarding substrate concentration revealed that the 1x substrate concentration resulted in the fastest absorbance rate, followed by the 2x substrate concentration. In contrast, the ½x substrate concentration displayed the slowest absorbance. These findings align with the hypothesis that an increase in substrate concentration leads to a proportional increase in the reaction velocity when enzyme concentration remains constant.

Effect of Temperature

The experiment investigating the effect of temperature on absorbance demonstrated that varying temperatures influenced the rate of the reaction. Notably, body temperature (37°C) exhibited the highest absorbance rate, indicating that the enzyme functioned optimally at this temperature. Conversely, ice water (4°C) resulted in the slowest absorbance, and boiling water (100°C) led to denaturation and no measurable results. These findings highlight the sensitivity of enzyme activity to temperature variations.

Effect of pH

The data regarding the effect of pH on absorbance indicated that pH7 had the highest absorbance, suggesting that the enzyme functioned optimally at this pH level. pH2 showed no reaction, pH10 led to denaturation, pH5 exhibited slow absorption, and pH8 displayed the slowest absorbance rate. These results underscore the importance of pH in regulating enzyme activity, with deviations from the optimum pH causing reduced activity or denaturation.

Effect of an Inhibitor

The introduction of an inhibitor in the experiment resulted in a slower absorbance rate initially, but the rate eventually increased. This observation suggests that the inhibitor had an impact on the reaction rate, possibly by temporarily hindering enzyme activity. Further investigation into the mechanism of this inhibitor and its effects on enzyme-catalyzed reactions is warranted.


This laboratory experiment explored the influence of various factors on enzyme-catalyzed reactions, including temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration. The results demonstrated that these factors significantly affect enzyme activity and, subsequently, the rate of reactions. The optimal conditions for catalase activity were identified as approximately 40°C and a pH of around 7.

Enzyme activity exhibited a rapid increase with rising temperature, but denaturation occurred at extreme temperatures. pH7 was identified as the optimum pH for enzyme activity, while deviations from this pH level led to reduced activity or denaturation. Higher enzyme concentrations resulted in faster reaction rates when substrate concentration was proportionally adjusted.

Despite the limitations and potential sources of error in the experiment, the results aligned with the hypotheses and provided valuable insights into the regulation of enzymes and metabolic processes. Enzyme activity is highly dependent on environmental conditions, and maintaining optimal conditions is crucial for maximizing enzyme efficiency and product formation.


Based on the findings of this experiment, several recommendations are proposed for future research:

  1. Calibration and Measurement: Ensure precise calibration and measurements of instruments like the colorimeter to minimize inaccuracies.
  2. Kinetic Analysis: Conduct a more detailed kinetic analysis of enzyme-catalyzed reactions to understand the specific time course and mechanisms.
  3. Replication: Repeat the experiments multiple times to reduce the impact of experimental error and obtain more robust and reproducible data.
  4. Exploration of Inhibitors: Further investigate the effects of inhibitors on enzyme-catalyzed reactions to elucidate their mechanisms and potential applications.

Implementing these recommendations can enhance the accuracy and reliability of future experiments in the field of enzyme catalysis and contribute to a deeper understanding of enzymatic processes.

Literature Cited

  • "Vital Health, Inc. Introduces a Digestive Enzyme for Children, MyZymes." SFGate. N.p., 23 Oct. 2012. Web. 19 Nov. 2012.
  • Kilbourne, Jennifer, and Laurie Montgomery. Laboratory Investigations for Bio 1110. Second ed. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2011. Print.


Digestive Enzyme for Children:

Vital Health Inc. has introduced a new vitamin called MyZymes, a chewable digestive enzyme for children. This helps the body gain nutrients from food and plays an essential role in facilitating absorption. They are a highly effective digestive enzyme product because it contains a higher activity level of protease, amylase, lipase, cellulose and also includes six other enzymes. The higher activity levels assists in digesting more proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Enzymes are one of the most essential elements in our body. Enzymes are energized protein molecules found in all living cells. They catalyze and regulate all biochemical reactions that occur within our body. Enzymes also play a part in digestion.

They break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber, making it possible to utilize the nutrients found in those foods while removing toxins. Digestive enzyme supplements help you digest your meals more efficiently and deliver the nutrients from your food to your body. The supplemental digestive enzymes will break down food, thus saving the body from having to release as many of its own enzymes. This allows the body to devote its attention to supplying more metabolic enzymes so the organs and tissues can carry on their daily work. Enzyme supplements are clinically proven to reduce the effects of bloating, gas, occasional heartburn, and occasional acid reflux.

Understanding the relevance of digestive enzymes, as highlighted by the introduction of MyZymes for children, underscores the significance of enzyme-catalyzed reactions in daily life. Enzymes are essential not only for digestion but also for various metabolic processes within the human body.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Lab Report: Enzyme Catalysis Analysis. (2016, Apr 11). Retrieved from

Lab Report: Enzyme Catalysis Analysis essay
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