Calorimetry Experiment Analysis

Categories: Science


Calorimetry stands as a cornerstone technique within the realm of chemistry, offering a pivotal means to gauge the heat exchange intrinsic to both chemical reactions and physical processes. Its significance spans across various scientific domains, providing invaluable insights into the energetics governing diverse phenomena. In the pursuit of unraveling the specific heat capacities inherent to a spectrum of metals, including Aluminum, Copper, Zinc, and Iron, alongside the enigmatic properties of an unidentified metal denoted as Metal A, our experimental endeavors ventured into the realm of calorimetry.

Through meticulous measurements and analyses of the heat interchange occurring between these metals and water, we embarked on a journey to unravel the intricate thermodynamic characteristics underpinning these materials.

Data and Observations

In the initial phase of our experimental undertaking, meticulous measurements were conducted to ascertain several key parameters essential for the calorimetric analysis. These included the precise determination of the masses of the metallic samples under scrutiny, namely Aluminum, Copper, Zinc, and Iron, alongside the recording of the volume of distilled water employed in the calorimeter.

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Additionally, careful attention was directed towards gauging the temperatures of both the distilled water and the metallic specimens prior to their interaction, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the initial thermal conditions.

Following this, an analogous set of measurements was meticulously executed in the subsequent phase of the experiment, focusing on Metal A, Metal B, and Metal C, which represented the cohort of unidentified metallic samples. Mirroring the approach adopted in the initial phase, the masses of these metallic entities were diligently determined, alongside the volume of distilled water utilized in the calorimetric setup.

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Furthermore, the temperatures of both the water and the metallic specimens were meticulously recorded to capture the thermal equilibrium established within the experimental system. This systematic approach facilitated a robust comparative analysis between the known and unknown metallic samples, laying the groundwork for insightful conclusions regarding their specific heat capacities.

Part I Data:

Metal Measured mass of metal (g) Distilled water measurement (mL) Distilled water temperature (°C) Temperature of metal (°C) Temperature of mixture (°C)
Aluminum 27.776 26.0 25.4 100.6 38.9
Copper 27.776 26.0 25.4 100.6 31.6
Zinc 27.776 26.0 24.5 100.6 31.7
Iron 27.776 26.0 24.5 100.6 32.6

All metals had similar initial temperatures, except for the temperature of the mixture, which was highest for Aluminum.

Part II Data:

Metal Measured mass of metal (g) Distilled water measurement (mL) Distilled water temperature (°C) Temperature of metal (°C) Temperature of mixture (°C)
Metal A 25.605 24.5 25.2 100.5 29.1
Metal B 25.605 24.5 25.2 100.5 32.3
Metal C 25.605 24.5 25.2 100.5 28.7

All metals had similar initial temperatures, except for the temperature of the mixture, which was highest for Metal B.


Part I Calculations:

1. Calculate the energy change (q) of the surroundings (water) using the enthalpy equation: \( q_{\text{water}} = m \times c \times \Delta T \).

Given: \( m = 26.0 \, \text{g} \), \( c = 4.18 \, \text{J/g°C} \), \( \Delta T = 38.9 - 25.4 = 13.5 \, \text{°C} \).

Thus, \( q_{\text{water}} = 26.0 \times 4.18 \times 13.5 = 1,487 \, \text{J} \).

2. Use the formula \( q_{\text{metal}} = m \times c \times \Delta T \) to calculate the specific heat of the metal.

Thus, \( 1,487 \, \text{J} = 27.776 \, \text{g} \times (38.9 - 100.6) \).

Therefore, \( c_{\text{metal}} = 0.868 \, \text{J/g°C} \).

The first step involves calculating the energy change () of the surroundings (water) using the enthalpy equation


where is the mass of water, is its specific heat capacity, and is the change in temperature.

Substituting the given values =26.0 g, , we obtain water=26.0×4.18×13.5=1,487


Next, we use the formula metal=Δ

to calculate the specific heat of the metal.

Given that water=metal, we equate the two expressions and solve for metal. Substituting the known values water=1,487 J, metal=27.776 g

Part II Calculations:

1. Calculate the energy change (q) of the surroundings (water) using the enthalpy equation: \( q_{\text{water}} = m \times c \times \Delta T \).

Given: \( m = 24.5 \, \text{g} \), \( c = 4.18 \, \text{J/g°C} \), \( \Delta T = 29.1 - 25.2 = 3.9 \, \text{°C} \).

Thus, \( q_{\text{water}} = 24.5 \times 4.18 \times 3.9 = 399 \, \text{J} \).

2. Use the formula \( q_{\text{unknown metal}} = m \times c \times \Delta T \) to calculate the specific heat of the metal.

Thus, \( 399 \, \text{J} = 25.605 \, \text{g} \times (29.1 - 100.5) \).

Therefore, \( c_{\text{unknown metal}} = 0.218 \, \text{J/g°C} \). Similarly, the first step involves calculating the energy change () of the surroundings (water) using the enthalpy equation water=Δ, where is the mass of water, is its specific heat capacity, and is the change in temperature. Substituting the given values=24.5 g,, we obtain water=24.5×4.18×3.9=399 J.Utilizing the formula unknown metal=Δ, we proceed to calculate the specific heat of the unknown metal. Once again, equating water with unknown metal and substituting the known values water=399 J, metal=25.605 g, and Δ=29.1−100.5=−71.4 °C, we derive unknown metal=0.218 J/g°C.


Upon conducting the analysis, we first sought to evaluate the accuracy of our experimental specific heat capacity determined in part I of the lab. Utilizing known specific heat values for reference, we calculated the percent error for aluminum, a key metal under examination. The calculated percent error was approximately 3.5%, indicating a slight deviation from the expected value. This variation could stem from several factors, including experimental conditions and procedural nuances.

Moving forward, we delved into the identification of the metal examined in part II of the lab based on the experimental specific heat capacity obtained. Our analysis revealed that the specific heat capacity closely resembled that of tin, which led us to infer that the metal under examination was likely tin. This deduction underscores the practical application of experimental results in elucidating the identity of unknown substances, thereby contributing to the broader realm of chemical analysis and characterization.

Furthermore, we embarked on a comprehensive exploration of potential sources of experimental error and their corresponding effects on the calculated specific heat capacity values. Firstly, we recognized that employing a large amount of metal could lead to incomplete heat transfer, thereby impacting the accuracy of specific heat capacity determination. This highlights the importance of carefully calibrating experimental parameters to optimize heat exchange and enhance result reliability.

Moreover, we underscored the significance of precise temperature measurements in mitigating potential errors. Inaccuracies stemming from improper use or reading of thermometers can introduce uncertainties into the calculations, skewing the final outcomes. Thus, meticulous attention to temperature monitoring procedures is imperative to minimize such discrepancies and bolster data accuracy.

Lastly, we underscored the potential pitfalls associated with misapplication of specific heat capacity formulas or misinterpretation of experimental data. Errors in calculation methodologies or flawed interpretations of experimental results can yield erroneous values, undermining the integrity of the findings. To mitigate such risks, researchers must adhere to standardized protocols and exercise vigilance in data analysis, thereby fortifying the robustness of experimental outcomes.

In essence, our comprehensive examination of experimental specific heat capacity determination underscored the intricate interplay between experimental methodologies, data interpretation, and result reliability. By scrutinizing potential sources of error and their corresponding impacts, we gleaned valuable insights into the nuances of calorimetric analysis, paving the way for enhanced precision and accuracy in future experimental endeavors.


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  3. Silberberg, M. S. (2018). Chemistry: The molecular nature of matter and change (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
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Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Calorimetry Experiment Analysis. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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