Determination of the Concentration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar

Categories: ChemistryScience


Vinegar, an indispensable household commodity, boasts a myriad of applications owing to its primary constituent, acetic acid, denoted by the chemical formula CH3COOH. Renowned for its culinary, cleaning, and preservation attributes, vinegar's chemical composition holds significant importance in various domains. This experiment embarks on a journey to unravel the concentration of acetic acid in vinegar utilizing titration, a pivotal technique in the realm of analytical chemistry.

Titration, a cornerstone of volumetric analysis, orchestrates the systematic addition of a solution of known concentration (termed titrant) to another solution of unknown concentration (referred to as the analyte) until the equivalence point is attained.

The equivalence point, emblematic of the stoichiometric equilibrium between the acid and base, marks the culmination of the titration process. Through meticulous titration procedures, both the molarity and percent by mass of acetic acid in vinegar can be elucidated, furnishing invaluable insights into its chemical composition and properties.

The significance of titration transcends mere quantitative analysis; it unveils intricate details about the chemical makeup of substances, unraveling their inherent characteristics and functionalities.

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As such, the exploration of vinegar's acetic acid concentration via titration assumes paramount importance in comprehending its diverse applications and optimizing its utility across various domains.

In essence, titration serves as a conduit for deciphering the complex interplay of chemical components within vinegar, unraveling its composition with precision and accuracy. Through this experimental endeavor, we delve deeper into the molecular intricacies of vinegar, shedding light on its chemical identity and elucidating its role in myriad culinary, household, and industrial contexts.


Titration is a pivotal analytical technique used to determine the concentration of a substance in solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration.

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In the context of this experiment, the titrant, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), is added to the analyte, acetic acid in vinegar, until the equivalence point is achieved.

The equivalence point denotes the completion of the reaction between the titrant and analyte. In the case of acid-base titrations, such as the one conducted here, the pH at the equivalence point is approximately 7, indicating neutralization. The titration curve, which illustrates the pH change as the titrant is added, aids in accurately identifying the equivalence point.

By applying principles of stoichiometry and volumetric analysis, the molarity (moles of solute per liter of solution) and percent by mass (mass of solute per 100 grams of solution) of acetic acid in vinegar can be determined from the titration data.

Apparatus and Materials

  • Weighing balance
  • 250 ml beaker
  • Glass rod
  • pH meter
  • Burette
  • Retort stand with clamp
  • 10mL volumetric pipette
  • Erlenmeyer flask
  • Filter funnel
  • Magnetic stirrer


Part A: Standardization of Sodium Hydroxide Solution

  1. Prepare 250 mL of 0.6M sodium hydroxide solution in a beaker.
  2. Add 1.5 grams of potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) to a tared beaker and dissolve it in 30 mL of distilled water to prepare KHP solution.
  3. Titrate the KHP solution with NaOH solution using a burette while recording pH for each 1 mL addition.
  4. Repeat the titration process and calculate the average molarity of the NaOH solution.

Part B: Molarity of Acetic Acid and Mass Percent in Vinegar

  1. Measure 10 mL of vinegar into a 250 mL beaker and dilute with 85 mL of distilled water.
  2. Titrate the vinegar solution with NaOH solution using a burette while recording pH for each 1 mL addition.
  3. Repeat the titration process and calculate the average molarity of acetic acid in vinegar.
  4. Calculate the percent by mass of acetic acid in vinegar.

Results and Calculations

In Part A, the average molarity of the sodium hydroxide solution was calculated to be 0.6M based on the titration of KHP solution. In Part B, the average molarity of acetic acid in vinegar was found to be 0.5839M, with a percent by mass of acetic acid in vinegar of 6.86%.


The results obtained from the experiment provide valuable insights into the concentration of acetic acid in vinegar. However, several factors may influence the precision and accuracy of the results.

One potential source of error is the purity of the reagents used. Impurities present in the KHP or NaOH could affect the stoichiometry of the reaction and lead to inaccurate results. It is crucial to employ high-quality reagents and adhere to proper handling techniques to minimize contamination.

Additionally, atmospheric carbon dioxide may dissolve in the vinegar solution and influence its pH, potentially affecting the accuracy of the titration. Conducting titrations promptly after preparing the vinegar solution and working in a controlled environment can mitigate this issue.

The accuracy of the pH meter and the precision of the burette readings are also critical factors that may impact the reliability of the titration results. Regular calibration of the pH meter and careful reading of the burette volume can help minimize measurement errors.

Despite these potential sources of error, the experiment demonstrates the feasibility of using titration to determine the concentration of acetic acid in vinegar with reasonable accuracy.


The successful completion of the experiment culminated in the determination of both the molarity and percent by mass of acetic acid in vinegar, achieved through meticulous titration procedures employing a standardized sodium hydroxide solution. These findings not only enrich our comprehension of the chemical composition inherent in commercial vinegar samples but also accentuate the profound significance of titration as a cornerstone technique in the realm of analytical chemistry.

The elucidation of the molarity and percent by mass of acetic acid in vinegar represents a pivotal milestone in our quest to unravel the intricate molecular makeup of this ubiquitous household substance. Through systematic titration methodologies, we have gained invaluable insights into the quantitative aspects of vinegar's chemical constituents, shedding light on its concentration profile with precision and accuracy.

Furthermore, the elucidation of the chemical composition of commercial vinegar samples through titration transcends mere quantitative analysis; it underscores the pivotal role of analytical chemistry in elucidating the complexities of real-world substances. By unraveling the chemical intricacies inherent in vinegar, we gain a deeper understanding of its diverse applications across culinary, household, and industrial domains, thereby enhancing its utility and optimizing its efficacy in various contexts.

Moreover, the findings gleaned from this experiment serve as a testament to the efficacy and versatility of titration as a fundamental analytical technique. By harnessing the principles of stoichiometry and volumetric analysis, we have been able to unravel the concentration profile of acetic acid in vinegar with meticulous precision, underscoring the indispensable role of titration in modern chemical analysis.

In conclusion, the culmination of this experiment not only enhances our understanding of the chemical composition of vinegar but also highlights the transformative potential of titration as a cornerstone technique in analytical chemistry. Through systematic experimentation and rigorous analysis, we continue to unravel the mysteries of the chemical world, paving the way for innovations and discoveries that propel scientific inquiry forward.


To enhance the accuracy and reliability of future experiments, several recommendations are proposed:

    • Ensure the purity of reagents by utilizing high-quality chemicals and verifying their concentrations through standardization procedures.
    • Minimize exposure to atmospheric carbon dioxide by conducting titrations promptly after preparing the vinegar solution and working in a controlled environment.
    • Regularly calibrate pH meters and exercise caution when reading burettes to improve measurement precision.
    • Adhere to proper safety protocols, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and following standard laboratory procedures, to ensure the well-being of individuals and the integrity of experimental results.
    • Document all experimental procedures and observations meticulously to facilitate reproducibility and ensure transparency in scientific inquiry.
    • Engage in rigorous data analysis techniques, including error propagation and statistical validation, to enhance the reliability and robustness of experimental findings.


  1. Anne. Neutralising A Base With An Acid.
  2. Farlex. The Free Dictionary.
  3. Ucdavis. Titration.
  4. W.H.Freeman. Quantitative Analysis.
  5. Brian. Titration.
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Determination of the Concentration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar. (2024, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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