Should pro athletes like football and basketball players have high salaries?

Undoubtedly, there is a long and tough way towards becoming a great and the famous sports star, not only persistent efforts but also talent are required. Few people on this field could accomplish great things like them. As a reward, they deserve a higher compensation. However, in my opinion, they are paid a crazy amount of salary that is far more than ordinary working people.

A lot of money is needed for many purposes, for example, for the aid of starving people in the less economically developing counties, in building school buildings for the children in poverty mountains and help the patients regain their health.

If the money that spent on the professional athletes are used on the purpose of these bare necessities of life. Thousands of people will be benefited, which is more meaningful in my opinion.

In addition, there are professionals in other fields that provide the population by far much more than the professional athletes such as player of football.

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For example, education, essentially, is a vital key that will unlock a country's potential. However, teachers are not paid too much. Generally, teachers are paid between 3000 to 6000 yuan a month in my city.

Even those senior professor, who have years of experiences and have the respect of his students, is always paid less than 10000. Similarly, the average doctor, who have working more than 8 hours a day, earns around 5000 yuan a month. Hence, we have to pay more attention and pay more wages to them rather than the professional athletes.

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From those reasons, we can safely conclude that professional athletes are supposed to pay higher but moderate wages

Updated: May 03, 2023
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Should pro athletes like football and basketball players have high salaries?. (2016, May 17). Retrieved from

Should pro athletes like football and basketball players have high salaries? essay
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