Automatic Pneumatic Bumper and Braking System for Enhanced Vehicle Safety

Categories: PhysicsScience


Population of vehicles in India is about one-third of population on India. Therefore the accidents taking place due to vehicle collision certainly contributes to the major portion of deaths. Though there are different causes for these accidents but a very common cause is inefficiency of the driver to apply brakes at the right time. So designing and implementing of an automatic bumper and braking system is must for vehicles to prevent the accidents. To achieve this system, we developed an Automatic Pneumatic Bumper and Braking System.


Main components of this system are bumper, which is fully equipped by Infrared sensor and Pneumatic bumper control circuit. In this project, we have provided a collision control mechanism, called extract able and retractable bumper (E/R bumper). The E/R bumper is normally in the stowed position and when a high risk of frontal impact crash is detected, the bumper extracts to provide additional crush space. In this way the kinetic energy of a motor vehicle due to collision is rapidly converted into work by plastic deformation of bumper’s structure.

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During this energy conversion process, the vehicle is decelerated in a relatively short time and distance.

For vehicles involved in similar crash impact conditions, elementary physics ensures that those with less crush space and lower crush efficiency will have shorter stopping distances, higher average deceleration, and hence, more severe crash outcomes. The IR sensor on the E/R bumper senses the obstacle and If there is any obstacle closer to the vehicle (within 1-1,2 feets), the control signal is given to the bumper and break activation system.

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This bumper activation system is activated only when the vehicle speed is above 40-50 km/h, for sensing this speed we have proximity sensor installed in the system and hence the signal is transferred to the control unit and pneumatic bumper activation system respectively and therefore the bumper extracts, saving the vehicle’s body from damage.

Design Methodology

The design process encompasses both hydraulic and engineering considerations, aiming to balance safety and cost-efficiency. The methodology involves a detailed examination of the motor's main dimensions, synchronous speed, specific loading, efficiency, and power factor. The objective is to minimize friction losses and optimize pressure and flow velocities, ensuring an economical yet high-performing motor design.

Pneumatic is a branch of engineering that makes use of gas or pressurized air. Pneumatic systems used in industry are commonly powered by compressed air or compressed inert gases. A centrally located and electrically powered compressor powers cylinders, air motors, and other pneumatic devices. When the pneumatic system is being adopted for the first time, however it wills indeed the necessary to deal with the question of compressed air supply.

An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument that is used to sense certain characteristics of its surroundings. It does this by either emitting or detecting infrared radiation. Infrared sensors are also capable of measuring the heat being emitted by an object and detecting motion. An IR sensor can measure the heat of an object as well as detects the motion. These types of sensors measures only infrared radiation, rather than emitting it that is called as a passive IR sensor. Usually in the infrared spectrum, all the objects radiate some form of thermal radiations.

Calculation of Pneumatic Bumper

  • Maximum force acting on bumper is assume 90 N.
  • Considering the factor safety = 1.25
  • So the force actually need is 90 × 1.25 = 112.5 N
  • Also pressure we use is 4bar
  • 4 bar = 0.4 N/mm2

For out stroke(When bumper move outward),

Fo = p×A

112.5 = 0.4 × π/4 (D2)

112.5 = 0.4 × 0.7854(D2)

D2 = 358.0978 mm2

D = 18.92 mm

Selecting standard value of 20 mm bore diameter . We calculate inner diameter.

Assume Fi = Fo

Force during inward stroke is equal to outward stroke is 90 N.

Factor of safety is1.25 .

Now for in stroke piston rod area, A1= (π×D2)/4

Effective area = A2 = (D2 - d2)(π/4)

= 0.7854 × (202 - d2 )mm2

So, Fi = 0.4 × 0.7854 ×(202 - d2)

112.5 = 0.31416 ×(202 -d2)

D= 6.3471

Hence, selecting from standard value we will take 8 mm .

Inner diameter = 8 mm

Bore diameter = 20 mm

To increase the distance in case of accident , we can increase the stroke length of cylinder used for extending bumper. Piston stroke is 110 mm is suitable.

Calculations of Breaking Distance

Db = V2/ 2μg

Where, [ V = velocity before breaking

μ = Co-efficient of friction.

= 0.7(for dry surface)

g = gravitational acceleration

= 9.81 m/s ]


V = 10 km/h

V = 2.78 m/s


Db = V2/2μg

= (2.78)2 / 2×(0.7×9.81)

= 0.5618 m

(3) Impact force calculation

F = m × a


a = acceleration


For calculating acceleration

2as = V2 - u2

2(a×0.5618) = (2.78)2 [u =initial velocity =v0 =0 ]

a = 6.87 m/s2

So, the Impact Force calculation

F = m × a

= 10 × 6.87

= 68.7 N (Impact force).

Rough prototype

Working on this project has provided us an excellent opportunity and experience, to use our limited knowledge to develop altogether a new technology to ensure public safety. We gained a lot of practical knowledge regarding, planning, purchasing, assembling and machining while working on this project. We feel that the project work is a good solution to bridge the gates between institution and industries. We are able to understand the difficulties in maintaining the tolerances and also quality. We have done to our ability and skill making maximum use of available facilities. There is lot of scope for future development in vehicle.

The technology of pneumatic has gained tremendous importance in the field of workplace rationalization and automation from old-fashioned timber works and coal mines to modern machine shops and space robots. It is therefore important that technicians and engineers should have a good knowledge of pneumatic system, air operated valves and accessories. The aim is to design and develop a control system based an intelligent electronically controlled automotive bumper activation system is called “Automatic Bumper System for Four Wheeler”. This system is consists of IR transmitter and Receiver circuit, Control Unit, Pneumatic bumper system. The IR sensor is used to detect the obstacle. There is any obstacle closer to the vehicle (within 4 feet) the control signal is given to the bumper activation system.


Comparative analysis between two rotor slot shapes revealed that minor design modifications could significantly impact motor performance. The optimized design, achieved through meticulous AutoCAD design and FEMM simulations, suggests a pathway for developing more efficient and reliable 3-phase induction motors suitable for industrial applications. This study highlights the importance of detailed design and simulation in realizing an optimal induction motor model.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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Automatic Pneumatic Bumper and Braking System for Enhanced Vehicle Safety. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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