Design Of A Computerized Stock Control System Computer Science Essay

The scenario

The letter paper store requires a computerised record system for the monitoring and ordination of stock. The current system is a manual system for entering purchases made and for supervising stock degrees and finding when to order new stock and how much to order.

Customers who wish to pay by debit card, recognition or check must register with the shop. Many clients opt to pay by hard currency and non give their inside informations to the shop.

It is hoped that the computerised system will guarantee that sufficient stock degrees are maintained for all points in the shop.

The coevals of studies will let the director to aim the selling of merchandises to specific clients based on their old purchases ( for illustration little concerns may order pressman cartridges and paper in majority ) and maintain a close cheque on the fiscal public presentation of the store.

The director will hold overall control of the system but the gross revenues staff will be responsible for updating all records as new purchases are added, as clients make new purchases, and as new stock is delivered.

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The gross revenues staff will necessitate entree to see client records and stock records in order to look into inside informations of the particular clients and stock points. The director will desire regular studies of entire points bought in each month by stock point, and besides the entire stock in the store at any clip.

1.0 Task 1

The store director requires the undermentioned studies:

Report 1: A monthly list of entire figure of points purchased by stock point, naming figure sold, buy monetary value and entire payment received for each stock point.

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Report2: A list of the stock in the store, by stock point, naming stock point and figure in the store.This list can be generated at any clip for stocktaking intents.

Using JSP techniques and methodological analysis analyse the demands for both studies. Produce diagrams for each study demoing the step- wise patterned advance.Diagrams should include:

Logical informations construction diagrams ( DSDs )

Preliminary plan constructions ( PSDs )

The elaborate plan specification for each study

1.1Report 1:

A Monthly list of the entire points purchased, by stock point, naming figure sold, buy monetary value and entire payment received for each stock point.

1.1.1Logical informations construction Diagrams ( DSDs )

1.1.2 - Preliminary plan structures-report 1

The step-wise patterned advance of the JSP diagrams is shown below:

Diagrams Refinement 1:

At top-level, the undermentioned constituents imply:

Initializing: Opening all files

Processing: Produce a study incorporating the entire figure of points purchased naming figure sold, buy monetary value and entire payment received by each stock point.

Shutting: Shutting all files.

Diagram polish 2:

Diagrams Refinement 3:

1.1.3 Detailed plan specification-report 1

Level 1-report

Degree 2 -closing

Level 2-processing

Degree 2 - low-level formatting

Degree 3 - processing

Flat 1: trades with the whole system

Flat 2:

Initialization - 1. The file must be unfastened to read the purchase file

2. Read purchase file


Closing - 1. Close purchase file

2. Print studies

3. End plan

Flat 3:

Processing: Processing the computation for the monthly entire figure of points purchased and entire payment received for each stock point.

1.2 Report 2: A list of entire stock in the store, by stock point, naming stock point and figure in the store. This list can be generated at any clip for stocktaking intents

1.2.1logical informations construction

1.2.2preliminary plan construction -report 2

The step-wise patterned advance of the JSP diagrams is shown below:

Diagrams Refinement 1:

Diagram polish 2:

Diagram polish 3:

1.2.3 Detailed plan specification-report 2

LEVEL 1-start

LEVEL 2-closing

LEVEL 2-Initialisation

LEVEL 2-Processing

LEVEL 3-processing

Flat 1: trades with the whole system

Flat 2:

Initialization - 1. The file must be unfastened to read the purchase file

2. Read purchase file


Closing - 1. Close purchase file

2. Print studies

3. Stop plan

Flat 3:

Processing: treating the List of entire stock in the store

2.0Task 2

Write the pseudocode for both studies.

Pull a flow chart for both studies.

2.1 Pseudocode


START Program

Use Variables

Month _of TYPE month

Stock _item of TYPE Character

Purchase _stock of TYPE whole number

Payment _received of TYPE Float

Number _of_ sold of TYPE whole number


SET Stock Price = 0

SET figure of points purchased= 0

SET Number of sold item= 0

SET Total payment received = 0

DISPLAY `` Welcome to SNIT letter paper store ''

DISPLAY `` Stocks Details Menu ''

DISPLAY `` Input Month ''


DISPLAY `` stock point ''

ACCEPT `` stock point ''

DISPLAY `` input figure of points purchased ''

ACCEPT `` input figure of points purchased ''

DISPLAY `` input list of sold point ''

ACCEPT `` list of sold point ''

Number of sold item= purchased stock - current stock

DISPLAY `` Input purchase monetary value ''

ACCEPT `` purchase monetary value ''

Entire payment received for each stock item= sold monetary value - purchase monetary value

DISPLAY Month, stock point, Number of sold point, Entire payment received


End Plan

2.1.2Report 2



HAS FIELDS Stock _item of TYPE Character

Purchase _stock of TYPE whole number

Number_ in_ store of TYPE whole number

Number _of_ sold of TYPE whole number

Stockss [ 100 ] : ARRAY OF TYPE list -Assumption the value 100 is taken as stock

-An array is considered

Use variables Total _ stock of TYPE whole number

N of TYPE whole number

FOR ( n: =1, n=100, +1 )

DISPLAY input stock point

ACCEPT stock ( n ) stock_ point

DISPLAY input purchase stock

ACCEPT stock ( n ) purchase_ stock

DISPLAY input figure of sold points

ACCEPT stock ( n ) figure _of _sold points

Number in store = sum purchase_ stock - entire number_ sold


FOR ( n: =1, n=100, +1 )

DISPLAY stock _item

DISPLAY stock_ purchase

DISPLAY figure _of _sold points


FOR ( n: =1, n=100, +1 )

Entire stock= entire stock + figure in store


DISPLAY `` Entire stock is '' , Total _stock

End Plan

2.2 Flowchart

2.2.1Report 1

2.2.2Report 2


Write the pseudocode

3.1 pseudo codification for chief bill of fare

START Program

Use Variables Login, of Type String

Password of Type CHARACTER

Main Menu of Type INTEGER

START Procedure Entry Screen ( )

LOAD Procedure Welcome Screen

DISPLAY `` SNIT letter paper store ''

DISPLAY `` Please Input your Login ''


DISPLAY `` Please input your Password ''

ACCEPT Password

If log in: = staff and watchword: = SNIT

Then Display `` Access Granted for Staff '' AND

If Log in: = admin and watchword: = director

THEN Main Menu

Display `` Access Granted for Manager ''


DISPLAY `` Incorrect Login! Re-try Please! ''

END Procedure Welcome Screen

START Procedure Main_ Menu

LOAD Main Menu

DISPLAY `` Welcome to SNIT letter paper store ''

DISPLAY `` Main Menu ''

DISPLAY `` Choose one of the followers: ''

DISPLAY `` 1 - Update Customer 's records ''

DISPLAY `` 2 -Add client ''

DISPLAY `` 3 -view stock inside informations ''

DISPLAY `` 4 -View client inside informations ''

DISPLAY `` 5 - Add sale of stock point ''

DISPLAY `` 6 -Add bringing of stock point ''

DISPLAY `` 7-Update stock point ( director merely )

DISPLAY `` 8-print study '' ( director merely )

DISPLAY `` 9 -Exit plan ''

Display Enter your option

Use variables option of TYPE character

ACCEPT option

DO CASE of Main Menu

CASE Main Menu = 1

DO update Customer records

CASE Main Menu = 2

DO add client

CASE Main Menu = 3

DO position stock inside informations

CASE Main Menu = 4

DO position client inside informations

CASE Main Menu = 5

DO add sale of stock point

CASE Main Menu = 6

DO add bringing of stock point

CASE Main Menu = 7

Make update stock point

CASE Main Menu = 8

DO publish study

CASE Main Menu = 9

DO issue plan


DISPLAY `` Option non found! Please Re-enter Option ''

End Case

END Procedure Main Menu

3.2 Flowchart for chief bill of fare

Trial name

trial Description

input username

input watchword

Is username correct?

Is password correct?

existent consequence

expected result


Character cheque






Incorrect watchword!


Character cheque






incorrect input


Character cheque






burden chief bill of fare for staff


Character cheque






incorrect input


Character cheque






Incorrect watchword!


Character cheque






incorrect input


Character cheque






burden chief bill of fare for staff


Character cheque






incorrect input


3.3.1Test informations 1 for log in

3.3.2 Test information for option

Main Menu

Test intent

To prove if option is accepted

Test information

expected result


valid option


valid option


valid option


valid option


valid option


valid option


valid option


valid option


valid option

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

invalid option

3.3.4 Test program

trial name

trial description

input informations

existent consequence

expected results


whole number cheque



update client inside informations


whole number cheque



incorrect option

3.3.5 Dry Run for chief bill of fare


stock ID

purchase stock

existent stock

sold stock

unit price/RS

net income/Rs







100 * 11= 1100







125 * 8 =1000







50 * 20 =1000







500 * 5 =2500

3.3.6 Dry tally 2:

Calendar month

stock ID

purchase stock

purchase Price/Rs

sold stock

sold price/Rs








100 * 2 =








500 * 1 = 500







300 * 2 = 600

4.0 Task 4

Explain the options available that would enable the system to cover with hard currency clients who do non wish to register their inside informations with the shop. ( 2 Marks ) Suggest ways in which clients could be encouraged to register their inside informations. ( 3 Marks )

4.1 Options available that would enable the system to cover with hard currency clients are

First option:

Even in machine-controlled system bill with name as CASH can be used.

Debit card or recognition card

The above diagram is a typical bill from an automated stationary system. The system deals it as hard currency client. Whenever a client made an order the sale would be entered in the database as hard currency sale.

Second Options:

To trades with hard currency user the system would hold to add entry as Cash 1, 2, 3, 4 etc in the system. This should be done to supervise a consistent one-year study.

Uses automated system are being used to fiscal inside informations of the activity of the system. This study along with possible client name would be transfer to the selling section.

So hard currency client would hold to be entered as CASH 1 in the database.

Wayss in which clients could be encouraged to register their inside informations are:

Free gift: To promote client to register particular inducement can be given such as free gift. Some beautiful pen can be given to registered clients. In making so, the hard currency client would be tempted to register to the system

Discount on specific merchandise: Discount can be give on note books for registered user. For illustration a notebook costing, Rs 50 can be given to registered client at Rs 25 for a specific period of clip. This would excite client to register with the system.

Fidelity cards: Fidelity cards, all registered user will hold a fidelity card. This will let the client to beneficiate with particular intervention. Particular intervention such as a staff allocated for the user. Each clip he/she came to the store, he need to travel straight to the staff.

5.0 Task 5

Give a elaborate account of how patterning the new system utilizing object-oriented ( OO ) methods would differ from the methods used in undertakings 1 - 4 above. Describe the different diagrams that would be used and explicate the stairss taken to plan the system

5.1 An account on object-oriented methods

Object-Oriented Technology is the division of a system into constituents or faculties that are interrelated and loosely-attached to one another. A constituent is said to be interrelated if it has a individual, clearly-defined intent and it makes an of import part to the well operation of the system. A system composed of interconnected constituents seems to be easier to implement and to keep, if constituent has distinct purpose. It is non hard to happen necessary alteration, such as mistakes or altering demands. An machine-controlled stationary store offers a user the options to do an order quickly. It has been decided to offer a service to let clients to hold printed transcript of their grosss when telling. The lone thing that needs to be done is to make a new faculty to put to death the map and to link it to the system.

Why usage OOT?

For the execution of machine-controlled stationary store can utilize Object-Oriented design, this would be helpful as it would let upsizing and increasing the services. Today we are populating in a continuously evolving universe ; alterations need to go on to maintain in touch with the latest inclination. Likely in concern we need to introduce and convey introduce new schemes to be more competitory. The automatically stationary store could be based on OOT to be easier to cover with altering demands and demands for good service.

Object Oriented Software Engineering ( OOSE ) deals with the linguistic communication utilizing OO such as VB.NET, Java linguistic communication and ASP.NET. Concepts and notation from OOSE could be incorporated into Unified Modelling Language ( UML ) during its development.

5.2 Unified Modelling Language ( UML ) Diagrams

Types of UML Diagram:

5.2.1Use Case diagram

Use instance diagram dressed ore on the user 's point of position ( the point of position of the individual utilizing the system ) .The usage instance is what the histrion wants to accomplish

The stationary store entails the following these stairss:

Staff update all records for clients

Staff can see stocks record and client record

Manager can publish study at any clip

Customer may paid by hard currency, debit card or recognition card

Use instance diagram for staff

Update client record


Exit plan

Add bringing of stock point

Add sale of stock point

View client inside informations

View stock inside informations

Add client

Scenario description

The gross revenues staff can update all records as new clients are added, do new purchases, and as new stock are delivered. Furthermore staff will be able to see client record and stock records in order to look into inside informations of specific clients and stock point

Use instance diagram for Manager

Exit plan

Print study

Update stock point

Scenario description

The director can aim the selling of merchandises to specific clients based on their old purchases by publishing studies. Furthermore directors can update stock point and maintain a close cheque on the fiscal public presentation of the store.

Use diagram for clients enrollment

Scenario Description

The staffs interact with the waiter through his application by snaping on the page petition for the enrollment signifier. The application displays the interface returned by waiter ; the staffs fill it in and post the inside informations. Validation cheques are performed on the information collected and the processed information is saved consequently on proof success.

Use diagram for Retrieve Orders

Scenario Description

When the individual petitions to see the list of orders placed by users, the application would direct a question to database to expose orders placed for today. For each order the forces has three options either to see the profile of the user who has placed the order or to see the list of merchandises that user has ordered or to despatch the order for assembly and/or for bringing.

Use diagram for Reports

Scenario Description:

When the director made a petition to outline studies, the staffs have to choose among three options: either to number figure of registered users or to number figure of merchandises or to name all orders by day of the month. Harmonizing the selected option the application would bring the information from database and show it. All the necessary calculation would be done. If an invalid input is given an mistake message would be displayed.

A instance diagram demoing inclusion of the 'creating a new client record ' scenario:

Making a new client record

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;


& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;


Telephone figure



A instance diagram demoing inclusion of the 'printing studies ' scenario:

Shop name


Printing studies

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;

Entire Stocks in store

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;

Entire Items bought

Entire payment received

Customer inside informations

& lt ; & lt ; INCLUDE & gt ; & gt ;

Stock inside informations

5.2.2 Class diagram

Class diagram expresses the categories of object found in the system




Stationary store

The category automated stationary store consists of a figure of constituents. This is a particular type of relationship called an collection.


First name: character

Surname: Fictional character

Address: Fictional character

Telephone figure: twine

Add ( )

Update ( )

Delete ( )


Merchandise ID: twine

Merchandise name: character

Merchandise size: twine

Monetary value: whole number

Add ( )

Update ( )

Delete ( )

5.2.3Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram demo how objects in the system will interact with each other


A typical sequence for a client registering in the system

Retrieve Orders

Draft Reports

In the diagram the client is the histrion. The user would bespeak to be registry with the store

5.3.4 Collaboration diagram

Collaboration diagrams show how the elements of the system being developed collaborate or work together to accomplish the system intent.

The diagram below show a typical coaction diagram that show the measure a staff demand to take to log in the store application

Stairss taken to plan the system

Step1: Identify the categories to be designed.

Start from the demands and specifications. Look for what seem like the `` objects '' that the user and/or the plan must work with.

For illustration, in Internet Chess, the game board, the pieces, the history list, the connexion to the other computing machine, the confab messages, etc.

Step2: Identify the public methods of each category.

What do the users, or the plan, need to make with the objects identified in measure 1?

For illustration, what do we make with the cheat board? We make a move, or take back a move, or find if a proposed move is legal.

6.0 Task 6

In no more than 500 words write a reappraisal of your work. Describe any premises you have made, any failings in your work and any alterations you could present to better your work. For the different methods and techniques you have used or described in tasks 1-5, suggest which methods would be appropriate for different scheduling linguistic communications.

6.1 Reappraisal

6.1. 1Task 1:

The JSP ( Jackson structured Programming ) technique has been used to analyse the demands of the studies. This is because JSP is a method for plan development, which starts from informations watercourses to make a plan. The JSP methodological analysis prescribes a rigorous scheme that should be followed in the plan creative activity.

6.1.2 Undertaking 2:

Pseudocode and Flowchart: A pseudocode is easy understood while Flow charts are applied to formulize graphical representation of the plan logic sequence of the studies created in undertaking 1.Assuming that study generated each Month.

6.1.3 Undertaking 3:

Pseudocode and flow chart: Pseudocode is used peculiarly because it is a elaborate yet clear description of what a computing machine plan or algorithm must make. Assuming that Sales-Staff, and Manager would hold different character and watchword. It has been assumed that Username would be displayed in a jazz band box, where user would hold to choose appropriate Username, and so type their watchword.

Test plans, desks and dry tallies: Trial programs, dry tallies and desk cheques are used to counteract the pseudocode and flowchart done for the chief bill of fare.

6.1.4 Task 4

Undertaking 4 consists of adverting the different option available that would enable the system to cover with hard currency clients and how to promote them to register their inside informations.

6.1.5 Task 5

UML stands for `` Unified Modeling Language. '' This is a programming linguistic communication that is used for object-oriented package development. To form plan codification more expeditiously, coders frequently create `` objects '' that are sets of structured informations within plans. UML, which has been standardized by the Object Management Group ( OMG ) , was designed for this intent. The linguistic communication has gained adequate support that it has become a standard linguistic communication for visualising and building package plans.

e.g. - Class diagram

- Object Oriented

6.2 Premises made:

In mention to task 2 for study 2, the value 100 is taken for stock as an array is considered.

6.3 Weakness in my work:

Alternatively of utilizing JSP techniques and methodological analysis to analyze the demand for studies we could merely utilize object-oriented ( 00 ) methods straight.

6.4 Improvement:

For the undertaking 3, flow charts should hold been asked to make at the first topographic point as it is simpler to understand.

6.5 Method appropriate for different scheduling linguistic communications

In my point of position, UML is the most suited method as the category diagrams describes the inactive construction of the system. Use instance diagrams model the functionality of the system utilizing histrions and usage instances. Activity diagrams illustrate the dynamic nature of a system by the flow of control from activity to activity.

Advantages of UML

We are able to visualize platform artefacts while forestalling the demand for an excess degree of transmutation.

UML profiles provide a simple attack that is easy implemented utilizing readily bing UML tooling.

Models with UML profiles applied can be read by all UML tools, it is user-friendly.

UML can be used for high-ranking architectural theoretical accounts and elaborate theoretical accounts from which codification can be generated.



Updated: May 19, 2021
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Design Of A Computerized Stock Control System Computer Science Essay essay
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