concept of sustainability

The earth is my home, I promise to keep it" A song by kids in order to save the earth as it is only the planet to have life. Over the last decades, the use of predominant resources has been increased due to growing global population, the improvement of economies and a new lifestyle which is changing the habits of populations. As a result, the sustainable use of resources is becoming compulsory for the development of current economies in a applicable way, in order to maintain a clean and nurtured environment for long time.

The lectures of this course have revealed that to truly develop an understanding of ethical, socially responsible and sustainable business practices, but all of these we must look at ourselves that how much we are absorbing earth. Estimating your business utilizing the Triple Bottom Line(TBL) is outstanding amongst other markers of how maintainable your business is, and how gainful it truly is.

The triple main concern (or generally noted as TBL or 3BL) is a bookkeeping system with three sections: social, natural( or environmental) and money related.

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A few associations have received the TBL system to assess their execution in a more extensive point of view to make more noteworthy business esteem.(INVESTOPEDIA, n.d)

The social main concern estimates succeed in business in human capital, including your situation inside your nearby community. Similarly, controlling your environmental main concern implies controlling, observing and announcing your utilization on waste and emanations. This is regularly crafted by your EHS division, however most practical plans of action likewise make green approaches far reaching esteems over all dimensions of the board.

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Nonetheless, the business that fortifies the economy is a piece of one that will keep on overcoming, since it adds to the by and large monetary strength to the groups of people and network by encouraging them. Obviously, a business should know about its regular benefits too.

After watching the video of Annie Leonard's "The story of stuff", I found it as an evidence look at the underside of our mass production and consumptions figures. It reveals the connections between a massive number of environmental and public issues and calls us together to create a more sustainable planet. It appealed to my visual learning preferences. It also reminds us how the whole stuff system functions: removal, production, distribution, consumption and destruction. The pitch point about this video is "We are running out of means and capital". I have same opinion with this. The reason is simply due to reality that we're consuming too much material that are not necessary. I don't surprise with few facts that mentioned by her such as 80% of the planet's native forests are gone, losing 2000 trees a minute in Amazon. Another funny example is that she says Toxic in the pillow too. I strongly do not believe in it. I think she tries to manipulate us. The key point that she wants to bring out is, "we consume too much". We only use over what we suppose to use and we're encourages to do that to keep hold on the material flowing. How many of you recycle your stuff when you want to throw them? even you want too, not all stuff can be reprocessed.

Looking at another key area, 'my global footprint' where I performed the task online, I was surprised, but not shocked to see that my footprint was quiet less than my class members, 2.7 earths. My result is mainly due to my consumption of processed food, excessive use of electricity, water and travel. I considered that it probably doesn't matter how many times i turned the lights off before bed ,use a power strip: there is still other steps to reduce my footprint. We must take baby steps to save our earth.

In many ways operating business firms have come to rule our world. But can these rulers be merciful while still achieving their trading goals? Can they be both sustainable and sustaining? Andrew Griffiths asks.

I considered a business, Coca-cola company, which is creating substantial stalks in narrowing down to three most important environmental goals. These include water preservation, energy and climate protection with sustainable packaging. What about the recycle, exhaustion of water, power, bottles, etc. Accordingly, Coca-cola is actively involved in community circle recycling programs, use of systematized energies in production and supplies and eco-friendly packaging designs.

After considering the phase model proposed by Dexter Dunphy, (Dunphy, Griffiths and Benn,2003) and after surfing to the notes it seems that the first two phases of his scale rejection and non- responsiveness were non- survival models. Therefore I am more interested in finding more about the last phase "The sustaining corporation".

Building corporate sustainability can guide to sustained long-lived execution. It requires the combination of two alternative approaches i.e. human and ecological. It states that these two issues merges within corporations, create a strong drive towards sustained long-term execution. There are few companies to that embody this deal, but they have not always been able to enable the advances they have create. Nevertheless, I got to know that these companies implement sustainability practices in a range of actions. In the process, these companies assemble the capacity of workforce and contribute to ecological and community reformation.

In the nutshell, sustainability is becoming a larger part of corporate life. In future, private companies and organisations are taking the lead on developing a more sustainable surf industry.

Updated: Jul 20, 2021

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