Defining 'strengths' Or Endurance Test

Categories: Strengths

Basics Explanations of Strength

Different explanations with various sources provide us a broad definition about "strength", however, we have never realized that strength is what defined us and make us unique. Somehow, we think we know ourselves very well, but then, we have never understood deeply the great significance of our personalities. Personally, I someway know that I always make sure to obtain a clear path for my future, nevertheless, I was not be able to acknowledge that "focus "is my number one strength.

Gallup's test helps me to understand myself better which the results of my top five strengths came out as focus, strategic, learner, responsibility, and includer.

Effectiveness of Strength Test

Taking the test helped me to comprehend myself better, to know my strengths deeper, and to be able to arrange my thoughts for my future. Additionally, I can see that my strengths are my tools that will help me in my academics and non-academics life. My ability to explore, examine, and insist to find answers will be valuable to my career which might help me to achieve my ambition and succeed.

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Moreover, I am more confident that my strengths will increase my capabilities after my college's life to be able to solve any concerns that will make me more qualified for work success.

Strength and Confidence

Knowing my strengths will support my confidence and to continue my academic studies beyond college life which will let me evaluate and achieve my future goals and dreams. I may utilize my strategic strength in my future by evaluating any concerns, so that I may find the best possible solutions.

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I am sure that being responsible will help me to commit and to get work done in the right direction.

When I think about the past and remember the first day that I started working here in United States I laugh. If I knew back then that includer is one of my top five strengths, I would have acted differently. Coming to a different country and combine yourself with a different culture and languages was not an easy process. I still remember that day where I was so anxious and overanalyzed how I was supposed to break the ice with my coworker. Being includer that what makes me unique and helps me to cross that obstacles and become who I am today. If I knew that day this about myself, I could have trusted myself more and build the trust with my coworkers faster.

Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Defining 'strengths' Or Endurance Test. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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