Calorimetry and Cooling Curve Experiment Analysis

Categories: Chemistry


Calorimetry is a crucial technique for measuring heat changes in chemical reactions, distinguishing between exothermic and endothermic processes. In this experiment, we calibrated thermometers and observed a cooling curve for paraffin wax. The digital thermometer proved more accurate than the liquid-filled thermometer for most measurements, but the liquid-filled thermometer excelled in determining the melting point.


Calorimetry is the science of quantifying heat exchanged in chemical reactions, aiding in the classification of reactions as exothermic or endothermic. Proper calibration of equipment is essential to obtain accurate results.

In this experiment, we calibrated thermometers using freezing and boiling points of water. Additionally, we examined a cooling curve to understand state changes in paraffin wax.


Calibrating Thermometers

We calibrated thermometers by following these steps:

  1. Fill a container with cold water.
  2. Add ice cubes to the mixture and stir for approximately 3 minutes.
  3. Place the thermometer inside the container, ensuring it does not touch the container's edges.
  4. Record the temperature when it stabilizes at 0°C (32°F) to complete the calibration.

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To calibrate a thermometer for boiling water:

  1. Place the thermometer in a container with freshly boiled water.
  2. Ensure the thermometer displays the natural boiling point of water, which is approximately 100°C.

Cooling Curve

We created a cooling curve using paraffin wax, recording temperature changes at specific time intervals.


Calibration Results

Thermometer Type Boiling Point Calibration Melting Point Calibration
Digital 101.3°C 1.2°C
Liquid Filled 98°C 0°C


In our experiment, the digital thermometer displayed higher accuracy for most measurements due to its ability to record temperatures to one decimal place.

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The liquid-filled thermometer, on the other hand, provided whole number readings. However, the liquid-filled thermometer outperformed the digital thermometer in determining the melting point, recording it accurately at 0°C.

Cooling Curve Analysis

A cooling curve represents state changes in materials with temperature as the dependent variable and time as the independent variable. Our cooling curve for paraffin wax showed a gradual decrease in temperature as it transitioned from liquid to solid state.

Time (s) Temperature (°C) State of Matter
0 75.5 Liquid
30 70.2 Liquid
60 63.3 Liquid
90 58.3 Liquid
120 55.5 Solid/Liquid
150 53.8 Solid/Liquid
180 52.2 Solid/Liquid
210 50.7 Solid/Liquid
240 49.1 Solid/Liquid
270 48.8 Solid/Liquid
300 47.6 Solid/Liquid
330 46.8 Solid
360 45.7 Solid
390 45.1 Solid
420 44.2 Solid
450 40.6 Solid
480 39.8 Solid
510 39.3 Solid


In conclusion, our experiment demonstrated the importance of calibrating thermometers for accurate temperature measurements. The digital thermometer offered superior accuracy for most temperature readings, while the liquid-filled thermometer excelled in determining the melting point. The cooling curve for paraffin wax displayed the gradual transition from liquid to solid state, providing valuable insights into phase changes.

Calorimetry remains a fundamental technique in chemistry, enabling researchers to study heat changes in chemical reactions. Accurate calibration of equipment is essential to ensure reliable results, and understanding cooling curves can aid in predicting and analyzing phase transitions.

Updated: Jan 11, 2024
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Calorimetry and Cooling Curve Experiment Analysis. (2024, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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