An Exploration of Relationships in D.H. Lawrence's "In Tickets"

Categories: Law

D.H. Lawrence's short story "Tickets Please" provides a nuanced portrayal of the intricate relationships between the main characters, John Thomas and Annie, against the backdrop of a tramway system in wartime England. Annie, characterized by her confident and assertive nature, works among a select group of girls specifically chosen for their assertiveness and no-nonsense attitude toward men. This distinct trait significantly shapes her relationship dynamics with John Thomas.

Attraction and Dynamics

Throughout the narrative, Lawrence subtly delineates the growing attraction between Annie and John Thomas.

The author employs delicate nuances to illustrate their mutual interest. For instance, on page eighty-three, Annie's acute observation of John Thomas's subtle facial expressions hints at her deep-seated curiosity in him. Her ability to discern his emotions based on minute movements implies a keen interest, suggesting a connection that transcends mere superficial interactions.

Beyond Annie's perceptive observations, the dynamic between the two is marked by a tension between closeness and distance. Despite Annie's efforts to maintain a certain distance from John Thomas, his persistent attempts to win her affections, including pursuing other women after her rejection, manifest a resilient and unwavering interest in her.

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This persistent pursuit implies an underlying magnetic attraction between them that goes beyond initial impressions.

Interactions and Understanding

Lawrence expertly navigates the intricacies of their interactions, highlighting the familiarity and unspoken understanding shared by Annie and John Thomas. Their flirtatious exchanges, depicted as a "subtle antagonism," reflect a level of intimacy akin to that of long-time companions. This dynamic showcases a profound level of insight and comfort in their relationship, resembling the familiarity and camaraderie of a well-established partnership.

An episode that elucidates John Thomas's response to Annie's presence unfolds during their encounter at the fair on page eighty-four.

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John Thomas's actions, characterized by pulling Annie closer in a tender and affectionate manner while maintaining discretion, signify a notable shift in their relationship dynamics. These gestures symbolize a transition from mere friendship to a more intimate and emotionally invested connection, signifying a transformation in their bond.

In parallel, Annie's response to John Thomas's advances underscores an inner conflict within herself. Her endeavor to rationalize John Thomas's behavior by emphasizing his discretion indicates a struggle within her. This conflict suggests her gradual detachment from her existing relationship, signaling an increasing involvement in John Thomas's pursuit, thereby portraying the intricate interplay of emotions.

Consequences and Reflections

The narrative reaches its apex as Annie seeks retribution against John Thomas for his rejection. Her discreet instigation of other girls against him reveals her inner turmoil and desire for vengeance. However, the unexpected turn of events, culminating in John Thomas's choice of Annie despite being humiliated by the other girls, leaves her torn and repulsed.

Amidst John Thomas's humiliation, Annie grapples with a dawning realization of the repercussions of her actions. The recognition of having betrayed her boyfriend and escalated revenge induces a sense of horror and humiliation within her. The story's denouement not only highlights John Thomas's humiliation but also mirrors Annie's inner turmoil and awakening to the moral consequences of her decisions.


D.H. Lawrence intricately weaves a tapestry of complex relationships, illuminating the nuances of attraction, understanding, and the profound impact of impulsive actions within relationships. Through the characters of Annie and John Thomas, "Tickets Please" prompts introspection into the intricacies of human emotions and the profound reverberations of impulsive choices within the realm of intimate connections.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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An Exploration of Relationships in D.H. Lawrence's "In Tickets". (2016, Jul 02). Retrieved from

An Exploration of Relationships in D.H. Lawrence's "In Tickets" essay
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