Design and development to eliminate piston bore oversize

Categories: Search Engines

In day to day life modern vehicle with petrol engines provided with different compensating device for fuel and air mixture supply. Even there is a high fuel consumption for many of the vital role plays fuel consumption is the manufacturing defect of carburetor. Actual size of the piston bore would be 30,000 microns. Due to the use of multipoint tool dimension changes increase or reduce by 30 microns. The project is about completely eliminating or reducing the piston bore over size problem which occur while using multipoint cutting tool this can be done by introducing single point cutting tool.

By doing this we can eliminate piston bore bulge in boring machine process.


Most of the modern vehicles make use of a carburetor that is used for blending accurate amount of vaporized fuel with air so that the internal combustion engine works efficiently. The function of the fuel system is to store and supply fuel to the cylinder chamber where it can

Be mixed with air, vaporized, and burned to produce energy.

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The fuel, which can be either gasoline or diesel is stored in a fuel tank. A fuel pump draws the fuel from the tank through fuel lines and delivers it through a fuel filter to either a carburetors or fuel injector, then delivered to the cylinder chamber for combustion.

UCAL FUEL SYSTEMS LTD. (UFSL) was established in 1985 by Carburetors Limited, pioneers In India in the manufacturing of carburetors and mechanical fuel pumps. In 1987 UCAL entered into a joint venture with Mikuni Corporation of Japan, an internationally renowned company for Fuel Management System and products.

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UCAL became public limited in 1989.In generally carburetors have fuel and air mixing device offered a suitable air and fuel mixture for operated in fuel engine.

Carburetors are the air and fuel mixture in flow induced pressure drop forces a fuel flow through the air stream. In air fuel ratio for an ideal carburetor would provide mixture into engine over its range of operating has been main objective of achieving the air and fuel ratio to evaluate the possibility of finer control of carburetors to during transient conditions that involves in sudden variations in the physical conditions inside the intake manifold due to fast throttle opening and closing to the boring side.

In Boring process produce the circular internal profile to on a hole made by drilling process or another process. After boring to go with the surface finished to made by the special purpose boring machine. In this machine normally they are operated multipoint tool. There was a problem made carburetors to piston size over sizing to the boring operation.

There is single point tool is called boring boring bar can be rotated or job is rotated. Even there is Machine tools which rotate the boring bar against a stationary work piece are called boring machines.

The main goal of this paper is to find the factor for assessing reducing waste of carburetors. So we prepare questionnaire based on literature reviews and knowledge from industrial experts. The main part of this project is finding factors, for that we discuss with the industrial experts, literature reviews and decision makers of a corresponding industry.

The project is about completely eliminating or reducing the piston bore over size problem which occur while using multipoint cutting tool this can be done by introducing single point cutting tool. By doing this we can eliminate piston bore bulge in boring machine process.

Relevant Literature

Relevant literature is sorted into two sub-sections namely (a) Boring tool having an adjustable cutter element (1995) (b) Method and apparatus for measuring concentricity (1973) (c) Piston type throttle valve carburetor (1978)

(a) Boring tool having an adjustable cutter element:

Raymond A. Stephens (1995) evaluated the selecting performance indicators for small and medium sized boring tool: A boring tool is equipped with a radially adjustable clutter element, and a remotely-operated mechanism for adjusting the cutter element between its active and inactive positions. During movement of the tool into a hole in a work piece the adjustable cutter element is inactive; the cutting operation is performed by one or more non-adjustable cutter elements. When the tool holder reaches the limit of its penetration into the work piece the remote adjusting mechanism is operated to move the adjustable cutter element radially outwardly to an active cutting position. During return movement of the holder out of the work piece the adjustable cutter element performs a finish machining operation on the hole surface.

(b) Method and apparatus for measuring concentricity:

Mitsuru Egawa and Masahiro Akahane & Tomohiro Sanada(1973)evaluated This paper explains the apparatus for measuring and recording the concentricity of a cylindrical work piece relative to a reference axis comprising steps of setting the work piece on a measuring table, measuring predetermined reference circumferences of the work piece so as to obtain from the measured values a correction value for correcting the inclination between the rotation axis of the measuring apparatus and the reference axis of the work piece, subsequently measuring a predetermined circumference of the work piece to be evaluated, and in accordance with the measured value thus obtained and said correction value, effecting measurement of the concentricity of both axes.

(c) Piston type throttle valve carburetor:

Shogo Hashimoto and Yoshimatshu Hashiba(1978) evaluated This invention relates to an improved piston type throttle valve carburettor with a large air inlet port used for high power internal combustion engines.

The piston type throttle valve carburettor is constructed such that a needle valve is fixed facing the throttle, whereby the fuel supply is increased by opening the throttle valve, that is, by increasing air intake, and the fuel supply for the full load operation is defined by the cross-sectional area of the main jet.

Therefore, in the piston type throttle valve carburettor

for high power internal combustion engines, the clearance between the jet needle and the metering section of the needle jet must be kept extremely small when the throttle is opened only slightly, that is, when the engine is operated under light load. This means that extreme accuracy is required in machining and assembling of the jet needle, needle jet, throttle valve body supporting the needle jet as well as the carburettor body supporting the needle jet. Otherwise, it is impossible to maintain supply of the fuel-air mixture of the proper mixture ratio required for the light load operation. Further, the extremely small clearance between the jet needle and the metering section of the needle valve impairs the effect of the air bleeding and thus impairs the fuel-vaporizing performance of the carburettor.

This invention is intended to provide an improved piston type throttle valve carburettor for high power internal combustion engines, which is able to supply properly mixed fuel-air mixture in the light load operation without keeping the clearance between the jet needle and the needle jet extremely small, and thus fully utilizes the effect of the air bleeding, that is, a carburettor such as is able to supply properly mixed fuel-air mixture over the full range of operation and can be manufactured with the accuracy, in machining and assembling jet needle, needle jet, and other related parts, of the same level as that in manufacturing small size carburettors.


In machining process of carburettor boring plays a main role. In this we found that due to the use of multipoint cutting tool occurrence of the defect has a high probability. Due to this the quality of the product decreases. Usually the defect in the piston bore will be on or around 30 we decided to use single point cutting tool which reduced this defect so that we can improve the product quality.


production process:

Daily production plan made by various departments finally reaches this department and will execute the plan. As the condition and availability of workers are known by this department cycle time and the number of workers are planned here. Supervisors are allotted for all the lines (4 wheeler, 3 wheeler, 2wheeler and ASV). Monitoring of production is done here.


Boring machine is used to boring holes in large and small diameter of the heavy parts, such as steam engine cylinders ,machine housing. There are well aware of impossible to holding and rotate in an special purpose machine and fine boring machine. By using the simple attachments boring machine can be used for facing turning , grinding , gear cutting . It can be horizontal or vertical according to the oriental axis of rotation of the machine spindle.


In there is the special purpose machine has Specification declare the lot of purpose to Item code no with different aspects.(boring range, boring capacity, boring area, height,approx. Weight·.etc)

  • ITEM CODE NO ABM - AM-1250 ABM - AM-1251
  • BORING RANGE 64 - 140mm 63 - 100 mm
  • BORING CAPACITY 39 - 200mm 38 - 150mm
  • MAXIMUM BORING DEPTH 500mm 300mm
  • SPINDLE SPEED RANGE 172 - 205 - 258 - 280 - 308 - 420 RPM 500 - 400 step less
  • SURFACE TABLE 1075 ? 400 mm 300 - 700 mm
  • HEIGHT 2400 mm 1780 mm
  • WEIGHT (APPROX) 2220 Kgs(approx) 1000 Kgs (approx)
  • BASE AREA 1650 ? 1400 mm 1200 ? 920 mm


In this modelling we created the 3d model of the cutting tool in single point tool by using solid works version 2016.In this software we used to created modelling in comment line, extrude, trim·..etc.


Carbides and ceramics:

Carbide, ceramics has to be equal combination of cubic boron, nitride and diamond, having high hardness than High speed steel allow the faster material removal than High speed steel in most of the cases. These materials are more expensive compare brittle than steel, then the body of the cutting tool is made up of steel, and a small cutting edge to made of the hard material has attached. In this cutting edge is usually clamped on brazed on to a steel is this is usually only done for carbide.

Tool materials:

In tool materials order to remove burr from a job, in a cutting tool can be harder than the job piece and must contain a cutting edge at the high operating temperature produced by the friction in cutting action.

Carbon steel:

Steel with a carbon content range from 1 to 1.2 % was the material used in boring bar. Tools made up these carbon steel are comparatively high expensive, it tend to be lose machining ability at temperatures at about 205° C.

Multipoint cutting tool:

It contains more than two main cutting edges that similarly engage in cutting action in a pass. Even though, cutters with two cutting edges are also considered multi-point cutting tools instead of considered as a double point cutter. There is number of cutting edges present in a multi-point cutting edge may varying from few hundreds. The cutting edge appears in the intersection of rake and flank surface, set of rake surface and flank surface also exists for each cutting point.

Single point cutting tool :Single point cutting tool have one main cutting edge. It can perform material removal process at a time in one single move. In this tool has to be pitch circle diameter of piston bore have the tool selection in accurate way of process.


We have testing in special purpose boring machine to eliminate the piston bore oversize by using single point tool. Already used in this machine tool has multipoint tool. Due to the use of multipoint tool dimension changes increase or reduce by 30 microns. We analyse and change the tool for surface finishing to using single point tool.


Before Status:

Piston bore getting bulge up to out specification 30 micron

After status:

Piston bore no bulging from tool selection changed (multi point cutting to single point cutting PCD) The factor analyse for machining process are assessed by using elimination and choice translating technique. Here we have eliminating piston bore over size bulging from per month 176nos to still 0. Instead of multipoint tool we have changing single point tool cost saving upto cpc -1.33 to 0.046 Rs

Cost estimation:

  • cost estimation = TOOL COSTAMOUNT OF QUANTITY Tool cost = Rs.7980 (approx.)
  • Quantity produced in one shift= 1000 nos In one day we are operating machine for 3 shifts = 3000nos
  • In every two days has changing tool to eliminate the piston bore over size
  • 2 days (Quantity of carburetor) = 2 ? 3000 = 6000 nosCost estimation =79806000 = 1.33 Rs (approx.)
  • In this single point tool has another major advantages has tool changing time should be saved 6000nos to 30,000nos once (approx.)


From this study, we have observed that the effect of the mentioned factors placed an important role in UCAL fuel system industry. Where industry are looking for few methods and innovative techniques (KAIZEN) to improve itself. The conclusion of this project is that the in company used for boring tool can be assessed to be multipoint tool. In we have adopt the situation to eliminate the piston bore over size for using single point tool. The purpose of changing the tool has good surface finish inside the carburetor. Finally we implemented this method in the corresponding industry, the results of machining experiments indicated that the proposed to be effective and good efficiency prospect.


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  • Stephens, R. A. (1995). U.S. Patent No. 5,427,480. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
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Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Design and development to eliminate piston bore oversize essay
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