Cold War: Question and Answers

Categories: Cold War
  1. The “iron curtain” was a dividing line because it was dividing Eastern and Western Europe. Western Europe had more of a democratic form of government where as Eastern Europe was ruled by the Soviet Union.
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  2. The policy President Truman is suggesting in his speech to Congress is the Truman Doctrine. The Truman Doctrine is a policy that stated that the United States would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling into the Soviet Sphere.

    This policy gave $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey.

  3. The Secretary of State Marshall suggested this plan(the Marshall Plan) for European recovery so if Europe would come into economic, social, and political damage it would also affect the United States very negatively also. The Secretary of State wanted to avoid those negative affects on the United States. He wanted to avoid the negative effect the European situation would have on the United States economy.
  4. The purpose of NATO is to protect North American countries and ten Western European countries from attack by the USSR.
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    The North Atlantic Treaty stated that any and all attacks made against any member of NATO would be considered an attack against them all. Its basic goal waste increase the stability and defense of its member countries.

  5. The “satellites” help provide a buffer for the Soviet Union because they can track which invader is coming toward their border or see if any bombs are heading towards the Soviet Union. The “satellites” also act as a buffer but protecting the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union won’t care about these other countries that will get caught up in war and social and economic upheaval.
  6. Khrushchev’s view of U.S. actions are that moves made by the United States such as the “anti-communism” movement was used to cover up statements of one power for world domination. The U.S. wanted to have a secure, dominant world power in the capitalist world. In document sic Khrushchev states that the fight for capitalism will lead to another world war.
  7. The impact the “arms race” had on the world was countries racing for nuclear weapons/WMD which led to a “balance of terror.” A lot feared use of these weapons and saw this as a deterrent to war.
  8. The basis for President Kennedy’s demand that the missiles be removed from Cuba was that it threatened the peace and security of the United States, Kennedy wanted to stop any chance the missiles could be used against America for any reason. He saw it as a threat to world peace.
  9. Krushchev explains that the missiles were placed in Cuba for defensive reasons and to stop any aggression against Cuba. He now explains the missiles could now be removed because there is no chance that Cuba will be attacked by any country in the Western Hemisphere

Essay: How did the Cold War begin and what “weapons” were used to fight this war?

How the Cold War Began

The Cold War began at the end of World War II. The Cold War was the conflict between the Communist Nations led by the Soviet Union and the Democratic Nations led by the United States. The entire purpose behind the Cold War was to stop the spread of communism which the United States was against. Communism was thought to corrupt and cripple the entire world. They fought by propaganda, economic war, and constant military clashes. The Cold War started September 3rd 1945 and ended in 1989.

When the “Iron Curtain” came down in Eastern Europe, as Winston Churchill stated in his speech on March 5th, 1946 as shown in document one, that was when the Cold War began. The Soviet Union made many countries into “Soviet satellites”. A satellite nation is a nation that is effectively dominated by another. The Soviet satellite nations were: Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Soviet Union, East Germany, and Czech. The Untied States wanted for all the European countries to have the freedom to pick their own governments. The war between the two nations escalated quickly when the Soviet Union successfully developed their own atomic bomb. It became a " war of words“, the words was “weapons”. No active shooting was done and no actual weapons were used. It was basically Democratic nations against Communist Nations, a war of words on who had atomic bombs to use against other nations.

Role of President Truman in Cold War

As stated in document two President Truman believed it was the Untied States duty to support those who are resisting attempted domination. He believed if communism was forced on Turkey or Greece by the Soviet Union, it will have effects that are far reaching to the West. The policy President Truman is suggesting in his speech to Congress on March 12th, 1947 is the Truman Doctrine. The Truman Doctrine is a policy that stated that the United States would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling into the Soviet Sphere. This policy gave $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey.

Secretary of State Marshall gave a speech on June 5th, 1947 explaining his plan for European recovery as expressed in document three. The plan he was suggesting was the Marshall Plan. The Secretary of State Marshall suggested this plan(the Marshall Plan) for European recovery so if Europe would come into economic, social, and political damage it would also affect the United States very negatively too. The Secretary of State wanted to avoid those negative effects on the United States. He wanted to avoid the negative effect the European situation would have on the United States economy. It’s presented in both documents two and three that President Truman and Secretary of State Marshall had the best interest of the United States and other nations against communism at heart with both their policies.

As presented on document four NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty. It was signed by the United States, Canada, and ten other nations of Western Europe in 1948. The purpose of NATO was to protect North American countries and those ten Western European countries from attack by the USSR. The North Atlantic Treaty stated that any and all attacks made against any member of NATO would be considered an attack against them all. Its basic goal was to increase the stability and defense of its member countries. NATO was basically an intergovernmental military alliance against the Soviet Union and what they stood for which was communism. NATO constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its members state to agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party(any communist nation).


In conclusion, the Cold War began because fear of the spread of communism that the United States and West Europe had hated. This prevented chances of negotiations and friendly approach in diplomacy and foreign policy. Another reason on how the Cold War began was grouping of world nations in rival alliances such as NATO and the Warsaw Pact members. The Warsaw Pact members were German Democratic Republic, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and the Soviet Union as shown in document five. The piling up of atomic weapons and picking either the democratic side or the communist side generated suspicion in one another.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Cold War: Question and Answers essay
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