Designing a Personalized Exercise Plan: Integrating Genetic and Environmental Data

Categories: ScienceTechnology


This paper outlines a novel method for creating personalized exercise plans by integrating an individual's genetic, physiological, social, and lifestyle data. Utilizing a computer-implemented approach, the system evaluates a multitude of genetic and environmental factors to generate a custom-tailored exercise plan. This approach aims to optimize the individual's health and fitness outcomes by considering their unique genetic makeup in conjunction with lifestyle and environmental factors.

Technical Field

The present invention relates by methods and systems for producing an advanced exercise plan for an individual dependent on the person's hereditary, physiological, social and way of life information.

Background of the Invention

An individual's general wellbeing and wellness are controlled by various distinctive hereditary and natural components.

Clinical history, wellness action, wholesome decisions, air quality, geographic area and psychological well-being, just as other non-hereditary elements including way of life decisions, access to wellness gear, money related contemplations, and so on would all be able to affect the person's general wellbeing and wellness.

However, even with the expanding accessibility of hereditary sequencing and examination, there still exists no system for a person to see how their hereditary qualities relate explicitly to them, how they collaborate with ecological variables and one another, and how they might be used to best improve their wellbeing and wellness.

Existing systems, for example, the one depicted, use criticism information to change a wellness plan, deciphered with regards to client input information, however don't utilize hereditary data either to produce the plans in any case or to advise the adjustments to the plans.

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Hereditary descriptions can be a powerful method to foresee a person's reaction to work out.

Indeed, even the systems that do consider hereditary information, for example, the one depicted, dole out clients with one of various pre-characterized plans that are assigned as being appropriate for that client's hereditary information. There is no component of personalisation of the arrangement to a client's individual hereditary profile or attributes. Accordingly, a system is required in which a person's ecological, hereditary and physiological elements are utilized to create and tailor an exercise plan to the person to give direction relating practices that will deliver the most productive and viable physiological reaction in the individual dependent on the objective they wish to accomplish.

Summary of the Invention

As per a first part of the invention, a PC actualized method of creating a streamlined exercise plan for an individual is given. The method involves:

  • accepting hereditary information, the hereditary information portraying a majority of hereditary elements of the person.
  • getting natural information, the ecological information depicting a majority of natural elements of the person.
  • ascertaining a characteristic score for every one of a majority of qualities dependent on the hereditary information and natural information.
  • characterizing a characteristic profile for the person from the attribute scores, said quality profile describing the client's physiological reaction to work out.
  • creating a streamlined exercise plan for the person
  • sorting days in a given timespan into day types as per the preparation type and attribute profile.
  • for each sorted day, distinguishing at least one activity as indicated by the day type and the quality profile.
  • for each distinguished exercise, deciding one of more exercise parameters as indicated by the person's quality profile
  • ordering the arranged days, recognized activities and exercise parameters into an advanced exercise plan covering the given timespan
  • transmitting the advanced exercise plan to the individual or a medicinal services professional.

The natural information may involve an objective number of days out of every week on which exercise happens.

Object of the Invention

The primary objective is to develop an automated health data collection, analysis, and communication system that personalizes exercise plans based on a holistic view of the individual's genetic and environmental background.

Detailed Description of Invention

The invention employs a multi-stage process, starting from data collection through genetic and environmental inputs, to characterizing individual responses to exercise, and culminating in the generation of a personalized exercise plan. The process involves:

Hereditary Data - Digital data with respect to the hereditary make-up of a client which characterizes the hereditary capability of a client conveyed in the base arrangement of their DNA as indicated by the hereditary code. Hereditary Data assortment - DNA assortment which incorporates, yet isn't restricted to, a salivation test home assortment unit and guidelines.

Natural Data - Digital data with respect to the wellbeing, way of life and wellbeing of the person which may incorporate, yet isn't restricted to, stature, weight, age, circulatory strain, muscle versus fat ratio and wellness movement.

Natural Data assortment - Multiple methods of contributing ecological information into the system which may incorporate, yet are not restricted to, wellbeing observing applications or gadgets, polls and expert wellbeing information.

Databank - a database that contains hereditary and natural information which is connected with the segment information of a person before examination and characterisation.

Industry Knowledge - Academia and information used to portray the client dependent on examination of their hereditary and natural information.

Rules/Tags - Rules and labels removed from the source/business information that is utilized to portray the databank.

Calculation - A calculation to tag and sort the natural and hereditary information, utilizing the characterized rules/labels, to additionally characterize and classify a client.

Refined Databank - A database containing additionally characterized and sorted hereditary and natural data about a client dependent on the information assortment, examination and figuring performed on the underlying information inside the refined databank contains exceptionally client explicit hereditary and ecological scores.

Attribute Scoring Algorithm - A calculation used to create a physiological or natural readout, a 'quality score', for the individual dependent on mixes of the ecological and hereditary scores of the client.

Trait Scores - A quantitative physiological or organic readout for at least one characteristics of a client dependent on hereditary and natural information, for instance, resting blood triglycerides level.

Assessment - Means of portraying natural systems of a client dependent on the characteristic scores a Biological System Characterisation - A readout for a physiological comprehension of characterized organic systems of a client, in view of a mix of characteristics that speak to the quality profile for that natural system.

Client profile - Detailed, commented on comprehension and characterisation of the client which is made by using redid calculations and the information inside the refined databank 104 which influence understandings of the connections, the communications and the compound impacts between the hereditary, wellness and natural information.

Client information, additionally called factors, is gathered and put away in the focal databank, the databank for the most part contains hereditary and ecological variables/data for a particular client. In any case, inside the databank at this stage, there might be no weightings or characterized characterisation of the client. The got hereditary information/factors and natural information/factors, is gathered inside the databank which stores all important data on the client to be characterized in the model. The hereditary information 101 is surveyed to give an elevated level diagram of the client, for instance, 'client x has quality y and explicit variation z concerning quality y'. Further, the data inside databank is utilized to recognize the nearness or nonappearance of certain particular hereditary highlights or markers identified with diet, wellness and wellbeing.

Further examination at that point happens dependent on the interrelationships between hereditary and ecological information to portray the client dependent on the interrelationships and compound impacts characterized by a mix of the standards/labels, the industry information an and the client explicit information inside the databank.


The method claims include:

  1. A process for creating an optimized exercise plan, incorporating genetic and environmental data to tailor the plan specifically to the individual's physiological responses and exercise goals.
  2. Incorporation of a target exercise frequency to ensure the plan aligns with the individual's lifestyle and objectives.


This invention revolutionizes personal health and fitness planning by integrating genetic, environmental, and physiological data to create highly personalized exercise plans. This comprehensive approach ensures that individuals receive optimized guidance that reflects their unique genetic makeup and lifestyle, potentially enhancing health outcomes and fitness efficiency.

Updated: Feb 17, 2024
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Designing a Personalized Exercise Plan: Integrating Genetic and Environmental Data. (2024, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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