Different Types of Intelligence and Music

Do you see yourself ten years from now? Why did you say that you will become like that in the future? How did you come up with that thing? What are the things you do right now to achieve that dream? These questions give us a vision of how do we see ourselves in the future and how we are going to achieve it. Thus, Howard Gardner taught us that the things we always want to do have a connection with our future.

His theory of multiple intelligence helps us to determine what track should we take.

As Gardner says that there are different types of intelligence which are visual-spatial intelligence, linguistic-verbal intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, musical-rhythmic intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalistic intelligence. By understanding these different types of intelligence, professors can use educational tools in meaningful and helpful ways to better address the needs of students. These multiple intelligences can help teachers to personalize their instruction and methods of assessment.

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Also, through Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, we can see the possible profession that we can be in the future. Moreover, music plays a significant role in our life. Just imagine what life would be without music? Our life without music would be boring. Music has the power to alter our mood. It can make us feel happy, sad, excited, afraid, nervous, and many more. It can also open up one’s imagination. For many, music is an instrument for them to express their feelings and emotions through singing, writing and composing songs, or playing musical instruments.

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Hence, life without music would never be the same. To keep music alive, students must be educated about it in schools. Not just to experience and enjoy music but rather to realize what are the benefits of it to us. To end, Gardner reminds that each one of us is intelligent in our own ways. We just need to discover it because all of us are unique to one another.

Updated: Apr 03, 2023
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Different Types of Intelligence and Music. (2020, Apr 29). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/different-types-of-intelligence-and-music-essay

Different Types of Intelligence and Music essay
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