Exploring Enzyme Activity in Digestion: A Comprehensive Laboratory Investigation

Categories: Science

Enzymes play a crucial role in facilitating biological processes, and one of their primary functions is aiding in the digestion of food. This laboratory aims to explore the impact of enzymes on the digestion of different substrates and investigate factors influencing enzyme activity.


  1. Amylase enzyme
  2. Starch solution
  3. Iodine solution
  4. Test tubes
  5. Pipettes
  6. Thermometer
  7. Water bath
  8. Stopwatch
  9. pH meter
  10. Buffer solutions (pH 3, 5, 7, 9)


  1. Preparation of Starch Solution:
    • Prepare a 1% starch solution by dissolving 1 g of starch in 100 mL of distilled water.

    • Mix well until the starch is completely dissolved.
  2. Enzyme-Substrate Reaction:
    • In a test tube, combine 5 mL of amylase enzyme with 5 mL of starch solution.
    • Record the initial time.
  3. Incubation:
    • Place the test tube in a water bath at 37°C to mimic physiological conditions.
    • Set the stopwatch to monitor the reaction time.
  4. Iodine Test:
    • At regular intervals, withdraw a small sample from the reaction mixture and add a drop to a spot plate containing iodine solution.
    • Note any color changes, as iodine reacts with starch, resulting in a color shift from blue-black to brown or yellow in the absence of starch.

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  5. pH Investigation:
    • Repeat the experiment using different buffer solutions with varying pH levels (3, 5, 7, and 9).
    • Observe and record the effect of pH on enzyme activity.

Results and Calculations:

  1. Enzyme Activity:
    • Calculate the reaction rate by dividing the change in product concentration by the reaction time.
    • Reaction Rate (R) = Δ[Product] / ΔTime
  2. pH Effect on Enzyme Activity:
    • Compare the reaction rates at different pH levels to determine the optimal pH for enzyme activity.

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    • Plot a graph of reaction rate against pH.
  3. Statistical Analysis:
    • Perform statistical tests (e.g., t-test) to determine the significance of differences in enzyme activity under different pH conditions.

The iodine test results will indicate the progress of starch digestion, providing insights into the efficiency of amylase. The reaction rate calculations will quantify the enzyme's effectiveness under specific conditions. The pH investigation aims to identify the optimal pH for amylase activity, which is crucial for understanding the enzyme's functionality in the digestive system.

This laboratory experiment provides valuable insights into the role of enzymes, specifically amylase, in the process of digestion. Understanding the factors influencing enzyme activity, such as pH, is essential for comprehending the complexities of biological processes. The results obtained contribute to the broader knowledge of enzymatic reactions and their significance in physiological functions.

Digestion is a complex process involving the breakdown of large food particles into smaller, absorbable molecules. This laboratory aims to explore the actions of enzymes, specifically amylase and pepsin, in the digestion of starch and protein, respectively. Additionally, the effect of temperature on enzyme action and the emulsification of fats by pepsin will be studied. Understanding these processes is crucial for comprehending the intricacies of digestion and its role in nutrient absorption.


It is hypothesized that salivary amylase in saliva will hydrolyze starch into reducing sugars.


a) Manipulated: Contents in the test tube b) Responding: Presence of starch or glucose in the test tube c) Fixed: Amount of contents in the test tube

Literature Review:

Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food substances into simpler, absorbable molecules. Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes into their monomers, such as glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids. These smaller molecules are essential for the body's metabolic processes and must be in a form that can be readily absorbed by body cells.

Materials and Apparatus:

The experiment requires a beaker, blue and red litmus paper, measuring cylinder, thermometer, test tube, white tile, dropper, stopwatch, 1% starch solution, dilute hydrochloric acid, dilute sodium hydroxide, Benedict’s solution, iodine solution, egg, pepsin, rennin, milk, coconut oil, and bile from a guinea pig gall bladder.


a) To Show the Action of Amylase on Starch

  1. Rinse the mouth.
  2. Perform chewing movements to stimulate saliva flow, collecting it in a test tube.
  3. Test the saliva's acidity or alkalinity using litmus paper.
  4. Dilute the saliva with an equal volume of distilled water.
  5. Divide the saliva preparation into three equal parts in labeled test tubes (A, B, C, D). A - 3 cm3 of distilled water (control) B - 3 cm3 of the saliva preparation C - 3 cm3 of the saliva preparation and 3 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid D - 3 cm3 of the saliva preparation and 3 cm3 dilute sodium hydroxide
  6. Add 5 cm3 of starch solution to each test tube and stir.
  7. After 30 minutes, test one half of each tube with dilute iodine solution and boil the other half with an equal amount of Benedict's solution.
  8. Tabulate the results as shown in the table.

The laboratory experiment seeks to provide insights into enzyme actions during the digestion process, facilitating a better understanding of the role enzymes play in nutrient absorption and overall digestive health.


Test tube Contents Iodine test Benedict’s test Inferences
A Starch + distilled water Food sample in test tube A turns blue-black Food sample in test tube A remains blue in colour. This is because food sample in A contains starch
B Starch + saliva Food sample in test tube B remains brownish yellow. Food sample in test tube B formed a brick-red precipitate. This is because food sample in B contains glucose
C Starch + saliva + dilute HCl Food sample in test tube C turns blue-black Food sample in test tube C remains blue in colour. This is because food sample in C contains starch
D Starch + saliva + dilute NaOH Food sample in test tube D remains brownish yellow. Food sample in test tube D formed a brick-red precipitate This is because food sample in D contains glucose


  1. Test tube A serves as a control in this experiment, providing a baseline for comparison.
  2. Maintaining all test tubes at 37°C ensures an optimal temperature for salivary amylase activity, as it mimics the body's temperature.
  3. Test tubes B and D demonstrate the presence of a reducing sugar, evident from the formation of a brick-red precipitate when tested with Benedict’s solution.
  4. Salivary amylase in test tubes B and D effectively hydrolyzes starch into a reducing sugar.
  5. Salivary amylase exhibits activity in dilute NaOH due to its alkaline nature. This aligns with the mouth's pH range (6.5-7.5), which is comparable to the pH of dilute NaOH used in the experiment.

Conclusion: In summary, the experiment indicates that salivary amylase functions optimally in an alkaline solution.

b) To Study the Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Action

Hypothesis: The rate of enzyme action will increase with temperature until 37°C, beyond which it will decrease, ultimately leading to denaturation at 60°C.


  • d) Manipulated: Temperature of the mixture in the test tube
  • e) Responding: Rate of enzyme reaction
  • f) Fixed: The amount of saliva in each test tube


  1. Prepare a saliva solution as in experiment (a).
  2. Place 5 cm³ of this saliva solution in one test tube and 5 cm³ of 1% starch solution in another.
  3. Allow both test tubes to stand at different temperatures.
  4. On a white tile, place drops of dilute iodine solution.
  5. Mix the solutions in the tubes and note the time of mixing.
  6. Using a clean glass rod, test a drop of the stirred mixture with iodine. Observe the color change to deep blue.
  7. Repeat this test at one-minute intervals until the mixture no longer produces a blue color with iodine.
  8. Record the total time taken for complete conversion of starch to maltose by amylase at room temperature.
  9. Repeat the experiment at different temperatures (e.g., 5°C, 15°C, 25°C, 45°C, 55°C, 65°C, and 75°C).
  10. Warm or cool the saliva and starch solutions to the required temperature before mixing, using a water bath or ice cubes accordingly.
  11. It may be necessary for groups to work at specific temperatures in collaboration.
  12. Tabulate the results.

The laboratory seeks to explore the impact of temperature on enzyme action, providing insights into the optimal temperature range for salivary amylase activity and the effects of extremes on enzyme denaturation.


Temperature Time in minutes (t) Activity (1 / t)
Room temperature 5 0.200
5o 18 0.056
15o 12 0.083
25o 8 0.125
45o 6 0.167
55o 9 0.111
65o No reaction -
75o No reaction -


  1. The efficient interaction of water with substances possessing well-developed permanent charges is due to the hydrogen bonds holding water together, facilitating the dissolution of electrolytes.
  2. Oils, being nonpolar, interact through London dispersion forces and induced dipole-induced dipole interactions. These interactions become stronger with more molecules, especially those with similar polarizabilities.
  3. Weak interactions between oil and water molecules result from the nonpolar nature of oil and the inability to form strong hydrogen bonds or London forces.
  4. Water molecules, being smaller, form cage-like structures around nonpolar parts, seen in clathrates and termed hydrophobic hydration, a subject of ongoing research.
  5. The biological significance of the difference between hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules is evident in various biological processes, such as the organization of cell walls, transmembrane proteins, and the transportation of fats and sugars.
  6. Water molecules consist of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, with the oxygen end carrying a negative charge, allowing weak bonds with particles like NaCl.
  7. The absence of charge in oil, composed of long carbon chains, results in its hydrophobic nature, preventing it from mixing with water.
  8. Bile, rich in various components like water, cholesterol, bile pigments, and bile acids, serves two main functions: providing a digestive juice and eliminating certain substances from the body.
  9. Bile functions similarly to soap, emulsifying oily food into the watery intestine, allowing efficient digestion by digestive enzymes.
  10. The importance of emulsification lies in increasing the surface area of oil droplets, promoting the action of digestive enzymes.
  11. Without bile, large oil droplets would hinder enzyme digestion, leading to incomplete absorption in the small intestine and potential diarrhea in the colon.
  12. Another function of bile is to be a route of elimination, aiding in excreting substances that do not dissolve well in water, such as bilirubin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin.
  13. Bilirubin gives bile its dark green or brown/black color, and blockages in the bile system can result in stools lacking color.
  14. The acceptance of the hypothesis is evident in the conclusion that bile acts as an emulsifier, facilitating the mixing of water and coconut oil.
Updated: Feb 26, 2024
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Exploring Enzyme Activity in Digestion: A Comprehensive Laboratory Investigation. (2024, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/exploring-enzyme-activity-in-digestion-a-comprehensive-laboratory-investigation

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