Cyp 3.7 Task 2.1

The 5 Positive Outcomes from Every Child Matters 2003 TASK 2. 2. 1 ENJOY AND ACHIEVE Children and Young People attend and enjoy school. Achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation. We Ensure children enjoy learning and achieve to their full potential, by allowing children to challenge, be creative, explore and problem solve. We ensure children have freedom of choice and follow their interests. ACHIEVE ECONOMIC WELL BEING Children and Young People live in decent homes and sustainable communities, live in households free from low income, engage in further education, employment or training on leaving school.

We ensure that children develop skills needed to experience an acceptable standard of living and reach their full potential. MAKE A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION Children and Young People engage in decision making and support the community and environment, engage in law-abiding behaviour/activity and promote positive behaviour in and out of school. They develop positive relationships and choose not to bully or discriminate. The ethos of our setting is one where the children feel valued and encouraged to explore their own identity and decision making.

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The 5 positive outcomes for children and young people that practitioners should be striving to achieve under the framework of Every Child Matters. STAY SAFE Children and Young People are safe from Maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation. Children and Young People are safe from accidental injury and death, bullying and discrimination, have security, stability and be cared for. Families to provide safe homes and stability for children In our setting we protect children from accidents in school and outings.

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We also build awareness around bullying and discrimination. BE HEALTHY

Children and Young People are physically healthy, mentally and emotionally and live a Healthy lifestyle. We encourage children by educating on healthy diets and lifestyle by using the pre-schools policy on healthy eating. We also ensure that physical exercise is part of our curriculum. TASK 2. 3 AND 2. 4 When supporting children we should keep in mind the child and young people’s needs, abilities to make personal choices according to their ages. We can do this by * listening to the children, * allowing them to express their ideas and opinions * support their choices/decisions praising the children for attempting a task * encourage children to recognise their own achievement * boost their self-esteem * Helping children with special needs by using Makaton, flash cards, etc. * breaking barriers of children with English as a second language When setting an activity we need to consider the age of the child and their preferences. For example a jigsaw puzzle with eight pieces for an 8 year old would be unsuitable as this task would be very easy and boring. However asking them to design a play area or set up an activity would be exciting and encouraging.

Our setting is stimulating and encourages exploration. The environment of our setting makes the children feel positive about themselves, their families and visitors. We have the responsibility to make children think positively about society and challenge negative images. We also make sure our activities are attractively laid out and are accessible for all such as a child on a wheelchair. The active participation of children and young people in decision affecting their lives is important as they gain confidence, feel valued and improve their skills when they are able to do things by and for themselves.

When we work with children we try and avoid doing things that they can do for themselves but help and encourage them. For example a child might not be able to feed themselves but would like to hold the spoon and try or a child wanting to zip their jacket but not be able to co-ordinate in closing the jacket. When we encourage children to join activities, it is essential that we communicate at a level appropriate to their age and stage of development. Children having a say/being involved in what happens in their setting would improve their social and emotional development as they are making decisions and the ability to make choices.

If a child feels confident making choices he or she will grow into an independent adult who will take the initiative. For example when planting seeds/flowers we can let the children decide what flowers they would like maybe go and buy them together and where they may plant it in the setting. Another activity such as making cupcakes will give the children the choice to choose what topping they want such as icing, sprinkle/chocolate or fruits. TASK 2, 2. 2 Designing services around the needs of young children and young people are important as our setting would set the foundation of trust between the teachers and children.

We will work effectively with the children and learn about their needs. We will adapt our practice, activities and routines to meet their needs. services are designed for helping children and young people to build skills, confidence, and positive attitudes towards learning at as we wall learn at different steps, have different needs, interest and personalities. Some of the services we provide are such as breakfast/afterschool club, SENCO, learning support assistant, toy library, coffee morning and Sure start. TOY LIBRARY * Can be accessed during and after school We offer a wide range of toys, games, puzzles, soft toys, musical instruments, construction, books, DVD and more resources to loan for up to 2 weeks. * Additional needs resources such as large print books, tactile soft toys, easy to handle puzzles and musical instruments. * We offer advice and have equipment available to increase learning for children. SENCO-(SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS CO-ORDINATOR) * To break barriers of children’s development and learning through observations and assessments of children’s needs. * Listen to what children have to say and encourage them to express their wishes. Involve parents and children in implementing an Individual Education Plan (IEP). * To work with parents by supporting them according to the Childs need, listen to what they say and provide information/support to overcome barriers. * Insure relevant background information of individual children with special needs is collected, recorded and updated. * Liaise with external agencies such as health and social services who may already be involved with individual children. * To monitor and review provisions for children with SEN. BREAKFAST/AFTERSCHOOL CLUB Parents can bring their child and know that they will be safe. Can drop them and collect them after their work. * Can have a healthy breakfast to increase their concentration. * Provide indoor and outdoor activities such as cooking, choir lessons. * Extra support with homework SURESTART CHILDRENS CENTRE * Provides access to family support and advice on nurturing, health service and early learning * Provides affordable childcare * Improves children’s life opportunities by working with parents/carers. * Free information on children services

Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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