Comparative Analysis of Software Testing Tools: A Comprehensive Review

Categories: EngineeringScience


Testing is one of the important modules in Software Engineering and there is huge variety of open source software testing tools available in market. Software testing is a process of finding whether the actual outputs match the expected outputs or not and to ensure that the software system is defect free. Software testing also helps in identifying the errors in the software, gaps or missing requirements in reverse to the actual requirements. It can be done manually or by using automated testing tools.

In this paper, we are going to perform the comparative analysis of various Software Testing tools. Software testing is done by some strategies or methods, some of the major methods are Black Box Testing and White Box Testing.


Software testing is a process in which program or application is executed with the purpose of finding the software bugs. It can better be understood as the process of validating and verifying that a software product meets the business and technical requirements.

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There are various testing tools available in market both licensed and open source testing tools. Testing tools assure software works well even under extreme pressure and peak traffic conditions. The comparative analysis done in this paper will help you to find out which tool will work best for you. A good quality software will last longer and will perform efficiently even under extreme pressure.

Testing a software leads to improvement of overall security, although testing is not a simple process. Testing is an important phase during the software development process because each module must be tested to ensure the accuracy and validity and to make sure it is ready to be deployed.

There are several reasons which clearly explains why Software Testing is important and what are the important things that we need to consider while testing of any product or application.

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Past software testing work has focused mostly on more methodological problems in software testing. But focusing on methodological issues alone is not enough if somebody wants to do software engineering research that is relevant for industry. We should then give more importance to the study of our trade tools. [1]

Software testing is required to find out the defects and errors that were made during the development phases. It is important to make sure that the product is of good quality. Delivering Quality products to the customers helps in gaining trust. It is needed since it makes sure that the customer finds the organization reliable and their satisfaction in the application is maintained. Testing is necessary for delivering a great-quality product that requires low maintenance cost and results into much more accurate, consistent and reliable results. Testing is important for the high and effective performance of software application or product. It can be very expensive to resolve failures in the future or in the later stages of the development that is why Testing is needed to ensure that the application should not result into any failures.

Some major methods used in various Software Testing types during various Software Testing levels are :

Black Box Testing

In this Software Testing method internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is not known to the tester. These tests can be functional or non- functional. This method attempts to find:

  • Incorrect or missing functions.
  • Interface errors.
  • Errors in data structures.
  • Behaviour or performance errors.
  • Initialization and termination errors.

White Box Testing

In this method, the internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item that is to be tested is known to the tester. Testing is more thorough with this method.

Gray Box Testing

This method is a combination of Black Box Testing method and White Box Testing method.

Agile Testing

This method is not sequential (means it is executed only after coding phase) but is continues.

Ad Hoc Testing

In this method, the tests are conducted informally and randomly without formal procedure.

Main strategies of Software Testing: In Manual testing, software is tested manually without using automated tools or any script. It requires skilled labour, long time and will costs high. Manual testing can be repetitive and boring. Whereas, in automated testing involves tools to execute test cases. This testing way is time, cost and manpower saving.

Automated testing is recommended only for stable systems and mostly used for Regression Testing. [3] James Bach (creator of Rapid Software Testing) said a wonderful quote: “Tools don’t test. Only people test. Tools only perform actions that help people test”. Out of the number of Software Testing Tools available in market, selection of tools is based in the project requirements.

Objectives of This Paper

  • a) To compare the seven automated testing tools and seven proprietary software testing tools so that the tester can use the tools according to their needs.
  • b) To get the contradictory analysis of tools on the basis of various factors like: Application support, Scripting language, Programming skills, Interface, License type, Cost, Benefits, Drawbacks.
  • c) To identify the factor of dimensions on tools.

Literature Review

Rina and SanjayTyagi [4] [2013] have analysed different performance testing tools NeoLoad, WAPT and Loadster in terms of their different performance parameters. Through the assessment the conduct of different testing tools towards performance testing is understood. Under these performance testing methods, the same web site has been checked for consistency, then variations are obtained in results of different performance parameters such as latency, response time, number of hit pages, error rate, memory and CPU usage etc. For a number of virtual users, the same website was put under load test and results were analysed.

Muhammad AbidJamil, Muhammad Arifet. al. [5] [2016] address both the current and improved research methods for the purposes of better-quality control. They have explained that the use of simulation tools can be helpful for testers to create an environment in which the product is meant to run, some exception testing and methods for handling exception can be determined.

Dr. M. Kannan and K. Lokeshwari [6] [2017] in this paper is to evaluate and reconcile the automated software testing tools such as QTP, Selenium and Load Runner to dig out their usability, performance, and legibility. This study lets the developer and tester pick the appropriate method according to their needs. This study analysed three tools: Selenium, QTP, LoadRunner. Authors have concluded that LoadRunner and Selenium are effective tools for automation testing. The best among these three tools is Selenium.

Rabiya Abbas et. al [7] [2017] have compared four automated software testing tools i.e. Apache JMeter, HP LoadRunner, Microsoft Visual Studio (TFS), Siege based on certain requirements such as the generation of test scripts, plug-in support, tests reports, support for applications and costs. The focus is to review and examine these tools for load testing and to establish which tool is best and most effective. Authors have performed a thorough and comprehensive comparison using different testing tools. On the basis of this analysis, authors have mentioned that anyone can choose the testing tools on the basis of budget, time and nature of software system.

Dr. S. M. [8] [2011] have addressed the web application issues, then analysis of static and dynamic tools and concluded that DART shows good results. Study has presented the survey on static and dynamic testing analysis, as well as contrasting the DART and Apollo Software Web Tools dynamic test generation. This study has described the Apollo is successful in comparison with the current instruments.

Mohammad Imranet. al. [9] [2016] have compared the features supported by these testing tools which decide their usability and efficacy. Authors have concluded that LoadRunner will be best suitable for application that require lesser security and QTP is best suitable where security is required. The aim of this research paper is to analyse and compare automated software testing tools such as QuickTest Professional and LoadRunner to determine their usability and efficiency.

RifaNizam Khan et. al. [10] [2015] have performed the comparative study of automated tools available on the market in IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT), LoadRunner, Silk Test and HP Quick Test Professional (QTP), and to assess their usability and effectiveness. have cncluded that QTP is good among the four tools.

HarpreetKaur, Dr.Gagan Gupta [11] [2013] aims at analysing and comparing Selenium, QTP, Testcomplete to assess their usability and efficacy. The industry offers a wide variety of software testing tools. Authors have concluded that QTP is best software testing tool among the three tools.

Inderjeet Singh and BindiaTarika [12] [2014] have evaluated the three open source testing tools and have concluded that Selenium’s rating is best, Watir scores second and Sikuli scores last rank but Sikuli has fast execution speed than both the tools. The study has presented the comparative analysis of different tools in terms of their recording capabilities, Data Driven Testing, Performance, Supported Languages, Testing and Code Reusability which concludes the effectiveness of the test tool under these parameters.

ManjitKaur, RajKumari [13] [2011] have evaluated the features supported by QuickTest Professional and the Automated QA TestComplete functional testing tools which help to reduce script maintenance resources and increase script reuse performance. Comparative study of automated tools such as the Mercury QuickTest Professional and the Automated QA TestComplete has performed based on criteria such as the effort involved in creating test scripts, the ability to replay scripts, results reports, speed and cost.


Provides GUI, has vast set of option for result analysis, good for different tests to be run simultaneously Simple to use, has inherent testing capabilities, use graphical illustrations in report.

  • It's Ruby library
  • Has a rich API
  • Has a' Easy' class (for non-tech users),
  • Watir’s APIs is richer than selenium

Easy to use, can execute tests in parallel, Flexible

  • The recording process is very quick and easy to convert to real test,
  • Will fit easily with your application workflow

Has faster setup, is good for quick results

  • Sikuli IDE gives enough APIs to communicate with applications.
  • Image recognition is pretty accurate in case of


Supports dashboard report generation to get graphical illustrations

Only supports Windows OS, has high licensing cost.

  • learning Ruby is must.
  • Every browser needs another library

No official user support is being offered, no native support to generate test/bug report

  • lacks in loading the script library during runtime,
  • More experience is needed for using it to.

Has limited options to be used, sometimes generate inaccurate result

  • Is resolution dependent
  •  is platform dependent


  • Easy to understand
  • Comes with inbuilt IDE.
  • Records performance of client/server during test automatically.
  • -Monitor the

Network-server resource to Improve performance

  • ease of reporting,
  • calability is high,
  • web testing integrated already,

Screenshots are easy to record

  • Rapid response and good support,
  • Wide functional library and a display for playback, has valuable regression testing, helps improve the stability of product,

Increased performance with less memory usage Multiplatform applications, Codeless test crestion, High quality customer support,smooth learning curve.

  • Organized test suites.
  • Fast and efficient execution of automated testing, Built in Javascript.


  • High license and maintenance cost.
  • Slow execution.
  • Cannot run multiple threads simultaneously excessive cost to get

licenses for new protocol support investments


  • lack of compatibility with newer technologies, pricing is an issue, the program is very expensive
  • Setup and upgrades can't always be perfect,
  • No or very limited browser support,

Uses more memory

  • no good support for mobile testing,
  • Not easy to start with official documentation, only supports 3Windows, has stability issues

Paid license, only few supported languages, unstable releases.

Not compatible with all repository tools, performance of the browser recording


Software testing is an integral part of the process of software development. It is not a single operation after application creation, but is part of every stage of the lifecycle. During the specification of the specifications a successful test strategy must start with consideration. Technical specifics will be fleshed out by device designs at high and low rates, and technical will be carried out after completion of the application developers and separate test classes.

As with other software lifecycle tasks, testing has unique challenges of its own. The value of successful, well-planned testing activities will only increase as software systems become increasingly complex. After comparing all these open source and proprietary software testing tools, I would like to conclude that Open source software testing tools have strengths like least cost, reusability, producing reliable source code, stability and security and proprietary software testing tools also has some own strengths and weakness. Anyone can choose the testing tools on the basis of budget, time and nature of software system.


  1. Kuutila, Miikka, Mika Mäntylä, and Päivi Raulamo-Jurvanen. 'Benchmarking web-testing-selenium versus watir and the choice of programming language and browser.' arXivpreprintarXiv:1611.00578 (2016).
  2. Jamil, Muhammad Abid, Muhammad Arif, Normi Sham AwangAbubakar, and Akhlaq Ahmad. 'Software testing techniques: A literature review.' In 2016 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M), pp. 177-182. IEEE, 2016.
  3. Imran, Mohammad, Mohamed A. Hebaishy, and AbdullahShawanAlotaibi. 'A comparative study of QTP and load runner automated testing tools and their contributions to software project scenario.' International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 4, no. 1 (2016): 457-466.
  4. Tyagi, Rina S. 'A comparative study of performance testing tools.' DCSA, Kurukshetra University, Haryana, India-International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (2013).
  5. Jamil, Muhammad Abid, Muhammad Arif, Normi Sham AwangAbubakar, and Akhlaq Ahmad. 'Software testing techniques: A literature review.' In 2016 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for The Muslim World (ICT4M), pp. 177-182. IEEE, 2016.
  6. Kannan, M., and K. Lokeshwari. 'Comparison of Software Testing tools with respect to tools and technical related parameters.' International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 8, no. 9 (2017).
  7. Abbas, Rabiya, Zainab Sultan, and ShahidNazirBhatti. 'Comparative analysis of automated load testing tools: Apache jmeter, microsoft visual studio (tfs), loadrunner, siege.' In 2017 International Conference on Communication Technologies (ComTech), pp. 39-44. IEEE, 2017.
  8. Afroz, M., N. ElezabethRani, and N. Indira Priyadarshini. 'Web Application–A Study on Comparing Software Testing Tools.' International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications 2, no. 3 (2011): 1-6.
  9. Imran, Mohammad, Mohamed A. Hebaishy, and AbdullahShawanAlotaibi. 'A comparative study of QTP and load runner automated testing tools and their contributions to software project scenario.' International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 4, no. 1 (2016): 457-466.
  10. Khan, RifaNizam, and Shobhit Gupta. 'Comparative Study of Automated Testing Tools: Rational Functional Tester Quick Test Professional Silk Test and LoadRunner.' International Journal Of Advanced Technology In Engineering And Science 3 (2015).
  11. Kaur, Harpreet, and Gagan Gupta. 'Comparative study of automated testing tools: selenium, quick test professional and testcomplete.' Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 3, no. 5 (2013): 1739-1743.
  12. Singh, Inderjeet, and BindiaTarika. 'Comparative analysis of open source automated software testing tools: Selenium, sikuli and watir.' International Journal of Information & Computation Technology 4, no. 15 (2014): 1507-1518.
  13. Kaur, Manjit, and RajKumari. 'Comparative study of automated testing tools: Testcomplete and quicktest pro.' International Journal of Computer Applications 24, no. 1 (2011): 1-7.
Updated: Feb 23, 2024
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Comparative Analysis of Software Testing Tools: A Comprehensive Review. (2024, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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